Android SDK Version
- Mutable
- CollectionMapper
- AppCall
- CustomTab
- CustomTabUtils
- DialogFeature
- DialogPresenter
- FacebookDialogBase
- FacebookDialogFragment
- GamingAction
- FacebookWebFallbackDialog
- FragmentWrapper
- InstagramCustomTab
- PlatformServiceClient
- WebDialog
- AnalyticsEvents
- AttributionIdentifiers
- BoltsMeasurementEventListener
- BundleJSONConverter
- CallbackManagerImpl
- FacebookInitProvider
- FacebookRequestErrorClassification
- FacebookSignatureValidator
- FeatureManager
- FetchedAppGateKeepersManager
- FetchedAppSettings
- FetchedAppSettingsManager
- FileLruCache
- ImageDownloader
- ImageRequest
- ImageResponse
- ImageResponseCache
- InstallReferrerUtil
- InternalSettings
- LockOnGetVariable
- Logger
- NativeAppCallAttachmentStore
- NativeProtocol
- ServerProtocol
- SmartLoginOption
- UrlRedirectCache
- Utility
- Validate
- WorkQueue
- MessageDialog
- SendButton
- ShareButton
- ShareButtonBase
- GameRequestDialog
- ShareDialog
- MessageDialogFeature
- VideoUploader
- GameRequestValidation
- CameraEffectFeature
- CameraEffectJSONUtility
- LegacyNativeDialogParameters
- NativeDialogParameters
- ResultProcessor
- ShareConstants
- ShareContentValidation
- ShareDialogFeature
- ShareFeedContent
- ShareInternalUtility
- ShareStoryFeature
- WebDialogParameters
- ShareApi
- ShareBuilder
- Sharer
- Share
- ShareToMessengerParamsBuilder
- Messenger
- MessengerThreadParams
- MessengerUtils
- ShareToMessengerParams
- FacebookAppLinkResolver
- AppLinkData
- AppLinks
- AggregateException
- AppLink
- AppLinkResolver
- AppLinks
- CancellationToken
- CancellationTokenRegistration
- CancellationTokenSource
- Continuation
- ExecutorException
- Task
- TaskCompletionSource
- UnobservedTaskException
- AccessTokenTracker
- AuthenticationTokenTracker
- CustomTabActivity
- CustomTabMainActivity
- FacebookActivity
- FacebookAuthorizationException
- FacebookButtonBase
- FacebookCallback
- FacebookDialog
- FacebookDialogException
- LoginStatusCallback
- WebDialog
- AccessToken
- AccessTokenManager
- AccessTokenSource
- AuthenticationToken
- AuthenticationTokenCache
- AuthenticationTokenClaims
- AuthenticationTokenHeader
- AuthenticationTokenManager
- CallbackManager
- CurrentAccessTokenExpirationBroadcastReceiver
- FacebookBroadcastReceiver
- FacebookContentProvider
- FacebookException
- FacebookGraphResponseException
- FacebookOperationCanceledException
- FacebookRequestError
- FacebookSdk
- FacebookSdkNotInitializedException
- FacebookServiceException
- GraphRequest
- GraphRequestAsyncTask
- GraphRequestBatch
- GraphResponse
- HttpMethod
- LoggingBehavior
- Profile
- ProfileCache
- ProfileManager
- ProfileTracker
- ProgressNoopOutputStream
- ProgressOutputStream
- RequestProgress
- Common
- DeviceRequestsHelper
- EndToEndDumper
- CodeChallengeMethod
- CustomTabLoginMethodHandler
- CustomTabPrefetchHelper
- DeviceAuthDialog
- DeviceAuthMethodHandler
- GetTokenLoginMethodHandler
- KatanaProxyLoginMethodHandler
- LoginBehavior
- LoginClient
- LoginConfiguration
- LoginFragment
- LoginManager
- LoginMethodHandler
- LoginResult
- NativeAppLoginMethodHandler
- NonceUtil
- WebLoginMethodHandler
- WebViewLoginMethodHandler
- DefaultAudience
- LoginTargetApp
- DeviceLoginManager
- Login
- AppGroupCreationContent
- CameraEffectArguments
- CameraEffectTextures
- GameRequestContent
- ShareCameraEffectContent
- ShareContent
- ShareHashtag
- ShareLinkContent
- ShareMedia
- ShareMediaContent
- ShareMessengerActionButton
- ShareMessengerURLActionButton
- ShareModel
- ShareModelBuilder
- SharePhoto
- SharePhotoContent
- ShareStoryContent
- ShareVideo
- ShareVideoContent
- AccessTokenAppIdPair
- AppEvent
- AppEventsConstants
- AppEventsLogger
- AppEventsManager
- FlushResult
- InternalAppEventsLogger
- UserDataStore
- MetadataIndexer
- MetadataRule
- SettingsAPIFields
- AppEventsCAPIManager
- CustomEventField
- AppEventType
- AppEventUserAndAppDataField
- ConversionsAPISection
- ConversionsAPICustomEventField
- ConversionsAPIUserAndAppDataField
- ConversionsAPIEventName
- OtherEventConstants
- AppEventsConversionsAPITransformer
- AppEventsConversionsAPITransformerWebRequests
- CodelessLoggingEventListener
- CodelessManager
- RCTCodelessLoggingEventListener
- ViewIndexer
- Constants
- EventBinding
- ParameterComponent
- PathComponent
- SensitiveUserDataUtils
- UnityReflection
- ViewHierarchy
- EventDeactivationManager
- InAppPurchaseActivityLifecycleTracker
- InAppPurchaseAutoLogger
- InAppPurchaseBillingClientWrapper
- InAppPurchaseEventManager
- InAppPurchaseLoggerManager
- InAppPurchaseManager
- InAppPurchaseSkuDetailsWrapper
- InAppPurchaseUtils
- IntegrityManager
- ActivityLifecycleTracker
- AppEventUtility
- AppEventsLoggerUtility
- AutomaticAnalyticsLogger
- Constants
- FileDownloadTask
- ViewHierarchyConstants
- MTensor
- Model
- ModelManager
- Utils
- OnDeviceProcessingManager
- RemoteServiceWrapper
- RestrictiveDataManager
- SuggestedEventsManager
- ViewOnClickListener
- Core
- GateKeeper
- GateKeeperRuntimeCache
- ExceptionAnalyzer
- InstrumentData
- InstrumentManager
- InstrumentUtility
- ANRDetector
- ANRHandler
- CrashHandler
- AutoHandleExceptions
- CrashShieldHandler
- NoAutoExceptionHandling
- ErrorReportData
- ErrorReportHandler
- ThreadCheckHandler
- Excuse
- ExcusesForDesignViolations
- CertificateUtil
- OidcSecurityUtil
- DeviceLoginButton
- LoginButton
- ProfilePictureView
- ToolTipPopup
- All
public class NativeAppCallAttachmentStore
com.facebook.internal is solely for the use of other packages within the Facebook SDK for Android. Use of any of the classes in this package is unsupported, and they may be modified or removed without warning at any time.
This class works in conjunction with com.facebook.FacebookContentProvider to allow apps to attach binary attachments (e.g., images) to native dialogs launched via the sdk.It stores attachments in temporary files and allows the Facebook application to retrieve them via the content provider.
Nested Class Summary
Modifier and Type | Class | Description |
public final class | NativeAppCallAttachmentStore.Attachment |
Field Summary
Modifier and Type | Field | Description |
private final String | ATTACHMENTS_DIR_NAME | |
public final static NativeAppCallAttachmentStore | INSTANCE |
Method Summary
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
final static NativeAppCallAttachmentStore.Attachment | createAttachment(UUID callId, Bitmap attachmentBitmap) | |
final static NativeAppCallAttachmentStore.Attachment | createAttachment(UUID callId, Uri attachmentUri) | |
final static Unit | addAttachments(Collection<NativeAppCallAttachmentStore.Attachment> attachments) | |
final static Unit | cleanupAttachmentsForCall(UUID callId) | Removes any temporary files associated with a particular native app call. |
final static File | openAttachment(UUID callId, String attachmentName) | |
final static File | getAttachmentsDirectory() | |
final static File | ensureAttachmentsDirectoryExists() | |
final static File | getAttachmentsDirectoryForCall(UUID callId, Boolean create) | |
final static File | getAttachmentFile(UUID callId, String attachmentName, Boolean createDirs) | |
final static Unit | cleanupAllAttachments() | |
final String | getATTACHMENTS_DIR_NAME() |
Method Detail
final static NativeAppCallAttachmentStore.AttachmentcreateAttachment(UUID callId, Bitmap attachmentBitmap)
final static NativeAppCallAttachmentStore.AttachmentcreateAttachment(UUID callId, Uri attachmentUri)
final static UnitaddAttachments(Collection<NativeAppCallAttachmentStore.Attachment> attachments)
final static UnitcleanupAttachmentsForCall(UUID callId)
Removes any temporary files associated with a particular native app call.
- the unique ID of the callopenAttachment
final static FileopenAttachment(UUID callId, String attachmentName)
@Synchronized() final static FilegetAttachmentsDirectory()
final static FileensureAttachmentsDirectoryExists()
final static FilegetAttachmentsDirectoryForCall(UUID callId, Boolean create)
final static FilegetAttachmentFile(UUID callId, String attachmentName, Boolean createDirs)
final static UnitcleanupAllAttachments()