Versión de SDK para Android
AppGroupPrivacySpecifies the privacy of a group.
WebviewHeightRatioThe display height ratio of the webview when shown in the Messenger app.
BuilderBuilder class for a concrete instance of AppGroupCreationContent
AppGroupCreationContentDescribes the content that will be displayed by the AppGroupCreationDialog
BuilderBuilder for the com.facebook.share.model.CameraEffectArguments class.
CameraEffectArgumentsThis class represents a set of Arguments that are used to configure an Effect in the Camera.
BuilderBuilder for the com.facebook.share.model.CameraEffectTextures class.
CameraEffectTexturesThis class represents the textures that are used by an Effect in the Camera.
BuilderBuilder class for a concrete instance of GameRequestContent
GameRequestContentDescribes the content that will be displayed by the GameRequestDialog
BuilderBuilder for the ShareCameraEffectContent interface.
ShareCameraEffectContentDescribes the Camera Effect to be shared.
BuilderAbstract builder for com.facebook.share.model.ShareContent
ShareContentProvides the base class for content to be shared.
BuilderBuilder for the com.facebook.share.model.ShareHashtag class.
ShareHashtagDescribes a hashtag for sharing.
BuilderBuilder for the ShareLinkContent interface.
ShareLinkContentDescribes link content to be shared.
BuilderBuilder for the {@link com.facebook.share.model.ShareMedia} class.
ShareMediaBase class for shared media (photos, videos, etc).
BuilderBuilder for the SharePhotoContent interface.
BuilderAbstract builder for com.facebook.share.model.ShareMessengerActionButton
ShareMessengerActionButtonThe base class for Messenger share action buttons.
BuilderBuilder class for ShareMessengerURLActionButton class.
ShareMessengerURLActionButtonProvides a data model class for a Messenger share URL action button.
BuilderBuilder for the com.facebook.share.model.SharePhoto class.
SharePhotoDescribes a photo for sharing.
BuilderBuilder for the SharePhotoContent interface.
SharePhotoContentDescribes photo content to be shared.
BuilderBuilder for the ShareStoryContent.
ShareStoryContentDescribes content (video, photo, sticker) to be shared into story.
BuilderBuilder for the com.facebook.share.model.ShareVideo class.
ShareVideoDescribes a video for sharing.
BuilderBuilder for the com.facebook.share.model.ShareVideoContent interface.
ShareVideoContentProvides the interface for video content to be shared.
ShareModelBase interface for share models.
ShareModelBuilderInterface for builders related to sharing.