Graph API Version

Business Owned Ad Accounts


You can't perform this operation on this endpoint.


You can make a POST request to owned_ad_accounts edge from the following paths:
When posting to this edge, an AdAccount will be created.



Ad account ID.


Return Type

This endpoint supports read-after-write and will read the node to which you POSTed.
Struct {
access_status: string,

Error Codes

100Invalid parameter
3994Personal accounts that do not have any history of activity are not eligible for migration to a business manager. Instead create an ad account inside your business manager.
3979You have exceeded the number of allowed ad accounts for your Business Manager at this time.
3980One or more of the ad accounts in your Business Manager are currently in bad standing or in review. All of your accounts must be in good standing in order to create new ad accounts.
415Two factor authentication required. User have to enter a code from SMS or TOTP code generator to pass 2fac. This could happen when accessing a 2fac-protected asset like a page that is owned by a 2fac-protected business manager.
3936You've already tried to claim this ad account. You'll see a notification if your request is accepted.
368The action attempted has been deemed abusive or is otherwise disallowed
3944Your Business Manager already has access to this object.


You can't perform this operation on this endpoint.


You can't perform this operation on this endpoint.