Android SDK Version
- Mutable
- CollectionMapper
- AppCall
- CustomTab
- CustomTabUtils
- DialogFeature
- DialogPresenter
- FacebookDialogBase
- FacebookDialogFragment
- GamingAction
- FacebookWebFallbackDialog
- FragmentWrapper
- InstagramCustomTab
- PlatformServiceClient
- WebDialog
- AnalyticsEvents
- AttributionIdentifiers
- BoltsMeasurementEventListener
- BundleJSONConverter
- CallbackManagerImpl
- FacebookInitProvider
- FacebookRequestErrorClassification
- FacebookSignatureValidator
- FeatureManager
- FetchedAppGateKeepersManager
- FetchedAppSettings
- FetchedAppSettingsManager
- FileLruCache
- ImageDownloader
- ImageRequest
- ImageResponse
- ImageResponseCache
- InstallReferrerUtil
- InternalSettings
- LockOnGetVariable
- Logger
- NativeAppCallAttachmentStore
- NativeProtocol
- ServerProtocol
- SmartLoginOption
- UrlRedirectCache
- Utility
- Validate
- WorkQueue
- MessageDialog
- SendButton
- ShareButton
- ShareButtonBase
- GameRequestDialog
- ShareDialog
- MessageDialogFeature
- VideoUploader
- GameRequestValidation
- CameraEffectFeature
- CameraEffectJSONUtility
- LegacyNativeDialogParameters
- NativeDialogParameters
- ResultProcessor
- ShareConstants
- ShareContentValidation
- ShareDialogFeature
- ShareFeedContent
- ShareInternalUtility
- ShareStoryFeature
- WebDialogParameters
- ShareApi
- ShareBuilder
- Sharer
- Share
- ShareToMessengerParamsBuilder
- Messenger
- MessengerThreadParams
- MessengerUtils
- ShareToMessengerParams
- FacebookAppLinkResolver
- AppLinkData
- AppLinks
- AggregateException
- AppLink
- AppLinkResolver
- AppLinks
- CancellationToken
- CancellationTokenRegistration
- CancellationTokenSource
- Continuation
- ExecutorException
- Task
- TaskCompletionSource
- UnobservedTaskException
- AccessTokenTracker
- AuthenticationTokenTracker
- CustomTabActivity
- CustomTabMainActivity
- FacebookActivity
- FacebookAuthorizationException
- FacebookButtonBase
- FacebookCallback
- FacebookDialog
- FacebookDialogException
- LoginStatusCallback
- WebDialog
- AccessToken
- AccessTokenManager
- AccessTokenSource
- AuthenticationToken
- AuthenticationTokenCache
- AuthenticationTokenClaims
- AuthenticationTokenHeader
- AuthenticationTokenManager
- CallbackManager
- CurrentAccessTokenExpirationBroadcastReceiver
- FacebookBroadcastReceiver
- FacebookContentProvider
- FacebookException
- FacebookGraphResponseException
- FacebookOperationCanceledException
- FacebookRequestError
- FacebookSdk
- FacebookSdkNotInitializedException
- FacebookServiceException
- GraphRequest
- GraphRequestAsyncTask
- GraphRequestBatch
- GraphResponse
- HttpMethod
- LoggingBehavior
- Profile
- ProfileCache
- ProfileManager
- ProfileTracker
- ProgressNoopOutputStream
- ProgressOutputStream
- RequestProgress
- Common
- DeviceRequestsHelper
- EndToEndDumper
- CodeChallengeMethod
- CustomTabLoginMethodHandler
- CustomTabPrefetchHelper
- DeviceAuthDialog
- DeviceAuthMethodHandler
- GetTokenLoginMethodHandler
- KatanaProxyLoginMethodHandler
- LoginBehavior
- LoginClient
- LoginConfiguration
- LoginFragment
- LoginManager
- LoginMethodHandler
- LoginResult
- NativeAppLoginMethodHandler
- NonceUtil
- WebLoginMethodHandler
- WebViewLoginMethodHandler
- DefaultAudience
- LoginTargetApp
- DeviceLoginManager
- Login
- AppGroupCreationContent
- CameraEffectArguments
- CameraEffectTextures
- GameRequestContent
- ShareCameraEffectContent
- ShareContent
- ShareHashtag
- ShareLinkContent
- ShareMedia
- ShareMediaContent
- ShareMessengerActionButton
- ShareMessengerURLActionButton
- ShareModel
- ShareModelBuilder
- SharePhoto
- SharePhotoContent
- ShareStoryContent
- ShareVideo
- ShareVideoContent
- AccessTokenAppIdPair
- AppEvent
- AppEventsConstants
- AppEventsLogger
- AppEventsManager
- FlushResult
- InternalAppEventsLogger
- UserDataStore
- MetadataIndexer
- MetadataRule
- SettingsAPIFields
- AppEventsCAPIManager
- CustomEventField
- AppEventType
- AppEventUserAndAppDataField
- ConversionsAPISection
- ConversionsAPICustomEventField
- ConversionsAPIUserAndAppDataField
- ConversionsAPIEventName
- OtherEventConstants
- AppEventsConversionsAPITransformer
- AppEventsConversionsAPITransformerWebRequests
- CodelessLoggingEventListener
- CodelessManager
- RCTCodelessLoggingEventListener
- ViewIndexer
- Constants
- EventBinding
- ParameterComponent
- PathComponent
- SensitiveUserDataUtils
- UnityReflection
- ViewHierarchy
- EventDeactivationManager
- InAppPurchaseActivityLifecycleTracker
- InAppPurchaseAutoLogger
- InAppPurchaseBillingClientWrapper
- InAppPurchaseEventManager
- InAppPurchaseLoggerManager
- InAppPurchaseManager
- InAppPurchaseSkuDetailsWrapper
- InAppPurchaseUtils
- IntegrityManager
- ActivityLifecycleTracker
- AppEventUtility
- AppEventsLoggerUtility
- AutomaticAnalyticsLogger
- Constants
- FileDownloadTask
- ViewHierarchyConstants
- MTensor
- Model
- ModelManager
- Utils
- OnDeviceProcessingManager
- RemoteServiceWrapper
- RestrictiveDataManager
- SuggestedEventsManager
- ViewOnClickListener
- Core
- GateKeeper
- GateKeeperRuntimeCache
- ExceptionAnalyzer
- InstrumentData
- InstrumentManager
- InstrumentUtility
- ANRDetector
- ANRHandler
- CrashHandler
- AutoHandleExceptions
- CrashShieldHandler
- NoAutoExceptionHandling
- ErrorReportData
- ErrorReportHandler
- ThreadCheckHandler
- Excuse
- ExcusesForDesignViolations
- CertificateUtil
- OidcSecurityUtil
- DeviceLoginButton
- LoginButton
- ProfilePictureView
- ToolTipPopup
- All
All Implemented Interfaces:
public abstract class FacebookDialogBase<CONTENT extends Object, RESULT extends Object> implements FacebookDialog<CONTENT, RESULT>
com.facebook.internal is solely for the use of other packages within the Facebook SDK for Android. Use of any of the classes in this package is unsupported, and they may be modified or removed without warning at any time.
Method Summary
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
final Integer | getRequestCode() | |
final Unit | setRequestCode(Integer requestCode) | Set the request code for the startActivityForResult call. |
final Unit | setCallbackManager(CallbackManager callbackManager) | Set the callback manager that will handle callbacks for this dialog. |
Unit | registerCallback(CallbackManager callbackManager, FacebookCallback<RESULT> callback) | Allows the registration of a callback that will be executed once the dialog is closed, with success, cancel or error details. |
Unit | registerCallback(CallbackManager callbackManager, FacebookCallback<RESULT> callback, Integer requestCode) | Allows the registration of a callback that will be executed once the dialog is closed, with success, cancel or error details. |
Boolean | canShow(CONTENT content) | Indicates whether the dialog can be shown for the content passed in. |
Unit | show(CONTENT content) | Shows the dialog for the content passed in. |
ActivityResultContract<CONTENT, CallbackManager.ActivityResultParameters> | createActivityResultContractForShowingDialog(CallbackManager callbackManager) | Creates the ActivityResultContract instance for showing the dialog with Androidx activities and fragments. |
Method Detail
final IntegergetRequestCode()
final UnitsetRequestCode(Integer requestCode)
- the request code to use.setCallbackManager
final UnitsetCallbackManager(CallbackManager callbackManager)
Set the callback manager that will handle callbacks for this dialog. It will be used if the androidx activity result APIs are available.
UnitregisterCallback(CallbackManager callbackManager, FacebookCallback<RESULT> callback)
- CallbackManager instance that will handle the onActivityResultcallback
- Callback to be called upon dialog completionregisterCallback
UnitregisterCallback(CallbackManager callbackManager, FacebookCallback<RESULT> callback, Integer requestCode)
- CallbackManager instance that will handle the Activity Resultcallback
- Callback to be called upon dialog completionrequestCode
- The request code to use, this should be outside of the range of those reserved for the Facebook SDK com.facebook.FacebookSdk.isFacebookRequestCode.canShow
BooleancanShow(CONTENT content)
Indicates whether the dialog can be shown for the content passed in.
- the content to checkshow
Unitshow(CONTENT content)
Shows the dialog for the content passed in.
- the content to showcreateActivityResultContractForShowingDialog
ActivityResultContract<CONTENT, CallbackManager.ActivityResultParameters> createActivityResultContractForShowingDialog(CallbackManager callbackManager)
Creates the ActivityResultContract instance for showing the dialog with Androidx activities and fragments.
- CallbackManager instance that will handle the onActivityResult