Cambios de fuera de ciclo de 2024. Cambios de fuera de ciclo de 2024 en la API de marketing.

12 de noviembre de 2024

Ad Asset Promotional Metadata

Se aplica a all versions.

The coupon_codes field will be added to the AdAssetPromotionalMetadata API. This field stores the coupon codes and their detection sources that the advertiser opted in to during ad creation.

Ha afectado a los siguientes extremos:

7 de octubre de 2024

New available category for Special Ad Categories

Se aplica a all versions.

There is a new special ad category input for the special_ad_categories field. This input is FINANCIAL_PRODUCTS_SERVICES representing the Financial products and services category, and will eventually replace the CREDIT input on January 14, 2025. This change is part of an upcoming expansion of special ad categories to include financial products and services in early 2025. Learn more about the update here.

CREDIT is still a valid special ad category selection until it is deprecated on January 14, 2025. Developers must have migrated to the FINANCIAL_PRODUCTS_SERVICES input prior to the deprecation. It is recommended that you prioritize this update well in advance of the deprecation date to minimize disruption for your customers.

It is important to note that CREDIT and FINANCIAL_PRODUCTS_SERVICES cannot be selected at the same time for a single campaign. Only one (CREDIT or FINANCIAL_PRODUCTS_SERVICES) may be used of the two choices.

Businesses that have selected the FINANCIAL_PRODUCTS_SERVICES input must comply with audience restrictions, similar to housing and employment.

Ha afectado a los siguientes extremos:
* November 15, 2024 - Changelog entry updated with the date for this upcoming change as previously noted would occur.

1 de agosto de 2024

API de insights de anuncios #### Retirada de métricas únicas Se aplica a todas las versiones el 30 de octubre de 2024. El 30 de octubre de 2024, una serie de métricas únicas se retirarán de la API de insights de anuncios para todas las versiones de la API. Más información. Después de la actualización, los campos unique_actions y cost_per_unique_action_type de la API solo devolverán los siguientes desgloses de action_type: * link_click * onsite_conversion_messaging_first_reply * onsite_conversion_total_messaging_connection * outbound_click En consecuencia, los siguientes desgloses de action_type se retirarán de los campos unique_actions y cost_per_unique_action_type de la API: * add_payment_info * add_to_cart * app_custom_event * app_custom_event.fb_mobile_achievement_unlocked * app_custom_event.fb_mobile_activate_app * app_custom_event.fb_mobile_add_payment_info * app_custom_event.fb_mobile_add_to_cart * app_custom_event.fb_mobile_add_to_wishlist * app_custom_event.fb_mobile_complete_registration * app_custom_event.fb_mobile_content_view * app_custom_event.fb_mobile_d2_retention * app_custom_event.fb_mobile_d7_retention * app_custom_event.fb_mobile_initiated_checkout * app_custom_event.fb_mobile_level_achieved * app_custom_event.fb_mobile_purchase * app_custom_event.fb_mobile_rate * app_custom_event.fb_mobile_search * app_custom_event.fb_mobile_spent_credits * app_custom_event.fb_mobile_tutorial_completion * app_custom_event.other * app_engagement * app_install * call_confirm_grouped * checkin * click_to_call_call_confirm * click_to_call_callback_request_submitted * click_to_call_native_20s_call_connect * click_to_call_native_60s_call_connect * click_to_call_native_call_placed * click_to_join_new_channel_member * comment * commerce_event * complete_registration * credit_spent * group_join * initiate_checkout * landing_page_view * lead * leadgen_grouped * like * mobile_app_install * offline_conversion * offline_conversion.add_payment_info * offline_conversion.add_to_cart * offline_conversion.add_to_wishlist * offline_conversion.complete_registration * offline_conversion.initiate_checkout * offline_conversion.lead * offline_conversion.other * offline_conversion.purchase * * offline_conversion.view_content * offsite_conversion * offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_add_payment_info * offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_add_to_cart * offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_add_to_wishlist * offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_complete_registration * offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_custom * offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_initiate_checkout * offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_lead * offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_purchase * offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_search * offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_view_content * omni_achievement_unlocked * omni_activate_app * omni_add_to_cart * omni_add_to_wishlist * omni_app_install * omni_complete_registration * omni_custom * omni_initiated_checkout * omni_level_achieved * omni_purchase * omni_rate * omni_search * omni_spend_credits * omni_tutorial_completion * omni_view_content * onsite_app_add_to_cart * onsite_app_purchase * onsite_app_view_content * onsite_conversion.add_to_cart * onsite_conversion.add_to_wishlist * onsite_conversion.click_to_call * onsite_conversion.donate * onsite_conversion.find_location * onsite_conversion.flow_complete * onsite_conversion.initiate_checkout * onsite_conversion.lead * onsite_conversion.lead_grouped * onsite_conversion.message_to_buy * onsite_conversion.messaging_20s_call_connect * onsite_conversion.messaging_60s_call_connect * onsite_conversion.messaging_block * onsite_conversion.messaging_business_calling_call_answered * onsite_conversion.messaging_business_calling_call_initiated * onsite_conversion.messaging_business_calling_call_missed * onsite_conversion.messaging_business_calling_opt_in_accepted * onsite_conversion.messaging_business_calling_opt_in_denied * onsite_conversion.messaging_business_calling_opt_in_sent * onsite_conversion.messaging_conversation_replied_7d * onsite_conversion.messaging_conversation_started_7d * onsite_conversion.messaging_order_created_v2 * onsite_conversion.messaging_order_shipped_v2 * onsite_conversion.messaging_user_call_placed * onsite_conversion.messaging_user_depth_2_message_send * onsite_conversion.messaging_user_depth_3_message_send * onsite_conversion.messaging_user_subscribed * onsite_conversion.messaging_welcome_message_view * onsite_conversion.other * onsite_conversion.post_save * onsite_conversion.purchase * onsite_conversion.view_content * onsite_web_add_to_cart * onsite_web_app_add_to_cart * onsite_web_app_purchase * onsite_web_app_view_content * onsite_web_lead * onsite_web_purchase * onsite_web_view_content * page_engagement * photo_view * post * post_engagement * post_reaction * purchase * rsvp * search * video_view * view_content Ten en cuenta que estos cambios no afectan a los demás campos de la API de insights de anuncios, como actions, action_values o cost_per_action_type. Los siguientes extremos se verán afectados: * GET /{ad-account-id}/insights * GET /{ad-id}/insights * GET /{ad-set-id}/insights * GET /{campaign-id}/insights * GET /{ad-report-run-id}/insights

24 de junio de 2024

Ad Scheduling

Se aplica a All versions

The fields ad_schedule_start_time and ad_schedule_end_time will become available for Manual sales campaigns, Manual app campaigns, and Advantage+ app campaigns.

Ha afectado a los siguientes extremos:

11 de marzo de 2024

Anuncio: A partir del 11 de marzo de 2024, ya no admitiremos que se proporcione un valor de bid_amount en los anuncios. En su lugar, utiliza el valor de bid_amount del conjunto de anuncios como fuente de información. Se producirá un error en las llamadas a la API que intenten actualizar el valor de bid_amount de un anuncio. Los siguientes extremos se verán afectados: * GET /{ad-account-id}/ads * POST /{ad-account-id}/ads