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Modifiche fuori ciclo 2024 Modifiche fuori ciclo all'API Marketing 2024.

7 ottobre 2024

New available category for Special Ad Categories

Si applica a all versions.

There is a new special ad category input for the special_ad_categories field. This input is FINANCIAL_PRODUCTS_SERVICES representing the Financial products and services category, and will eventually replace the CREDIT input on January 14, 2025. This change is part of an upcoming expansion of special ad categories to include financial products and services in early 2025. Learn more about the update here.

CREDIT is still a valid special ad category selection until it is deprecated on January 14, 2025. Developers must have migrated to the FINANCIAL_PRODUCTS_SERVICES input prior to the deprecation. It is recommended that you prioritize this update well in advance of the deprecation date to minimize disruption for your customers.

It is important to note that CREDIT and FINANCIAL_PRODUCTS_SERVICES cannot be selected at the same time for a single campaign. Only one (CREDIT or FINANCIAL_PRODUCTS_SERVICES) may be used of the two choices.

Businesses that have selected the FINANCIAL_PRODUCTS_SERVICES input must comply with audience restrictions, similar to housing and employment.

Sono interessati i seguenti endpoint:
* November 15, 2024 - Changelog entry updated with the date for this upcoming change as previously noted would occur.

1 agosto 2024

API Ads Insights #### Eliminazione di metriche uniche Applicata a tutte le versioni il 30 ottobre 2024. Il 30 ottobre 2024, una serie di metriche uniche sarà eliminata dall'API Ads Insights per tutte le versioni API. Per saperne di più. Dopo l'aggiornamento, i campi unique_actions e cost_per_unique_action_type dell'API restituiranno solo i seguenti dettagli action_type: * link_click * onsite_conversion_messaging_first_reply * onsite_conversion_total_messaging_connection * outbound_click Di conseguenza, i seguenti dettagli action_type saranno eliminati dai campi unique_actions e cost_per_unique_action_type dell'API: * add_payment_info * add_to_cart * app_custom_event * app_custom_event.fb_mobile_achievement_unlocked * app_custom_event.fb_mobile_activate_app * app_custom_event.fb_mobile_add_payment_info * app_custom_event.fb_mobile_add_to_cart * app_custom_event.fb_mobile_add_to_wishlist * app_custom_event.fb_mobile_complete_registration * app_custom_event.fb_mobile_content_view * app_custom_event.fb_mobile_d2_retention * app_custom_event.fb_mobile_d7_retention * app_custom_event.fb_mobile_initiated_checkout * app_custom_event.fb_mobile_level_achieved * app_custom_event.fb_mobile_purchase * app_custom_event.fb_mobile_rate * app_custom_event.fb_mobile_search * app_custom_event.fb_mobile_spent_credits * app_custom_event.fb_mobile_tutorial_completion * app_custom_event.other * app_engagement * app_install * call_confirm_grouped * checkin * click_to_call_call_confirm * click_to_call_callback_request_submitted * click_to_call_native_20s_call_connect * click_to_call_native_60s_call_connect * click_to_call_native_call_placed * click_to_join_new_channel_member * comment * commerce_event * complete_registration * credit_spent * group_join * initiate_checkout * landing_page_view * lead * leadgen_grouped * like * mobile_app_install * offline_conversion * offline_conversion.add_payment_info * offline_conversion.add_to_cart * offline_conversion.add_to_wishlist * offline_conversion.complete_registration * offline_conversion.initiate_checkout * offline_conversion.lead * offline_conversion.other * offline_conversion.purchase * * offline_conversion.view_content * offsite_conversion * offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_add_payment_info * offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_add_to_cart * offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_add_to_wishlist * offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_complete_registration * offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_custom * offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_initiate_checkout * offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_lead * offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_purchase * offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_search * offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_view_content * omni_achievement_unlocked * omni_activate_app * omni_add_to_cart * omni_add_to_wishlist * omni_app_install * omni_complete_registration * omni_custom * omni_initiated_checkout * omni_level_achieved * omni_purchase * omni_rate * omni_search * omni_spend_credits * omni_tutorial_completion * omni_view_content * onsite_app_add_to_cart * onsite_app_purchase * onsite_app_view_content * onsite_conversion.add_to_cart * onsite_conversion.add_to_wishlist * onsite_conversion.click_to_call * onsite_conversion.donate * onsite_conversion.find_location * onsite_conversion.flow_complete * onsite_conversion.initiate_checkout * onsite_conversion.lead * onsite_conversion.lead_grouped * onsite_conversion.message_to_buy * onsite_conversion.messaging_20s_call_connect * onsite_conversion.messaging_60s_call_connect * onsite_conversion.messaging_block * onsite_conversion.messaging_business_calling_call_answered * onsite_conversion.messaging_business_calling_call_initiated * onsite_conversion.messaging_business_calling_call_missed * onsite_conversion.messaging_business_calling_opt_in_accepted * onsite_conversion.messaging_business_calling_opt_in_denied * onsite_conversion.messaging_business_calling_opt_in_sent * onsite_conversion.messaging_conversation_replied_7d * onsite_conversion.messaging_conversation_started_7d * onsite_conversion.messaging_order_created_v2 * onsite_conversion.messaging_order_shipped_v2 * onsite_conversion.messaging_user_call_placed * onsite_conversion.messaging_user_depth_2_message_send * onsite_conversion.messaging_user_depth_3_message_send * onsite_conversion.messaging_user_subscribed * onsite_conversion.messaging_welcome_message_view * onsite_conversion.other * onsite_conversion.post_save * onsite_conversion.purchase * onsite_conversion.view_content * onsite_web_add_to_cart * onsite_web_app_add_to_cart * onsite_web_app_purchase * onsite_web_app_view_content * onsite_web_lead * onsite_web_purchase * onsite_web_view_content * page_engagement * photo_view * post * post_engagement * post_reaction * purchase * rsvp * search * video_view * view_content Tieni presente che queste modifiche non interessano altri campi dell'API Ads Insights come actions, action_values o cost_per_action_type. I seguenti endpoint sono interessati: * GET /{ad-account-id}/insights * GET /{ad-id}/insights * GET /{ad-set-id}/insights * GET /{campaign-id}/insights * GET /{ad-report-run-id}/insights

24 giugno 2024

Ad Scheduling

Si applica a All versions

The fields ad_schedule_start_time and ad_schedule_end_time will become available for Manual sales campaigns, Manual app campaigns, and Advantage+ app campaigns.

Sono interessati i seguenti endpoint:

11 marzo 2024

A partire dall'11 marzo 2024, non supporteremo più il valore bid_amount sulle inserzioni. Potrai usare il valore bid_amount nel gruppo di inserzioni come elemento informativo. Le chiamate API che tentano di aggiornare il bid_amount per un'inserzione restituiranno un errore. I seguenti endpoint sono interessati: * GET /{ad-account-id}/ads * POST /{ad-account-id}/ads