Referensi endpoint API Pengelolaan Bisnis. Karena API memanfaatkan Graph API dan Marketing API, referensi ini muncul dalam referensi Graph API atau Marketing API, dan dicantumkan di sini untuk mempermudah.
Endpoint | Deskripsi |
Represents a business. Includes any specified properties and assets belonging to the business. | |
Represents WhatsApp Business Accounts (WABAs) assigned to or shared with a specific business. | |
Represents the WhatsApp Business Accounts (WABAs) owned by a business. | |
Represents credit lines that belong to a business. Panggil endpoint ini untuk mendapatkan ID lini kredit. |
Endpoint | Deskripsi |
Represents a specific WhatsApp Business Account (WABA). Make the API call to the WABA ID. | |
Represents a collection of message templates that belong to a WhatsApp Business Account (WABA). | |
Represents phone numbers that belong to a specific WhatsApp Business Account (WABA). | |
Represents users assigned to a specific WhatsApp Business Account (WABA). |
Endpoint | Deskripsi |
Represents a specific phone number. Make the API call to the phone number ID. | |
Represents the QR codes and deep links associated with a specific phone number. | |
Gunakan edge ini untuk meminta kode guna mengonfirmasi kepemilikan nomor telepon setelah migrasi. Lihat Memigrasi Nomor Telepon ke WABA yang Berbeda. | |
Gunakan edge ini untuk mengonfirmasi kepemilikan nomor telepon setelah migrasi. Lihat Memigrasi Nomor Telepon ke WABA yang Berbeda. | |
Nomor Telepon WhatsApp Business > Pengaturan Perdagangan WhatsApp | Mengaktifkan atau menonaktifkan keranjang belanja dan katalog produk nomor telepon bisnis. |
Endpoint | Deskripsi |
Represents a collection of message templates that belong to a WhatsApp Business Account (WABA). | |
Represents a specific message template. Make the API call to the message template ID. | |
Membandingkan jumlah pengiriman template pesan dan rasio blokir. |
Endpoint | Deskripsi |
Represents analytics information about a specific WhatsApp Business Account (WABA). |
Endpoint | Deskripsi |
Represents a specific credit line. Make the API call to the credit line ID. | |
Represents a credit line's credit allocation configurations. A new credit allocation configuration is created when you share and attach your credit line to a client's WhatsApp Business Account (WABA). |