Android SDK Version
- Mutable
- CollectionMapper
- AppCall
- CustomTab
- CustomTabUtils
- DialogFeature
- DialogPresenter
- FacebookDialogBase
- FacebookDialogFragment
- GamingAction
- FacebookWebFallbackDialog
- FragmentWrapper
- InstagramCustomTab
- PlatformServiceClient
- WebDialog
- AnalyticsEvents
- AttributionIdentifiers
- BoltsMeasurementEventListener
- BundleJSONConverter
- CallbackManagerImpl
- FacebookInitProvider
- FacebookRequestErrorClassification
- FacebookSignatureValidator
- FeatureManager
- FetchedAppGateKeepersManager
- FetchedAppSettings
- FetchedAppSettingsManager
- FileLruCache
- ImageDownloader
- ImageRequest
- ImageResponse
- ImageResponseCache
- InstallReferrerUtil
- InternalSettings
- LockOnGetVariable
- Logger
- NativeAppCallAttachmentStore
- NativeProtocol
- ServerProtocol
- SmartLoginOption
- UrlRedirectCache
- Utility
- Validate
- WorkQueue
- MessageDialog
- SendButton
- ShareButton
- ShareButtonBase
- GameRequestDialog
- ShareDialog
- MessageDialogFeature
- VideoUploader
- GameRequestValidation
- CameraEffectFeature
- CameraEffectJSONUtility
- LegacyNativeDialogParameters
- NativeDialogParameters
- ResultProcessor
- ShareConstants
- ShareContentValidation
- ShareDialogFeature
- ShareFeedContent
- ShareInternalUtility
- ShareStoryFeature
- WebDialogParameters
- ShareApi
- ShareBuilder
- Sharer
- Share
- ShareToMessengerParamsBuilder
- Messenger
- MessengerThreadParams
- MessengerUtils
- ShareToMessengerParams
- FacebookAppLinkResolver
- AppLinkData
- AppLinks
- AggregateException
- AppLink
- AppLinkResolver
- AppLinks
- CancellationToken
- CancellationTokenRegistration
- CancellationTokenSource
- Continuation
- ExecutorException
- Task
- TaskCompletionSource
- UnobservedTaskException
- AccessTokenTracker
- AuthenticationTokenTracker
- CustomTabActivity
- CustomTabMainActivity
- FacebookActivity
- FacebookAuthorizationException
- FacebookButtonBase
- FacebookCallback
- FacebookDialog
- FacebookDialogException
- LoginStatusCallback
- WebDialog
- AccessToken
- AccessTokenManager
- AccessTokenSource
- AuthenticationToken
- AuthenticationTokenCache
- AuthenticationTokenClaims
- AuthenticationTokenHeader
- AuthenticationTokenManager
- CallbackManager
- CurrentAccessTokenExpirationBroadcastReceiver
- FacebookBroadcastReceiver
- FacebookContentProvider
- FacebookException
- FacebookGraphResponseException
- FacebookOperationCanceledException
- FacebookRequestError
- FacebookSdk
- FacebookSdkNotInitializedException
- FacebookServiceException
- GraphRequest
- GraphRequestAsyncTask
- GraphRequestBatch
- GraphResponse
- HttpMethod
- LoggingBehavior
- Profile
- ProfileCache
- ProfileManager
- ProfileTracker
- ProgressNoopOutputStream
- ProgressOutputStream
- RequestProgress
- Common
- DeviceRequestsHelper
- EndToEndDumper
- CodeChallengeMethod
- CustomTabLoginMethodHandler
- CustomTabPrefetchHelper
- DeviceAuthDialog
- DeviceAuthMethodHandler
- GetTokenLoginMethodHandler
- KatanaProxyLoginMethodHandler
- LoginBehavior
- LoginClient
- LoginConfiguration
- LoginFragment
- LoginManager
- LoginMethodHandler
- LoginResult
- NativeAppLoginMethodHandler
- NonceUtil
- WebLoginMethodHandler
- WebViewLoginMethodHandler
- DefaultAudience
- LoginTargetApp
- DeviceLoginManager
- Login
- AppGroupCreationContent
- CameraEffectArguments
- CameraEffectTextures
- GameRequestContent
- ShareCameraEffectContent
- ShareContent
- ShareHashtag
- ShareLinkContent
- ShareMedia
- ShareMediaContent
- ShareMessengerActionButton
- ShareMessengerURLActionButton
- ShareModel
- ShareModelBuilder
- SharePhoto
- SharePhotoContent
- ShareStoryContent
- ShareVideo
- ShareVideoContent
- AccessTokenAppIdPair
- AppEvent
- AppEventsConstants
- AppEventsLogger
- AppEventsManager
- FlushResult
- InternalAppEventsLogger
- UserDataStore
- MetadataIndexer
- MetadataRule
- SettingsAPIFields
- AppEventsCAPIManager
- CustomEventField
- AppEventType
- AppEventUserAndAppDataField
- ConversionsAPISection
- ConversionsAPICustomEventField
- ConversionsAPIUserAndAppDataField
- ConversionsAPIEventName
- OtherEventConstants
- AppEventsConversionsAPITransformer
- AppEventsConversionsAPITransformerWebRequests
- CodelessLoggingEventListener
- CodelessManager
- RCTCodelessLoggingEventListener
- ViewIndexer
- Constants
- EventBinding
- ParameterComponent
- PathComponent
- SensitiveUserDataUtils
- UnityReflection
- ViewHierarchy
- EventDeactivationManager
- InAppPurchaseActivityLifecycleTracker
- InAppPurchaseAutoLogger
- InAppPurchaseBillingClientWrapper
- InAppPurchaseEventManager
- InAppPurchaseLoggerManager
- InAppPurchaseManager
- InAppPurchaseSkuDetailsWrapper
- InAppPurchaseUtils
- IntegrityManager
- ActivityLifecycleTracker
- AppEventUtility
- AppEventsLoggerUtility
- AutomaticAnalyticsLogger
- Constants
- FileDownloadTask
- ViewHierarchyConstants
- MTensor
- Model
- ModelManager
- Utils
- OnDeviceProcessingManager
- RemoteServiceWrapper
- RestrictiveDataManager
- SuggestedEventsManager
- ViewOnClickListener
- Core
- GateKeeper
- GateKeeperRuntimeCache
- ExceptionAnalyzer
- InstrumentData
- InstrumentManager
- InstrumentUtility
- ANRDetector
- ANRHandler
- CrashHandler
- AutoHandleExceptions
- CrashShieldHandler
- NoAutoExceptionHandling
- ErrorReportData
- ErrorReportHandler
- ThreadCheckHandler
- Excuse
- ExcusesForDesignViolations
- CertificateUtil
- OidcSecurityUtil
- DeviceLoginButton
- LoginButton
- ProfilePictureView
- ToolTipPopup
- All
public class AppLinkData
Class to encapsulate an app link, and provide methods for constructing the data from various sources
Nested Class Summary
Modifier and Type | Class | Description |
public interface | AppLinkData.CompletionHandler | Interface to asynchronously receive AppLinkData after it has been fetched. |
Field Summary
Modifier and Type | Field | Description |
public final static String | ARGUMENTS_TAPTIME_KEY | |
public final static String | ARGUMENTS_REFERER_DATA_KEY | |
public final static String | ARGUMENTS_EXTRAS_KEY | |
public final static String | ARGUMENTS_NATIVE_CLASS_KEY | |
public final static String | ARGUMENTS_NATIVE_URL | |
private String | ref | |
private Uri | targetUri | |
private Bundle | argumentBundle | |
private String | promotionCode |
Method Summary
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
String | getRef() | Returns the ref for this App Link. |
Uri | getTargetUri() | Returns the target uri for this App Link. |
Bundle | getArgumentBundle() | The full set of arguments for this app link. |
String | getPromotionCode() | Returns the promotion code for this App Link. |
static void | fetchDeferredAppLinkData(Context context, AppLinkData.CompletionHandler completionHandler) | Asynchronously fetches app link information that might have been stored for use afterinstallation of the app |
static void | fetchDeferredAppLinkData(Context context, String applicationId, AppLinkData.CompletionHandler completionHandler) | Asynchronously fetches app link information that might have been stored for use afterinstallation of the app |
static AppLinkData | createFromActivity(Activity activity) | Parses out any app link data from the Intent of the Activity passed in. |
static AppLinkData | createFromAlApplinkData(Intent intent) | Parses out any app link data from the Intent passed in. |
boolean | isAutoAppLink() | |
Bundle | getRefererData() | The referer data associated with the app link. |
Method Detail
@Nullable() BundlegetArgumentBundle()
The full set of arguments for this app link. Properties like target uri & ref are typicallypicked out of this set of arguments.
static void fetchDeferredAppLinkData(Context context, AppLinkData.CompletionHandler completionHandler)
Asynchronously fetches app link information that might have been stored for use afterinstallation of the app
- The contextcompletionHandler
- CompletionHandler to be notified with the AppLinkData object or nullif none is available.fetchDeferredAppLinkData
static void fetchDeferredAppLinkData(Context context, String applicationId, AppLinkData.CompletionHandler completionHandler)
Asynchronously fetches app link information that might have been stored for use afterinstallation of the app
- The contextapplicationId
- Facebook application Id.completionHandler
- CompletionHandler to be notified with the AppLinkData object or nullif none is available.createFromActivity
@Nullable() static AppLinkDatacreateFromActivity(Activity activity)
Parses out any app link data from the Intent of the Activity passed in.
- Activity that was started because of an app linkcreateFromAlApplinkData
@Nullable() static AppLinkDatacreateFromAlApplinkData(Intent intent)
Parses out any app link data from the Intent passed in.
- Intent from the Activity that started because of an app linkisAutoAppLink
boolean isAutoAppLink()
@Nullable() BundlegetRefererData()
The referer data associated with the app link. This will contain Facebook specific informationlike fb_access_token, fb_expires_in, and fb_ref.