Android SDK Version
- Mutable
- CollectionMapper
- AppCall
- CustomTab
- CustomTabUtils
- DialogFeature
- DialogPresenter
- FacebookDialogBase
- FacebookDialogFragment
- GamingAction
- FacebookWebFallbackDialog
- FragmentWrapper
- InstagramCustomTab
- PlatformServiceClient
- WebDialog
- AnalyticsEvents
- AttributionIdentifiers
- BoltsMeasurementEventListener
- BundleJSONConverter
- CallbackManagerImpl
- FacebookInitProvider
- FacebookRequestErrorClassification
- FacebookSignatureValidator
- FeatureManager
- FetchedAppGateKeepersManager
- FetchedAppSettings
- FetchedAppSettingsManager
- FileLruCache
- ImageDownloader
- ImageRequest
- ImageResponse
- ImageResponseCache
- InstallReferrerUtil
- InternalSettings
- LockOnGetVariable
- Logger
- NativeAppCallAttachmentStore
- NativeProtocol
- ServerProtocol
- SmartLoginOption
- UrlRedirectCache
- Utility
- Validate
- WorkQueue
- MessageDialog
- SendButton
- ShareButton
- ShareButtonBase
- GameRequestDialog
- ShareDialog
- MessageDialogFeature
- VideoUploader
- GameRequestValidation
- CameraEffectFeature
- CameraEffectJSONUtility
- LegacyNativeDialogParameters
- NativeDialogParameters
- ResultProcessor
- ShareConstants
- ShareContentValidation
- ShareDialogFeature
- ShareFeedContent
- ShareInternalUtility
- ShareStoryFeature
- WebDialogParameters
- ShareApi
- ShareBuilder
- Sharer
- Share
- ShareToMessengerParamsBuilder
- Messenger
- MessengerThreadParams
- MessengerUtils
- ShareToMessengerParams
- FacebookAppLinkResolver
- AppLinkData
- AppLinks
- AggregateException
- AppLink
- AppLinkResolver
- AppLinks
- CancellationToken
- CancellationTokenRegistration
- CancellationTokenSource
- Continuation
- ExecutorException
- Task
- TaskCompletionSource
- UnobservedTaskException
- AccessTokenTracker
- AuthenticationTokenTracker
- CustomTabActivity
- CustomTabMainActivity
- FacebookActivity
- FacebookAuthorizationException
- FacebookButtonBase
- FacebookCallback
- FacebookDialog
- FacebookDialogException
- LoginStatusCallback
- WebDialog
- AccessToken
- AccessTokenManager
- AccessTokenSource
- AuthenticationToken
- AuthenticationTokenCache
- AuthenticationTokenClaims
- AuthenticationTokenHeader
- AuthenticationTokenManager
- CallbackManager
- CurrentAccessTokenExpirationBroadcastReceiver
- FacebookBroadcastReceiver
- FacebookContentProvider
- FacebookException
- FacebookGraphResponseException
- FacebookOperationCanceledException
- FacebookRequestError
- FacebookSdk
- FacebookSdkNotInitializedException
- FacebookServiceException
- GraphRequest
- GraphRequestAsyncTask
- GraphRequestBatch
- GraphResponse
- HttpMethod
- LoggingBehavior
- Profile
- ProfileCache
- ProfileManager
- ProfileTracker
- ProgressNoopOutputStream
- ProgressOutputStream
- RequestProgress
- Common
- DeviceRequestsHelper
- EndToEndDumper
- CodeChallengeMethod
- CustomTabLoginMethodHandler
- CustomTabPrefetchHelper
- DeviceAuthDialog
- DeviceAuthMethodHandler
- GetTokenLoginMethodHandler
- KatanaProxyLoginMethodHandler
- LoginBehavior
- LoginClient
- LoginConfiguration
- LoginFragment
- LoginManager
- LoginMethodHandler
- LoginResult
- NativeAppLoginMethodHandler
- NonceUtil
- WebLoginMethodHandler
- WebViewLoginMethodHandler
- DefaultAudience
- LoginTargetApp
- DeviceLoginManager
- Login
- AppGroupCreationContent
- CameraEffectArguments
- CameraEffectTextures
- GameRequestContent
- ShareCameraEffectContent
- ShareContent
- ShareHashtag
- ShareLinkContent
- ShareMedia
- ShareMediaContent
- ShareMessengerActionButton
- ShareMessengerURLActionButton
- ShareModel
- ShareModelBuilder
- SharePhoto
- SharePhotoContent
- ShareStoryContent
- ShareVideo
- ShareVideoContent
- AccessTokenAppIdPair
- AppEvent
- AppEventsConstants
- AppEventsLogger
- AppEventsManager
- FlushResult
- InternalAppEventsLogger
- UserDataStore
- MetadataIndexer
- MetadataRule
- SettingsAPIFields
- AppEventsCAPIManager
- CustomEventField
- AppEventType
- AppEventUserAndAppDataField
- ConversionsAPISection
- ConversionsAPICustomEventField
- ConversionsAPIUserAndAppDataField
- ConversionsAPIEventName
- OtherEventConstants
- AppEventsConversionsAPITransformer
- AppEventsConversionsAPITransformerWebRequests
- CodelessLoggingEventListener
- CodelessManager
- RCTCodelessLoggingEventListener
- ViewIndexer
- Constants
- EventBinding
- ParameterComponent
- PathComponent
- SensitiveUserDataUtils
- UnityReflection
- ViewHierarchy
- EventDeactivationManager
- InAppPurchaseActivityLifecycleTracker
- InAppPurchaseAutoLogger
- InAppPurchaseBillingClientWrapper
- InAppPurchaseEventManager
- InAppPurchaseLoggerManager
- InAppPurchaseManager
- InAppPurchaseSkuDetailsWrapper
- InAppPurchaseUtils
- IntegrityManager
- ActivityLifecycleTracker
- AppEventUtility
- AppEventsLoggerUtility
- AutomaticAnalyticsLogger
- Constants
- FileDownloadTask
- ViewHierarchyConstants
- MTensor
- Model
- ModelManager
- Utils
- OnDeviceProcessingManager
- RemoteServiceWrapper
- RestrictiveDataManager
- SuggestedEventsManager
- ViewOnClickListener
- Core
- GateKeeper
- GateKeeperRuntimeCache
- ExceptionAnalyzer
- InstrumentData
- InstrumentManager
- InstrumentUtility
- ANRDetector
- ANRHandler
- CrashHandler
- AutoHandleExceptions
- CrashShieldHandler
- NoAutoExceptionHandling
- ErrorReportData
- ErrorReportHandler
- ThreadCheckHandler
- Excuse
- ExcusesForDesignViolations
- CertificateUtil
- OidcSecurityUtil
- DeviceLoginButton
- LoginButton
- ProfilePictureView
- ToolTipPopup
- All
public final class FetchedAppSettings
com.facebook.internal is solely for the use of other packages within the Facebook SDK for Android. Use of any of the classes in this package is unsupported, and they may be modified or removed without warning at any time.
Nested Class Summary
Modifier and Type | Class | Description |
public final class | FetchedAppSettings.DialogFeatureConfig | |
public class | FetchedAppSettings.Companion |
Field Summary
Modifier and Type | Field | Description |
private final String | nuxContent | |
private final Boolean | nuxEnabled | |
private final Integer | sessionTimeoutInSeconds | |
private final EnumSet<SmartLoginOption> | smartLoginOptions | |
private final Map<String, Map<String, FetchedAppSettings.DialogFeatureConfig>> | dialogConfigurations | |
private final Boolean | automaticLoggingEnabled | |
private final FacebookRequestErrorClassification | errorClassification | |
private final String | smartLoginBookmarkIconURL | |
private final String | smartLoginMenuIconURL | |
private final Boolean | iAPAutomaticLoggingEnabled | |
private final Boolean | codelessEventsEnabled | |
private final JSONArray | eventBindings | |
private final String | sdkUpdateMessage | |
private final Boolean | trackUninstallEnabled | |
private final Boolean | monitorViaDialogEnabled | |
private final String | rawAamRules | |
private final String | suggestedEventsSetting | |
private final String | restrictiveDataSetting |
Constructor Summary
Constructor | Description |
FetchedAppSettings(Boolean supportsImplicitLogging, String nuxContent, Boolean nuxEnabled, Integer sessionTimeoutInSeconds, EnumSet<SmartLoginOption> smartLoginOptions, Map<String, Map<String, FetchedAppSettings.DialogFeatureConfig>> dialogConfigurations, Boolean automaticLoggingEnabled, FacebookRequestErrorClassification errorClassification, String smartLoginBookmarkIconURL, String smartLoginMenuIconURL, Boolean iAPAutomaticLoggingEnabled, Boolean codelessEventsEnabled, JSONArray eventBindings, String sdkUpdateMessage, Boolean trackUninstallEnabled, Boolean monitorViaDialogEnabled, String rawAamRules, String suggestedEventsSetting, String restrictiveDataSetting) |
Method Summary
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
final String | getNuxContent() | |
final Boolean | getNuxEnabled() | |
final Integer | getSessionTimeoutInSeconds() | |
final EnumSet<SmartLoginOption> | getSmartLoginOptions() | |
final Map<String, Map<String, FetchedAppSettings.DialogFeatureConfig>> | getDialogConfigurations() | |
final Boolean | getAutomaticLoggingEnabled() | |
final FacebookRequestErrorClassification | getErrorClassification() | |
final String | getSmartLoginBookmarkIconURL() | |
final String | getSmartLoginMenuIconURL() | |
final Boolean | getIAPAutomaticLoggingEnabled() | |
final Boolean | getCodelessEventsEnabled() | |
final JSONArray | getEventBindings() | |
final String | getSdkUpdateMessage() | |
final Boolean | getTrackUninstallEnabled() | |
final Boolean | getMonitorViaDialogEnabled() | |
final String | getRawAamRules() | |
final String | getSuggestedEventsSetting() | |
final String | getRestrictiveDataSetting() | |
final Boolean | supportsImplicitLogging() |
Constructor Detail
FetchedAppSettings(Boolean supportsImplicitLogging, String nuxContent, Boolean nuxEnabled, Integer sessionTimeoutInSeconds, EnumSet<SmartLoginOption> smartLoginOptions, Map<String, Map<String, FetchedAppSettings.DialogFeatureConfig>> dialogConfigurations, Boolean automaticLoggingEnabled, FacebookRequestErrorClassification errorClassification, String smartLoginBookmarkIconURL, String smartLoginMenuIconURL, Boolean iAPAutomaticLoggingEnabled, Boolean codelessEventsEnabled, JSONArray eventBindings, String sdkUpdateMessage, Boolean trackUninstallEnabled, Boolean monitorViaDialogEnabled, String rawAamRules, String suggestedEventsSetting, String restrictiveDataSetting)
Method Detail
final StringgetNuxContent()
final BooleangetNuxEnabled()
final IntegergetSessionTimeoutInSeconds()
final EnumSet<SmartLoginOption> getSmartLoginOptions()
final Map<String, Map<String, FetchedAppSettings.DialogFeatureConfig>> getDialogConfigurations()
final BooleangetAutomaticLoggingEnabled()
final FacebookRequestErrorClassificationgetErrorClassification()
final StringgetSmartLoginBookmarkIconURL()
final StringgetSmartLoginMenuIconURL()
final BooleangetIAPAutomaticLoggingEnabled()
final BooleangetCodelessEventsEnabled()
final JSONArraygetEventBindings()
final StringgetSdkUpdateMessage()
final BooleangetTrackUninstallEnabled()
final BooleangetMonitorViaDialogEnabled()
final StringgetRawAamRules()
final StringgetSuggestedEventsSetting()
final StringgetRestrictiveDataSetting()
final BooleansupportsImplicitLogging()