This page describes the process of implementing the Conversions API and details implementation prerequisites. If you are a third-party partner offering Conversions API functionalities for advertisers, there are different requirements to get started
If your business has a firewall for outbound requests, see Crawler IPs and User Agents to get Facebook's IP addresses. Be aware that the list of addresses changes often.
Web, app, and physical store events shared using the Conversions API require specific parameters. The list of required parameters is available here.
The process of setting up a Conversions API integration consists of the following high-level steps:
There are several methods for integrating with the Conversions API, and they vary by level of effort, cost, and the features they enable. See this article for an overview of Conversions API setup options.
The primary focus of this developer documentation is building direct integrations
You must obtain a Pixel ID to use the Conversions API. If you’ve already set up a Pixel for your website, we recommend that you use the same Pixel ID for your browser and server events.
You also need a Business Manager to use the API. Business Manager helps advertisers integrate Facebook marketing efforts across their business and with external partners. If you don't have a Business Manager yet, see the Help Center article on how to Create a Business Manager.
To use the Conversions API, you need an access token. There are two ways of getting your access token:
To use the Conversions API, you need to generate an access token, which is passed as a parameter in each API call. Inside Events Manager, follow these steps:
Step 1 - Choose the Pixel you want to implement.
Step 2 - Select the Settings tab.
Step 3. Find the Conversions API section and click on the Generate access token link under Set up manually, and follow the instructions pop-up:
Note: The Generate access token link is only visible to users with developer privileges for the business. The link is hidden from other users.
Once you have your token, click on the Manage Integrations button in the Overview tab in Events Manager. In the pop-up screen, click the Manage button next to Conversions API. This will automatically create a Conversions API app and Conversions API system user for you. There is no need to go through App Review or request any permissions.
If you already have your own app and your own system user, you can generate your token inside Business Manager. To do that:
Step 1 - Go to your Business' Settings.
Step 2 - Assign a Pixel to your system user (you also have an option to create a new system user at this stage).
Step 3 - Select the assigned system user and click Generate Token.
Your app does not need to go through App Review. You do not need to request any permissions.
Access tokens generated under the Conversions API settings tab in Events Manager are no longer restricted to using the newest Graph API version that was available at the time of token generation. Starting with v12.0, newly created access tokens can be used with all available Graph API versions.