Phiên bản SDK Android
- Mutable
- CollectionMapper
- AppCall
- CustomTab
- CustomTabUtils
- DialogFeature
- DialogPresenter
- FacebookDialogBase
- FacebookDialogFragment
- GamingAction
- FacebookWebFallbackDialog
- FragmentWrapper
- InstagramCustomTab
- PlatformServiceClient
- WebDialog
- AnalyticsEvents
- AttributionIdentifiers
- BoltsMeasurementEventListener
- BundleJSONConverter
- CallbackManagerImpl
- FacebookInitProvider
- FacebookRequestErrorClassification
- FacebookSignatureValidator
- FeatureManager
- FetchedAppGateKeepersManager
- FetchedAppSettings
- FetchedAppSettingsManager
- FileLruCache
- ImageDownloader
- ImageRequest
- ImageResponse
- ImageResponseCache
- InstallReferrerUtil
- InternalSettings
- LockOnGetVariable
- Logger
- NativeAppCallAttachmentStore
- NativeProtocol
- ServerProtocol
- SmartLoginOption
- UrlRedirectCache
- Utility
- Validate
- WorkQueue
- MessageDialog
- SendButton
- ShareButton
- ShareButtonBase
- GameRequestDialog
- ShareDialog
- MessageDialogFeature
- VideoUploader
- GameRequestValidation
- CameraEffectFeature
- CameraEffectJSONUtility
- LegacyNativeDialogParameters
- NativeDialogParameters
- ResultProcessor
- ShareConstants
- ShareContentValidation
- ShareDialogFeature
- ShareFeedContent
- ShareInternalUtility
- ShareStoryFeature
- WebDialogParameters
- ShareApi
- ShareBuilder
- Sharer
- Share
- ShareToMessengerParamsBuilder
- Messenger
- MessengerThreadParams
- MessengerUtils
- ShareToMessengerParams
- FacebookAppLinkResolver
- AppLinkData
- AppLinks
- AggregateException
- AppLink
- AppLinkResolver
- AppLinks
- CancellationToken
- CancellationTokenRegistration
- CancellationTokenSource
- Continuation
- ExecutorException
- Task
- TaskCompletionSource
- UnobservedTaskException
- AccessTokenTracker
- AuthenticationTokenTracker
- CustomTabActivity
- CustomTabMainActivity
- FacebookActivity
- FacebookAuthorizationException
- FacebookButtonBase
- FacebookCallback
- FacebookDialog
- FacebookDialogException
- LoginStatusCallback
- WebDialog
- AccessToken
- AccessTokenManager
- AccessTokenSource
- AuthenticationToken
- AuthenticationTokenCache
- AuthenticationTokenClaims
- AuthenticationTokenHeader
- AuthenticationTokenManager
- CallbackManager
- CurrentAccessTokenExpirationBroadcastReceiver
- FacebookBroadcastReceiver
- FacebookContentProvider
- FacebookException
- FacebookGraphResponseException
- FacebookOperationCanceledException
- FacebookRequestError
- FacebookSdk
- FacebookSdkNotInitializedException
- FacebookServiceException
- GraphRequest
- GraphRequestAsyncTask
- GraphRequestBatch
- GraphResponse
- HttpMethod
- LoggingBehavior
- Profile
- ProfileCache
- ProfileManager
- ProfileTracker
- ProgressNoopOutputStream
- ProgressOutputStream
- RequestProgress
- Common
- DeviceRequestsHelper
- EndToEndDumper
- CodeChallengeMethod
- CustomTabLoginMethodHandler
- CustomTabPrefetchHelper
- DeviceAuthDialog
- DeviceAuthMethodHandler
- GetTokenLoginMethodHandler
- KatanaProxyLoginMethodHandler
- LoginBehavior
- LoginClient
- LoginConfiguration
- LoginFragment
- LoginManager
- LoginMethodHandler
- LoginResult
- NativeAppLoginMethodHandler
- NonceUtil
- WebLoginMethodHandler
- WebViewLoginMethodHandler
- DefaultAudience
- LoginTargetApp
- DeviceLoginManager
- Login
- AppGroupCreationContent
- CameraEffectArguments
- CameraEffectTextures
- GameRequestContent
- ShareCameraEffectContent
- ShareContent
- ShareHashtag
- ShareLinkContent
- ShareMedia
- ShareMediaContent
- ShareMessengerActionButton
- ShareMessengerURLActionButton
- ShareModel
- ShareModelBuilder
- SharePhoto
- SharePhotoContent
- ShareStoryContent
- ShareVideo
- ShareVideoContent
- AccessTokenAppIdPair
- AppEvent
- AppEventsConstants
- AppEventsLogger
- AppEventsManager
- FlushResult
- InternalAppEventsLogger
- UserDataStore
- MetadataIndexer
- MetadataRule
- SettingsAPIFields
- AppEventsCAPIManager
- CustomEventField
- AppEventType
- AppEventUserAndAppDataField
- ConversionsAPISection
- ConversionsAPICustomEventField
- ConversionsAPIUserAndAppDataField
- ConversionsAPIEventName
- OtherEventConstants
- AppEventsConversionsAPITransformer
- AppEventsConversionsAPITransformerWebRequests
- CodelessLoggingEventListener
- CodelessManager
- RCTCodelessLoggingEventListener
- ViewIndexer
- Constants
- EventBinding
- ParameterComponent
- PathComponent
- SensitiveUserDataUtils
- UnityReflection
- ViewHierarchy
- EventDeactivationManager
- InAppPurchaseActivityLifecycleTracker
- InAppPurchaseAutoLogger
- InAppPurchaseBillingClientWrapper
- InAppPurchaseEventManager
- InAppPurchaseLoggerManager
- InAppPurchaseManager
- InAppPurchaseSkuDetailsWrapper
- InAppPurchaseUtils
- IntegrityManager
- ActivityLifecycleTracker
- AppEventUtility
- AppEventsLoggerUtility
- AutomaticAnalyticsLogger
- Constants
- FileDownloadTask
- ViewHierarchyConstants
- MTensor
- Model
- ModelManager
- Utils
- OnDeviceProcessingManager
- RemoteServiceWrapper
- RestrictiveDataManager
- SuggestedEventsManager
- ViewOnClickListener
- Core
- GateKeeper
- GateKeeperRuntimeCache
- ExceptionAnalyzer
- InstrumentData
- InstrumentManager
- InstrumentUtility
- ANRDetector
- ANRHandler
- CrashHandler
- AutoHandleExceptions
- CrashShieldHandler
- NoAutoExceptionHandling
- ErrorReportData
- ErrorReportHandler
- ThreadCheckHandler
- Excuse
- ExcusesForDesignViolations
- CertificateUtil
- OidcSecurityUtil
- DeviceLoginButton
- LoginButton
- ProfilePictureView
- ToolTipPopup
- All
All Implemented Interfaces:
, kotlin.collections.Iterable
, kotlin.collections.List
, kotlin.collections.MutableCollection
, kotlin.collections.MutableIterable
, kotlin.collections.MutableList
public final class GraphRequestBatch extends AbstractList<GraphRequest>
RequestBatch contains a list of Request objects that can be sent to Facebook in a single round-trip.
Nested Class Summary
Modifier and Type | Class | Description |
public interface | GraphRequestBatch.Callback | Specifies the interface that consumers of the RequestBatch class can implement in order to be notified when the entire batch completes execution. It will be called after all per-Request callbacks are called. |
public interface | GraphRequestBatch.OnProgressCallback | Specifies the interface that consumers of the RequestBatch class can implement in order to be notified when the batch makes progress. The frequency of the callbacks can be controlled using FacebookSdk.setOnProgressThreshold. |
public class | GraphRequestBatch.Companion |
Field Summary
Modifier and Type | Field | Description |
private Handler | callbackHandler | |
private final String | id | |
private List<GraphRequest> | requests | |
private List<GraphRequestBatch.Callback> | callbacks | |
private Integer | timeout | |
private String | batchApplicationId | |
private final Integer | size | |
private final Integer | modCount |
Constructor Summary
Constructor | Description |
GraphRequestBatch() | Constructor. |
GraphRequestBatch(Collection<GraphRequest> requests) | Constructor. |
GraphRequestBatch(GraphRequest requests) | Constructor. |
GraphRequestBatch(GraphRequestBatch requests) | Constructor. |
Method Summary
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
final Handler | getCallbackHandler() | |
final Unit | setCallbackHandler(Handler callbackHandler) | |
final String | getId() | |
final List<GraphRequest> | getRequests() | The graph requests in this batch. |
final Unit | setRequests(List<GraphRequest> requests) | |
final List<GraphRequestBatch.Callback> | getCallbacks() | The callbacks that attached to this batch. |
final Unit | setCallbacks(List<GraphRequestBatch.Callback> callbacks) | |
final Integer | getTimeout() | |
final Unit | setTimeout(Integer timeout) | |
final String | getBatchApplicationId() | Batch application id. |
final Unit | setBatchApplicationId(String batchApplicationId) | Batch application id. |
Integer | getSize() | |
final Unit | addCallback(GraphRequestBatch.Callback callback) | Adds a batch-level callback which will be called when the entire batch has finished executing. |
final Unit | removeCallback(GraphRequestBatch.Callback callback) | Removes a batch-level callback. |
Boolean | add(GraphRequest element) | |
Unit | add(Integer index, GraphRequest element) | |
Unit | clear() | |
GraphRequest | get(Integer index) | |
GraphRequest | removeAt(Integer index) | |
GraphRequest | set(Integer index, GraphRequest element) | |
final List<GraphResponse> | executeAndWait() | Executes this batch on the current thread and returns the responses. |
final GraphRequestAsyncTask | executeAsync() | Executes this batch asynchronously. |
Methods inherited from class com.facebook.GraphRequestBatch
addAll, equals, hashCode, indexOf, iterator, lastIndexOf, listIterator, listIterator, removeRange, subList
Methods inherited from class java.util.AbstractList
addAll, contains, containsAll, isEmpty, remove, removeAll, replaceAll, retainAll, sort, toArray, toArray, toString
Methods inherited from class kotlin.collections.Collection
Methods inherited from class kotlin.collections.MutableCollection
parallelStream, spliterator, stream
Methods inherited from class java.util.AbstractCollection
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Constructor Detail
GraphRequestBatch(Collection<GraphRequest> requests)
- the requests to add to the batchGraphRequestBatch
GraphRequestBatch(GraphRequest requests)
- the requests to add to the batchGraphRequestBatch
GraphRequestBatch(GraphRequestBatch requests)
- the requests to add to the batchMethod Detail
final HandlergetCallbackHandler()
final UnitsetCallbackHandler(Handler callbackHandler)
final UnitsetRequests(List<GraphRequest> requests)
final List<GraphRequestBatch.Callback> getCallbacks()
The callbacks that attached to this batch.
final UnitsetCallbacks(List<GraphRequestBatch.Callback> callbacks)
final IntegergetTimeout()
final UnitsetTimeout(Integer timeout)
final UnitsetBatchApplicationId(String batchApplicationId)
Batch application id.
final UnitaddCallback(GraphRequestBatch.Callback callback)
Adds a batch-level callback which will be called when the entire batch has finished executing.
- the callbackremoveCallback
final UnitremoveCallback(GraphRequestBatch.Callback callback)
Removes a batch-level callback.
- the callbackadd
Booleanadd(GraphRequest element)
Unitadd(Integer index, GraphRequest element)
GraphRequestget(Integer index)
GraphRequestremoveAt(Integer index)
GraphRequestset(Integer index, GraphRequest element)
final List<GraphResponse> executeAndWait()
Executes this batch on the current thread and returns the responses.
This should only be used if you have transitioned off the UI thread.
final GraphRequestAsyncTaskexecuteAsync()
Executes this batch asynchronously. This function will return immediately, and the batch will be processed on a separate thread. In order to process results of a request, or determine whether a request succeeded or failed, a callback must be specified (see GraphRequest.setCallback)
This should only be called from the UI thread.