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Conversions API Gateway for Multiple Accounts: Host Onboarding for AWS EKS

This guide can help an agency, partner, reseller, or advertiser create and manage their Conversions API Gateway for multiple accounts instances. We recommend you check the Glossary section to familiarize yourself with the terms used.

Conversions API Gateway for multiple accounts, Gateway for multiple accounts or simply Gateway are interchangeably used in this document.


Verify the following prerequisites before onboarding a Conversions API Gateway for multiple accounts host or account.

Host onboarders and future host admins must have:

  • Admin access to a Facebook account, with two factor authentication enabled, that will be used to onboard the instance.
  • Admin access to a Business Manager account, tied to the above Facebook account, that will be used to onboard the instance.
  • Administrator access to the Amazon Web Services (AWS) account that will host the Gateway instance. Create an AWS account here.
  • Administrator access to a Cloudflare account. Hosts can use an existing Cloudflare account or create a new Cloudflare account (recommended) after installation.
    • It is recommended to register a new domain in the Cloudflare account to be used for this installation.
  • Optional access to the SMTP service connection parameters through which the Gateway will send email messages.
  • Please use Google Chrome browser to execute the onboarding. The Meta Business Extension may not execute properly in other browsers.

How to Use This Guide

Follow the step-by-step instructions to set up, install, and use the product. Setting up Conversions API Gateway for multiple accounts involves the following:

1: Create a new Conversions API Gateway for multiple accounts instance

2: Configure host account

3: Set up custom domain

After creating a Conversions API Gateway for multiple accounts instance and onboarding, follow the instructions below to manage your account:

Host User Management

Host Account Management

Host Management