
Business Management API endpoint references. Since the API leverages both Graph API and Marketing API, these references appear within either the Graph API reference or Marketing API reference, and are listed here for convenience.



Business Account

Represents a business. Includes any specified properties and assets belonging to the business.

Business Account > Client WhatsApp Business Accounts

Represents WhatsApp Business Accounts (WABAs) assigned to or shared with a specific business.

Business Account > Owned WhatsApp Business Accounts

Represents the WhatsApp Business Accounts (WABAs) owned by a business.

Business Account > Extendedcredits

Represents credit lines that belong to a business.

Call this endpoint to get an ID for the credit lines.

WhatsApp Business Accounts


WhatsApp Business Account

Represents a specific WhatsApp Business Account (WABA). Make the API call to the WABA ID.

WhatsApp Business Account > Message Templates

Represents a collection of message templates that belong to a WhatsApp Business Account (WABA).

WhatsApp Business Account > Phone Numbers

Represents phone numbers that belong to a specific WhatsApp Business Account (WABA).

WhatsApp Business Account > Assigned Users

Represents users assigned to a specific WhatsApp Business Account (WABA).

WhatsApp Business Phone Numbers


WhatsApp Business Phone Number

Represents a specific phone number. Make the API call to the phone number ID.

WhatsApp Business Phone Number > Message Qrdls

Represents the QR codes and deep links associated with a specific phone number.

WhatsApp Business Phone Number > Request Code

Use this edge to request a code to confirm a phone number's ownership after migration. See Migrate Phone Number to a Different WABA.

WhatsApp Business Phone Number > Verify Code

Use this edge to confirm a phone number's ownership after migration. See Migrate Phone Number to a Different WABA.

WhatsApp Business Phone Number > WhatsApp Commerce Settings

Enable or disable the business phone number's shopping cart and product catalog.

WhatsApp Message Templates


WhatsApp Business Account > Message Templates

Represents a collection of message templates that belong to a WhatsApp Business Account (WABA).

WhatsApp Message Template

Represents a specific message template. Make the API call to the message template ID.

WhatsApp Message Template > Compare

Compare messsage template send counts and block ratios.

WhatsApp Business Account Analytics


WhatsApp Business Account Analytics

Represents analytics information about a specific WhatsApp Business Account (WABA).

Extended Credit


Extended Credit

Represents a specific credit line. Make the API call to the credit line ID.

Extended Credit > Owning Credit Allocation Configs

Represents a credit line's credit allocation configurations. A new credit allocation configuration is created when you share and attach your credit line to a client's WhatsApp Business Account (WABA).