Since last Wednesday's update, we upgraded the payments reporting system to a new payment reporting API and launchedsubscriptions for apps. World HACK 2012 was announced with 12 cities on the tour. We also introduced a beta program for mobile apps in ads. We added support for timezones in events and date-only events. Lastly, we launched the new Facebook SDK 3.0 for iOS.
We added 4 new metrics to Insights:
Learn more about these metrics and Insights in our documentation.
We've updated our policies to further clarify that Facebook Platform cannot be used to export user data into a competitive social network without our permission. Facebook Platform is designed to enable rich social apps, and should not be used as a data export tool. As we explained in September, we offer Download Your Information for users wanting to export their data from Facebook.
As announced in June, the following breaking changes will go into effect on September 5th, 2012:
Check out the Developer Roadmap for more info.
The following change will go into effect on November 7th, 2012:
No more payments reporting emails
We will stop sending payments reporting emails. You can download daily reports of transaction data using our Payments Reporting API.
The following changes can all be enabled/disabled using the "November 2012 Breaking Changes" migration until November 7th when they will go into effect permanently for everyone:
Actor name will always match the access token
Today when posting to a Page with a user access token for an admin of that Page, it's possible (depending on the user's settings) for the post to show up as coming from either the user or the Page. Going forwards, all actions will use the name of whatever entity the access token belongs to. If using a user access token, the name of the user will be used. If using a Page access token, the name of the Page will be used.
Notifications table no longer returns pid/aid for photos/albums
The object_id
field on the notification
FQL table will return photo ids and album ids (called object_id
and album_object_id
respectively in the photo
FQL table) instead of pid
and aid
New permission required to read Page mailboxes
In order to read a Page's mailbox (PAGE_ID/conversations
in the Graph API or unified_*
FQL tables), you will need the read_page_mailboxes
permission. The read_mailbox
permission will now only give you access to a user's mailbox.
The following change can be enabled/disabled using the "External Page Migration" setting until November 7th when it will go into effect permanently for everyone:
Like Buttons and Stories to the Right Audience
We're updating the way you restrict the audience for the Like button, as part of the Like Button Migration, and resulting stories to give you more control. Going forward, in order to limit the distribution of age gating stories to people in the appropriate country or age group, you must include a metatag on your URLs indicating the restriction. Please review our documentation on how to do this. For more details, see the blog post where we announced this breaking change.
The following stats are for activity between Wednesday, August 1 and Wednesday, August 8:
Bugs Activity
Bugs Fixed
Activity on