Referensi - Katalog

Format Kabar yang Didukung

Stok harus diunggah ke Facebook menggunakan katalog. Untuk setiap katalog, kabar produk harus disediakan dalam salah satu format yang didukung: CSV, TSV, RSS XML, ATOM XML, atau Google Sheets.



Nilai yang dipisahkan dengan koma. Bisa digunakan dengan sebagian besar program spreadsheet. Baris pertama menentukan header kolom. Baris berikutnya berisi nilai yang sesuai untuk setiap rute.

Kolom yang berisi spasi berlebih atau koma harus diapit dengan "tanda petik ganda". Tanda petik ganda di dalam kolom yang diapit tanda petik ganda harus di-escape dengan dua tanda petik ganda berturut-turut.

Contoh: "Join our ""Royal"" membership program".

Kolom bertingkat atau multinilai, seperti gambar, dapat diwakili menggunakan nilai yang dikodekan dalam format JSON atau dengan set kolom teks biasa yang "diratakan" dan diberi label dengan menggunakan sintaksis jalur JSON.

Contoh: image[0].url, image[0].tag[0], image[0].tag[1])

Kedua konvensi tersebut dapat digunakan secara bergantian di file yang sama.

Lihat contoh untuk kabar CSV untuk Iklan Katalog Advantage+ dan kabar CSV untuk perdagangan.

Unduh (Klik kanan > Simpan Tautan Sebagai)

Anda dapat merujuk pada file contoh CSV (.csv) kami saat Anda membuat kabar, tetapi sebaiknya gunakan Commerce Manager sebagai sumber utama Anda.


Nilai yang dipisah dengan tab. Bisa digunakan dengan sebagian besar program spreadsheet. Lihat panduan untuk CSV.

Unduh (Klik kanan > Simpan Tautan Sebagai)


Rich-Site Summary, Extensible Markup Language. Node XML root mencakup satu set node, yang masing-masing mewakili sebuah rute. File harus diawali dengan tanda declaration. Format biasanya dibuat oleh sistem penyedia kabar otomatis atau server web. Set node XML item mewakili daftar produk dan harus dimulai dengan tanda deklarasi <?xml.

Biasanya dibuat oleh sistem penyedia kabar otomatis atau server web.

Unduh (Klik kanan > Simpan Tautan Sebagai)

Jika Anda menerima kesalahan, hal itu berarti bahwa baris dalam file kabar data XML Anda terlalu panjang dan melebihi batas ukuran 5.242.880 bita atau karakter. Silakan format ulang XML Anda menjadi beberapa baris dengan 1 kolom per baris dan unggah kembali file Anda. Untuk informasi selengkapnya, lihat Memecahkan Masalah Kesalahan kabar Data.

Atom XML

Atom Syndication Format adalah bahasa XML yang digunakan untuk kabar web, sedangkan Atom Publishing Protocol (AtomPub atau APP) adalah protokol berbasis HTTP sederhana untuk membuat dan memperbarui sumber daya web. Format biasanya dibuat oleh sistem penyedia kabar otomatis atau server web. Set node XML item mewakili daftar produk dan harus dimulai dengan tanda deklarasi <?xml. Biasanya dibuat oleh sistem penyedia kabar otomatis atau server web. Lihat contoh kabar XML (Atom) untuk perdagangan.

Unduh (Klik kanan > Simpan Tautan Sebagai)

Google Sheets

Commerce Manager sekarang juga mendukung Google Sheets untuk kabar terjadwal:

  1. Buat kabar data Anda sebagai spreadsheet di Google Sheets dan dapatkan tautan yang bisa dibagikan.
  2. Saat Anda menambahkan produk di Commerce Manager, pilih opsi Google Sheets. Salin dan tempel di tautan yang dapat dibagikan lalu selesaikan unggahan Anda.
  3. Lanjutkan mengelola stok Anda di spreadsheet Google di masa mendatang dan kami akan mengambil dari sana pada waktu yang dijadwalkan.

Pelajari Selengkapnya

Contoh Kabar

Contoh kabar CSV — Iklan Katalog Advantage+

id,title,description,availability,condition,price,link,image_link,brand,additional_image_link,age_group,color,gender,item_group_id,google_product_category,pattern,product_type,sale_price,sale_price_effective_date,size,FB_product_1234,Facebook T-Shirt (Unisex),A vibrant crewneck for all shapes and sizes. Made from 100% cotton.,in stock,new,9.99 USD,,,Facebook,,adult,blue,unisex,FB1234_shirts,Apparel & Accessories > Clothing > Shirts,stripes1,Apparel & Accessories > Clothing > Shirts,4.99 USD,2017-12-01T0:00-23:59/2017-12-31T0:00-23:59,small,2.99 USD,2018-11-01T12:00-0300/2018-12-01T00:00-0300

Contoh kabar CSV — Perdagangan

FB_product_1234,Facebook T-Shirt (Unisex),A vibrant crewneck for all shapes and sizes. Made from 100% cotton.,"<p>A vibrant crewneck for all shapes and sizes. Made from 100% cotton.</p> <p> Made of 52% combed and ringspun cotton, 48% polyester.</p>",in stock,new,9.99 USD,,,Facebook,,adult,blue,unisex,FB1234_shirts,Apparel & Accessories > Clothing > Shirts & Tops,Apparel & Accessories > Clothing > Shirts,4.99 USD,2017-12-01T0:00-23:59/2017-12-31T0:00-23:59,small,2.99 USD,2018-11-01T12:00-0300/2018-12-01T00:00-0300,published,200
FB_product_1235,Facebook T-Shirt (Unisex),A vibrant crewneck for all shapes and sizes. Made from 100% cotton.,"<p>A vibrant crewneck for all shapes and sizes. Made from 100% cotton.</p> <p> Made of 52% combed and ringspun cotton, 48% polyester.</p>",in stock,new,9.99 USD,,,Facebook,,adult,blue,unisex,FB1234_shirts,Apparel & Accessories > Clothing > Shirts & Tops,Apparel & Accessories > Clothing > Shirts,4.99 USD,2017-12-01T0:00-23:59/2017-12-31T0:00-23:59,medium,2.99 USD,2018-11-01T12:00-0300/2018-12-01T00:00-0300,published,200
FB_product_1236,Facebook T-Shirt (Unisex),A vibrant crewneck for all shapes and sizes. Made from 100% cotton.,"<p>A vibrant crewneck for all shapes and sizes. Made from 100% cotton.</p> <p> Made of 52% combed and ringspun cotton, 48% polyester.</p>",in stock,new,9.99 USD,,,Facebook,,adult,blue,unisex,FB1234_shirts,Apparel & Accessories > Clothing > Shirts & Tops,Apparel & Accessories > Clothing > Shirts,4.99 USD,2017-12-01T0:00-23:59/2017-12-31T0:00-23:59,large,2.99 USD,2018-11-01T12:00-0300/2018-12-01T00:00-0300,published,200
FB_product_1237,Facebook T-Shirt (Unisex),A vibrant crewneck for all shapes and sizes. Made from 100% cotton.,"<p>A vibrant crewneck for all shapes and sizes. Made from 100% cotton.</p> <p> Made of 52% combed and ringspun cotton, 48% polyester.</p>",in stock,new,9.99 USD,,,Facebook,,adult,black,unisex,FB1234_shirts,Apparel & Accessories > Clothing > Shirts & Tops,Apparel & Accessories > Clothing > Shirts,4.99 USD,2017-12-01T0:00-23:59/2017-12-31T0:00-23:59,small,2.99 USD,2018-11-01T12:00-0300/2018-12-01T00:00-0300,published,200
FB_product_1238,Facebook T-Shirt (Unisex),A vibrant crewneck for all shapes and sizes. Made from 100% cotton.,"<p>A vibrant crewneck for all shapes and sizes. Made from 100% cotton.</p> <p> Made of 52% combed and ringspun cotton, 48% polyester.</p>",in stock,new,9.99 USD,,,Facebook,,adult,black,unisex,FB1234_shirts,Apparel & Accessories > Clothing > Shirts & Tops,Apparel & Accessories > Clothing > Shirts,4.99 USD,2017-12-01T0:00-23:59/2017-12-31T0:00-23:59,medium,2.99 USD,2018-11-01T12:00-0300/2018-12-01T00:00-0300,published,200
FB_product_1239,Facebook T-Shirt (Unisex),A vibrant crewneck for all shapes and sizes. Made from 100% cotton.,"<p>A vibrant crewneck for all shapes and sizes. Made from 100% cotton.</p> <p> Made of 52% combed and ringspun cotton, 48% polyester.</p>",in stock,new,9.99 USD,,,Facebook,,adult,black,unisex,FB1234_shirts,Apparel & Accessories > Clothing > Shirts & Tops,Apparel & Accessories > Clothing > Shirts,4.99 USD,2017-12-01T0:00-23:59/2017-12-31T0:00-23:59,large,2.99 USD,2018-11-01T12:00-0300/2018-12-01T00:00-0300,published,200

Contoh kabar XML (Atom) — Perdagangan

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:g="" xmlns:atom="">
    <title>My Deal Shop Products</title>
    <description>Product Feed for Facebook</description> 
    <atom:link href="" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />
            <g:google_product_category>Toys &amp; Games > Toys > Executive Toys > Magnet Toys</g:google_product_category>            
            <g:description>This product is the product you need to do the thing</g:description>
            <g:availability>in stock</g:availability>
            <g:price>19.99 USD</g:price>
            <g:sale_price>9.99 USD</g:sale_price>

            <g:google_product_category>Toys &amp; Games > Toys > Executive Toys > Magnet Toys</g:google_product_category>            
            <g:description>This product is the product you need to do the thing</g:description>
            <g:availability>in stock</g:availability>
            <g:price>19.99 USD</g:price>
            <g:sale_price>9.99 USD</g:sale_price>


Format kabar - Menjadwalkan Pengambilan kabar Data

Untuk menjadwalkan pengambilan kabar data, lihat format yang disarankan di bawah ini.

Format Kabar Kasus Penggunaan Contoh Kabar


Perbarui price dan availability untuk subset item.

Unduh (Klik Kanan dan Simpan Tautan Sebagai)


Reset sale_price dan perbarui custom_label_0 untuk subset item

Unduh (Klik kanan dan Simpan Tautan Sebagai)

Kolom Katalog yang Didukung

Kolom katalog sangat penting bagi kualitas pengalaman bagi pelanggan yang membeli produk di Toko Anda di Facebook atau Instagram.

Kolom katalog digunakan untuk mengisi halaman Detail Produk untuk setiap item. Detail ini mencakup informasi penting, seperti deskripsi produk, gambar, ukuran/varian warna, harga, dan ketersediaan. Data yang hilang atau buruk dapat berdampak negatif terhadap pengalaman pengguna, berdampak pada konversi pembelian, atau dapat menyesatkan dan mengikis kepercayaan.

Kolom yang Didukung untuk Produk

Tabel berikut menjelaskan kolom yang digunakan untuk membuat katalog, termasuk level persyaratan (wajib vs. opsional). Untuk konvensi penamaan kolom menurut praktek terbaik, gunakan bahasa Inggris AS untuk semua kolom.

Required Fields (for Ads and Commerce)

Each field in your data feed represents information about your products. All field names and certain supported values must be in US English. The following fields are required for each product in your catalog. Note: If any required fields are missing or formatted incorrectly, products may not upload to your catalog.

Attribute and Type Description


Type: string

Max character limit: 100

A unique content ID for the item. Use the item's SKU if possible. Each content ID must appear only once in your catalog. If there are multiple instances of the same ID, we ignore all instances.

Note: For dynamic ads, this ID must exactly match the content ID for the same item in your Meta Pixel.

Example: 12345

This field is required for supplementary feeds. Each item’s content ID must exactly match in the supplementary feed and the main feed it’s linked to. This indicates it’s the same item in both feeds.


Type: string

Character limit: 200, but we recommend a maximum of 65 to avoid longer titles being cut off.

A specific, relevant title for the item. See product title specifications.

Example: Blue Cotton T-Shirt

This field is supported by supplementary feeds.


type: string

Max character limit: 9999

A relevant description of the item. Include specific and unique product features, such as material or color. Use plain text (not HTML) and don't enter text in all capital letters or include any links. The description should be different than the title. See product description specifications.

Example: A comfortable royal blue women's T-shirt in organic cotton. Cap sleeves and relaxed fit. Perfect for warm summer days.

This field is supported by supplementary feeds.


Type: string

The current availability of the item. Must be written in U.S. English. Supported values:

  • in stock

  • out of stock

Items that are out of stock display as "sold out" in your shop. They don't display at all in your ads.

Example: in stock


Type: string

The condition of the item. Supported values: new, refurbished, used.

Example: new


type: string

The price of the item. Format the price as a number, followed by a space and then the 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code (ISO 4217 standards). Always use a period (.) as the decimal point, not a comma (,). Don't include currency symbols such as $, € or £.

To add product information and prices that will display for other countries or languages, upload a country feed or language feed to your catalog.

Example: 9.99 USD, 7.99 EUR


Type: string

The URL to the specific product page for the item on your business's website where people can learn more about or buy that exact item. Links must begin with http:// or https://, be valid and be hosted on your business’s website domain. Don't provide a link to a Facebook domain (such as your business's Facebook Page) or somewhere else.



Type: string

The URL for the main image of your item. Images must be in JPEG or PNG format, at least 500 x 500 pixels and up to 8 MB. See product image specifications.


Note: If you change the image later, the new image must use a different URL or the change won't be recognized.

This field is supported by supplementary feeds.


Type: string

Max characters: 100

The brand name, unique manufacturer part number (MPN) or Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) of the item. You only need to enter one of these, not all of them. For GTIN, enter the item's UPC, EAN, JAN or ISBN.

Example: Jasper's Market

Additional Required Fields for Checkout on Facebook and Instagram (US Only)

Checkout on Facebook and Instagram (US only) allows customers to complete purchases directly on Facebook and Instagram. To sell items with this checkout method, provide the following additional fields for each product in your catalog. If items are missing these fields, people won't be able to buy them or they may not show in your shop at all.

Attribute and Type Description


Type: integer

The quantity of this item that you have available to sell on Facebook and Instagram. Enter a whole number. To prevent overselling, the item's quantity will be automatically reduced each time a purchase order is confirmed through checkout.

Note: To display as in stock for checkout, an item's quantity_to_sell_on_facebook must be 1 or higher and its availability must also be set to in stock.

Example: 150

This field was previously called inventory. While we still support the old field name, we recommend that you use the new name.


Type: string

Required for items in specific product categories including clothing and shoes.

Max character limit: 200

The size of the item. Enter the size as a word, abbreviation or number, such as "Small", "XL", "12" or "One Size".

Example: Medium

This field is supported by supplementary feeds.

Optional Fields

You can also include many optional fields to share more product information with customers or control how items are displayed.

Attribute and Type Description


Type: string

If the item is on sale, enter its discounted price. Use the same formatting as the price field.

Example: 7.99 USD


Type: two ISO-8601 timestamp

The date, time and time zone when your sale starts and ends. If you don't add this field, any items with a sale_price remain on sale until you remove their sale price. Use this format:


  • Enter the sale start date as YYYY-MM-DD followed by a "T".
  • Enter the start time in 24-hour format (00:00 to 23:59) followed by the UTC time zone (-12:00 to +14:00).
  • Enter a "/". Then, repeat the same format for the date and time when your sale ends.

Example (using PST time zone -08:00):



Type: string

Max character limit: 100

Allows you to set up variants of the same product, such as different sizes, colors or patterns. Enter the same group ID in this field for all variants of the same product to indicate they're part of a group. Learn more about product variants.

Example: Shirt_1


Type: string

Controls whether the item is active or archived in your catalog. Only active items can be seen by people in your ads, shops or any other channels. Supported values: active, archived. Items are active by default. Learn more about archiving items.

Example: active

Note: Some partner platforms such as Shopify may sync items to your catalog with a status called staging, which behaves the same as archived.

This field was previously called visibility. While we still support the old field name, we recommend that you use the new name.


Type: string

Maximum character limit: 2000

URLs for up to 20 additional images of your item, separated by a comma (,), semicolon (;), space ( ) or vertical bar (|). Follow the same image specifications as image_link.

Since this field takes a string, the entire list of URLs must be formatted with double quotes. For example: ","

To display additional images in your ads, see Dynamic Ads, Ad Template

This field is supported by supplementary feeds.


Type: string

Provide the most specific Google product category possible from this list: Excel (.xls) or Plain text (.txt). Enter either the category name (not case sensitive) or its ID number.

Example: Apparel & Accessories > Clothing > Shirts & Tops or 212

Learn more about product categories (Business Help Center article).

Note: The category lists above are in US English. You can download other languages from Google Merchant Help Center.

This field is supported by supplementary feeds.


Type: string

Provide the most specific Facebook product category possible from this list: Spreadsheet (.csv) or Plain text (.txt). Enter either the category name (not case sensitive) or its ID number.

Example: Clothing & Accessories > Clothing > Women's Clothing > Tops & T-Shirts or 430

Learn more about product categories (Business Help Center article).

Note: The category lists above are in US English. You can download other languages here.

This field is supported by supplementary feeds.

Category-specific fields

When you provide a Google or Facebook product category (google_product_category or fb_product_category), we recommend that you add more fields that are specific to that category. This gives people more information to make a purchase decision. For example, for beauty products, you could provide ingredients. View the list of category-specific fields.

This field is supported by supplementary feeds.


Type: string

Max character limit: 200

The main color of the item. Describe the color in words, not a hex code.

Example: Royal Blue

This field is supported by supplementary feeds.


Type: string

The gender your item is targeted towards. Supported values: female, male, unisex.

Example: unisex

This field is supported by supplementary feeds.


Type: string

Max character limit: 200

The size of the item. Enter the size as a word, abbreviation or number, such as "Small", "XL", "12" or "One Size".

Example: Medium

This field is supported by supplementary feeds.


Type: string

The age group the item is targeted towards. Accepted values: adult, all ages, teen, kids, toddler, infant, newborn.

Example: adult

This field is supported by supplementary feeds.


Type: string

Character limit: 200
The material the item is made from, such as cotton, polyester, denim or leather.

Example: Organic Cotton

This field is supported by supplementary feeds.


Type: string

Max character limit: 100

The pattern or graphic print on the item.

Example: Flannel, Gingham, Polka dots, stripes

This field is supported by supplementary feeds.


Type: string

This allows you to use a shipping-related overlay in your ads.

Shipping details for the item, formatted as: Country:Region:Service:Price

  • Enter the country as a 2-letter ISO 3166 country code.
  • Enter the region, state or province. If shipping information is the same for an entire country, you can leave out the region but keep the :: as shown in the Philippines (PH) example below.
  • Enter a description of the shipping service such as Ground or Air.
  • Enter the price as a number followed by a space and then the 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code. Note: To use the "Free Shipping" overlay for ads, enter the price as 0.0.
  • If you offer different shipping details by region or country, separate them with a comma (,) as shown in the example.

Example: US:NY:Ground:9.99 USD, PH::Air:300 PHP


Type: string

Shipping weight of the item in lb, oz, g, or kg.

Example: 10 kg




Max array size: 5000

Max single tag size: 110 characters

Array of technical tags which can be applied to a product for the purpose of creating product sets.

The content of this field is never displayed to consumers; therefore, updating it will not trigger an integrity review.

Use lowercase letters only, leading and trailing whitespaces are not allowed.

Example: [luxury,winter]


Type: string

Max character limit: 100

Up to five custom fields for any additional information you want to filter items by when you create sets. For example, you could use a custom field to indicate all items that are part of a summer sale, and then filter those items into a set. This field supports any text value, including numbers.

Example: Summer Sale

This field is supported by supplementary feeds.


Type: int

Up to five custom fields for any additional number-related information you want to filter items by when you create sets. This field allows you to filter by number ranges (is greater than and is less than) when you create a set. For example, you could use this field to indicate the year an item was produced, and then filter a certain year range into a set.

This field supports whole numbers between 0 and 4294967295. It doesn't support negative numbers, decimal numbers or commas, such as -2, 5.5 or 10,000.

Example: 2022


Type: string

Max characters: 9999

The rich text (HTML) description for item. Note: If this field is provided, we use it instead of description; however, the description field is still required because it's a fallback.

Supported tags include:

  • <form>, <fieldset>, <div>, <span>, <section>
  • All Header tags: <header>, <h1> thru <h6>
  • Table tags: <table>, <tbody>, <tfoot>, <thead>, <td>, <th>, <tr>
  • List tags: <ul>, <li>, <ol>, <dl>, <dd>, <dt>
  • Other formatting tags: <b>, <u>, <i>, <em>, <strong>, <title>, <small>, <br>, <p>, <div>, <sub>, <sup>, <pre>, <q>, <s>

Note: Any attributes of the html tags such as <style> will be stripped off from the field.


<p>Unisex cotton T-shirt with 3/4 length sleeves in royal blue. Great for everyday casual wear. Features graphic print of logo in white on upper left sleeve.</p>
<li>100% Cotton</li>
<li>Relaxed Fit</li>

This field is supported by supplementary feeds.


Type: string

Max character limit: 750

Category the item belongs to, according to your business's product categorization system, if you have one. You can also enter a Google product category. For commerce, represents the product category in your internal system. Learn more about product categories for commerce.

Example: Home & Garden > Kitchen & Dining > Appliances > Refrigerators




video[3].url ... up to


Type: string

Up to 20 fields each containing a link to a video of your item. Must be a direct link to download the video file, not a link to a video player such as YouTube.

The maximum video file size is 200 MB. Supported formats include: .3g2, .3gp, .3gpp, .asf, .avi, .dat, .divx, .dv, .f4v, .flv, .gif, .m2ts, .m4v, .mkv, .mod, .mov, .mp4, .mpe, .mpeg, .mpeg4, .mpg, .mts, .nsv, .ogm, .ogv, .qt, .tod, .ts, .vob and .wmv


This field is supported by supplementary feeds.


Type: string

Additional attributes that are not core attributes (size, color, gender, pattern, and so on). Do not use a core attribute as an additional attribute. Learn more about Product Variants.

Example: Scent:Fruity, Flavor:Strawberry

This field is supported by supplementary feeds.


Type: string

Provide this information for any products customarily sold by a unit of measurement (for example "$10 / pound"). To specify this information, provide the following:

Amount value: this is a float
Currency: any supported currency
Unit type: any of the following measurements:

Centiliters: cl
Centimeters: cm
Count: ct
Cubic Meters: cbm
Feet: ft
Fluid Ounces: fl oz
Gallons: gal
Grams: g
Inches: in
Kilograms: kg
Liters: l
Meters: m
Milligrams: mg
Milliliters: ml
Ounces: oz
Pints: pt
Pounds: lb
Quarts: qt
Square Feet: sqft
Square meters: sqm
Yards: yd

This information is uploaded via feed uploads in the unit_price field in a JSON format as follows:

{value: 10.0, currency: "USD", unit: "lb"}

It can also be uploaded via XML as follows:


Example: Download a sample CSV file with an example of adding unit_price to products.


Type: string

Product's Global Trade Item Number (GTINs). Exclude dashes and spaces. Submit only valid GTINs as defined by the GTIN validation guide. Supported values are UPC (North America, 12 digits), EAN (Europe, 13 digits), JAN (Japan, 8 or 13 digits), ISBN (books, 13 digits).

Example: 4011200296908

This field is supported by supplementary feeds.


Type: string

Max characters: 100.

Unique manufacturer ID for item. For commerce, Daily Deals inventory must also include brand if mpn is provided.

Example: 100020003


Type: date

Product expiration. If the product is expired, it won't be shown on Facebook. This date should follow the ISO‑8601 (YYYY‑MM‑DD) format.


Type: string

Specify a return window for this item, which overrides your shop's default return window. Using this field in your data feed is an alternative to setting up a custom return window manually in Commerce Manager. Learn more about return windows.

Indicate whether the item is final sale (true or false) and the number of days of the the return window (for final sale, enter 0 days).

Example of an item with a 30 day return window: {is_final_sale: "false", return_policy_days: "30"}

Example of a final sale item:

{is_final_sale: "true", return_policy_days: "0"}


Type: string

Link to mobile-optimized page for item on the merchant's website.


Type: string

Provide deep links in feed following the App Links specification. Deep link information in feed takes precedence over any information we collect with App Links metadata with our web crawler.

If you already have deep link information from App Links, you don't need to specify this data. Information from App Links is used to display the correct deep link. To display deep links in your ads, see Dynamic Ads, Ad Template.

Supported applinks: applink.ios_url, applink.ios_app_store_id, applink.ios_app_name, applink.android_url, applink.android_package, applink.android_app_name, applink.windows_phone_url, applink.windows_phone_app_id, applink.windows_phone_app_name, applink.ipad_url, applink.ipad_app_store_id, applink.ipad_app_name.

For Android, we require applink.android_package and url is optional. For other applinks, a valid url is required.

Learn more about product deep links.


Used to control the channel visibility of each specific product in your catalog. With this feature, you can enable or disable your products from being displayed in Shops, Marketplace Shops, Instagram Product Tagging, Dynamic Ads, and Mini Shops.

Learn more about disabled_capabilities.

Additional Required Fields for Selling in India

Attribute and Type Description

Type: ISOCountryCode (2 letter country code)

The item's country of origin. Enter the two-letter ISO country code

Example value: US

This field is supported by supplementary feeds.

Type: string

If the country of origin is not India, provide the legal entity name of the item's importer

Example value: Jasper's Market Inc.

This field is supported by supplementary feeds.

Type: JSON structure

If the country of origin is not India, provide the operational address of the importer. This field uses a JSON structure, which contains the following fields:

street1 - string, required. The first line of the street address
street2 - string, optional. The second line of the street address.
city - string, required. The city name.
region - string, optional. The region, state or province. (In the US this is to be used for US State)
postal_code - string, optional (in the US this is to be used for Zip Code)
country - required. Enter the ISO Country code (2-letter country code)

The overall address will be displayed to users in the following format: street1, street2 (if present), city, region (if present) postal_code (if present), country (full name, localized for the user).

This example value: `

{ street1: "1 Hacker Way", street2: "Building 18", city: "Menlo Park", region: "CA", postal_code: "94025", country: "US" }

will be rendered as "1 Hacker Way, Building 18, Menlo Park, CA 94025 United States of America"

This field is supported by supplementary feeds.

Type: string

Required for Shops only.

Information about the product's manufacturer, such as the manufacturer name and address.

Example: The Manufacturer Co. - 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025 USA

This field is supported by supplementary feeds.

Type: string

Required for selling on WhatsApp only.

If the item is a non-physical good sold in India, such as a service, use this field to indicate that the item is exempt from providing the country of origin (origin_country), importer name (importer_name) and importer address (importer_address).

Supported values (case sensitive):

COUNTRY_ORIGIN_EXEMPT: The item is exempt.

DEFAULT: The item is not exempt. This is the default value if you leave the field blank.

Kolom yang Didukung - Katalog yang Dilokalkan


  • Anda harus menyertakan kolom id di file kabar sekunder Anda. Untuk menjalankan Iklan Katalog Advantage+, ID untuk setiap item harus sama dengan yang ID ada di kabar data katalog asli dan ID konten dari pixel Anda.
  • Anda harus menyertakan kolom override. Di kolom ini, masukkan kode ISO dari bahasa atau negara untuk pelokalan informasi yang ingin Anda tambahkan. Di kolom ini, masukkan kode ISO dari bahasa atau negara untuk pelokalan informasi yang ingin Anda tambahkan. Nilai dalam kolom override harus berupa kode bahasa ISO yang didukung atau kode negara ISO yang didukung. Pelajari selengkapnya tentang kode bahasa dan kode negara yang didukung.

Pelajari selengkapnya tentang kolom id dan override di Membuat kabar data dengan informasi stok yang dilokalkan, langkah 2 dan 3.


  • title
  • description
  • availability
  • link
  • brand
  • price
  • sale_price
  • sale_price_effective_date
  • color
  • size
  • material
  • pattern
  • custom_label_0
  • custom_label_1
  • custom_label_2
  • custom_label_3
  • custom_label_4
  • short_description
  • additional_variant_attribute
  • applink.ios_url, applink.ios_app_store_id, applink.ios_app_name, applink.android_url, applink.android_package, applink.android_app_name, applink.windows_phone_url, applink.windows_phone_app_id, applink.windows_phone_app_name, applink.ipad_url, applink.ipad_app_store_id, applink.ipad_app_name

Untuk melokalkan kolom applink apa pun, Anda harus menyediakan semuanya. Pelajari selengkapnya tentang tautan dalam produk.

  • image[0].url, image[0].tag[0]

Untuk melokalkan gambar, Anda harus menggunakan kolom gambar bertingkat image[0].url, image[0].tag[0]. Kolom image_link tidak didukung untuk pelokalan.

Untuk referensi, lihat daftar utama kolom untuk produk.


  • name
  • description
  • base_price
  • sale_price
  • brand
  • url
  • neighborhood
  • longitude
  • latitude
  • image[0].url, image[0].tag[0]
  • applink.ios_url, applink.ios_app_store_id, applink.ios_app_name, applink.android_url, applink.android_package, applink.android_app_name, applink.windows_phone_url, applink.windows_phone_app_id, applink.windows_phone_app_name, applink.ipad_url, applink.ipad_app_store_id, applink.ipad_app_name

Untuk melokalkan kolom applink apa pun, Anda harus menyediakan semuanya. Pelajari selengkapnya tentang tautan dalam produk.

Untuk referensi, lihat daftar utama kolom untuk hotel.


  • description
  • url
  • origin_city
  • destination_city
  • price
  • one_way_price
  • image[0].url, image[0].tag[0]
  • applink.ios_url, applink.ios_app_store_id, applink.ios_app_name, applink.android_url, applink.android_package, applink.android_app_name, applink.windows_phone_url, applink.windows_phone_app_id, applink.windows_phone_app_name, applink.ipad_url, applink.ipad_app_store_id, applink.ipad_app_name

Untuk melokalkan kolom applink apa pun, Anda harus menyediakan semuanya. Pelajari selengkapnya tentang tautan dalam produk.

Untuk referensi, lihat daftar utama kolom untuk penerbangan.


  • name
  • description
  • url
  • price
  • neighborhood
  • longitude
  • latitude
  • image[0].url, image[0].tag[0]
  • applink.ios_url, applink.ios_app_store_id, applink.ios_app_name, applink.android_url, applink.android_package, applink.android_app_name, applink.windows_phone_url, applink.windows_phone_app_id, applink.windows_phone_app_name, applink.ipad_url, applink.ipad_app_store_id, applink.ipad_app_name

Untuk melokalkan kolom applink apa pun, Anda harus menyediakan semuanya. Pelajari selengkapnya tentang tautan dalam produk.

Untuk referensi, lihat daftar utama kolom untuk destinasi.

Tawaran Rumah

  • name
  • description
  • price
  • url
  • image[0].url, image[0].tag[0]

Untuk referensi, lihat daftar utama kolom untuk tawaran rumah.


  • title
  • description
  • price
  • sale_price
  • url
  • image[0].url, image[0].tag[0]

Untuk referensi, lihat daftar utama kolom untuk kendaraan.

Tanda OpenGraph

Setiap kolom memiliki maksimal 500 karakter.

Tautan gambar utama bersifat wajib. Setiap tautan gambar tambahan bersifat opsional.



Judul item. Mendukung katalog berbasis pixel.



Deskripsi item. Mendukung katalog berbasis pixel.



URL lengkap untuk halaman produk. Mendukung katalog berbasis pixel.


Wajib untuk tautan utama. Opsional untuk tautan gambar tambahan.

Tautkan ke gambar yang digunakan pada halaman produk. Tautan gambar utama bersifat wajib. Setiap tautan gambar tambahan bersifat opsional. Mendukung katalog berbasis pixel.


Wajib jika menggunakan katalog multibahasa.

Menetapkan versi situs web asal produk; contohnya, en_GB untuk situs web Inggris. Mendukung katalog berbasis pixel.



Harga item saat ini. Sebagai pemisah, gunakan '.' daripada ',' untuk menunjukkan poin desimal. Jangan menggunakan simbol, seperti “$” pada harga. Mendukung katalog berbasis pixel.

Contoh: 1500.00



Mata uang untuk harga dalam format ISO. Mendukung katalog berbasis pixel.

Contoh: USD



Nama merek item. Mendukung katalog berbasis pixel.



Ketersediaan item saat ini: in stock, out of stock, available for order, discontinued. Mendukung katalog berbasis pixel.



ID katalog unik untuk item. Dapat berupa varian untuk sebuah produk. ID ini dipetakan ke retailer_id setelah produk diimpor. Kolom id harus sama dengan ID konten untuk pixel Anda. Mendukung katalog berbasis pixel.



Batas karakter maks.: 250. Mendukung katalog berbasis pixel.

Untuk Iklan Katalog Advantage+, mewakili nilai yang telah ditetapkan sebelumnya (string atau ID kategori) dari taksonomi produk Google.

Untuk perdagangan, mewakili kategori produk Anda sesuai dengan taksonomi produk Google. Pelajari selengkapnya tentang kategori produk untuk perdagangan.

Pelajari selengkapnya tentang Kategori Produk Google untuk Item Katalog, Pusat Bantuan Iklan.



Kondisi item saat ini: new, refurbished, used. Mendukung katalog berbasis pixel.



Batas karakter maks.: 100

Informasi tambahan tentang item yang ingin Anda sertakan. Mendukung katalog berbasis pixel.



Menentukan jenis kelamin untuk ukuran: Female, Male, Unisex. Mendukung katalog berbasis pixel.



Untuk Iklan Katalog Advantage+ - Item yang merupakan varian produk. Menyediakan item_group_id yang sama untuk semua item yang merupakan varian. Contohnya, Kemeja Polo merah adalah varian dari Kemeja Polo. Facebook memetakannya ke retailer_product_group_id setelah kami mendapatkan kabar Anda. Dengan Iklan Katalog Advantage+, Facebook hanya memilih satu item dari grup berdasarkan sinyal yang kami terima dari pixel atau peristiwa aplikasi.

Untuk perdagangan - Menyediakan product_group_id yang sama untuk semua item yang merupakan varian. Contohnya, Kemeja Polo Merah adalah varian dari Kemeja Polo. Facebook memetakannya ke retailer_product_group_id setelah kami mendapatkan kabar Anda. Pelajari selengkapnya tentang Varian Produk. Mendukung katalog berbasis pixel.

Contoh: FB1234_shirts



Nomor Item Perdagangan Global (GTIN) Produk. Tidak termasuk tanda pisah dan spasi. Kirimkan hanya GTIN yang valid sebagaimana yang ditentukan oleh panduan validasi GTIN. Nilai yang didukung adalah UPC (Amerika Utara, 12 digit), EAN (Eropa, 13 digit), JAN (Jepang, 8 atau 13 digit), ISBN (buku, 13 digit). Mendukung katalog berbasis pixel.

Contoh: 4011200296908



Nomor Buku Standar Internasional. ISBN terdiri dari 13 digit. Mendukung katalog berbasis pixel.



Nomor komponen unik produsen untuk item. Untuk perdagangan, stok Daily Deals juga harus menyertakan merek jika mpn disediakan. Mendukung katalog berbasis pixel.

Contoh: 100020003



Bahan baku item. Nilai yang didukung: cotton, denim, leather. Mendukung katalog berbasis pixel.

Contoh: cotton


Wajib jika menggunakan katalog multibahasa.

Menetapkan versi situs web asal produk; contohnya, en_GB untuk situs web Inggris. Mendukung katalog berbasis pixel.



Harga item saat ini. Sebagai pemisah, gunakan '.' daripada ',' untuk menunjukkan poin desimal. Jangan menggunakan simbol, seperti “$” pada harga. Mendukung katalog berbasis pixel.

Contoh: 1500.00



Mata uang untuk harga dalam format ISO. Mendukung katalog berbasis pixel.

Contoh: USD



ID peritel untuk item. Mendukung katalog berbasis pixel.



Harga diskon jika item diobral. Gunakan "." sebagai desimal untuk harga obral. Harga obral bersifat wajib jika Anda berencana untuk menggunakan overlay untuk harga diskon. Mendukung katalog berbasis pixel.

Catatan: Secara umum, untuk katalog berbasis piksel, sebaiknya hanya catat setiap perubahan harga menggunakan tag utama og:price:amount. Jika Anda menggunakan tanda harga obral, pastikan juga untuk menggunakan tanda product:sale_price_dates:start dan product:sale_price_dates:end untuk menunjukkan kapan obral Anda dimulai dan berakhir. Jika tidak ada tanggal berakhir, harga obral dapat ditampilkan tanpa batas waktu.

Contoh: 9.99



Mata uang harga diskon jika item diobral dalamkode mata uang ISO 3 digit. Mendukung katalog berbasis pixel.

Contoh: USD



Tanggal dan waktu mulai untuk obral Anda dalam zona waktu Anda, ditulis dalam format YYYY-MM-DDT0:00-23:59/YYYY-MM-DDT0:00-23:59, dipisahkan oleh garis miring. Tulis tanggal mulai dan berakhir dalam format YYYY-MM-DD. Tulis waktu dalam format 24 jam (00:00 hingga 23:59). Tambahkan "T" setelah setiap tanggal dan sertakan waktu, di mana waktu berakhir mewakili zona waktu. Dalam contoh, 03:00 menunjukkan zona waktu. Mendukung katalog berbasis pixel.

Contoh: 2017-11-01T12:00-03:00/2017-12-01T00:00-03:00



Tanggal dan waktu berakhir untuk obral Anda dalam zona waktu Anda, ditulis dalam format YYYY-MM-DDT0:00-23:59/YYYY-MM-DDT0:00-23:59, dipisahkan oleh garis miring. Tulis tanggal mulai dan berakhir dalam format YYYY-MM-DD. Tulis waktu dalam format 24 jam (00:00 hingga 23:59). Tambahkan "T" setelah setiap tanggal dan sertakan waktu, di mana waktu berakhir mewakili zona waktu. Dalam contoh, 03:00 menunjukkan zona waktu. Mendukung katalog berbasis pixel.

Contoh: 2017-11-01T12:00-03:00/2017-12-01T00:00-03:00 – Tanda Wajib

Setiap kolom memiliki maksimal 500 karakter.



Judul item.


Merek item.


Deskripsi item.


ID peritel untuk item.


URL lengkap untuk halaman produk.


Tautkan ke gambar yang digunakan pada halaman produk.


Harga item saat ini. Jangan menggunakan simbol, seperti “$” pada harga. Masukkan entri ini pada "promo". Format harga dalam angka, diikuti oleh kode mata uang ISO 3 digit (standar ISO 4217), dengan spasi di antara harga dan mata uang. Gunakan titik (".") sebagai poin desimal.

Sebaiknya gunakan hanya satu (1) mata uang dalam katalog Anda agar pelanggan tidak melihat bermacam-macam mata uang untuk produk di iklan atau saluran perdagangan Anda. Untuk menambahkan informasi dan harga yang akan ditampilkan untuk negara atau bahasa lain, unggah kabar negara atau kabar bahasa ke katalog Anda.


Mata uang untuk harga, dalam format ISO (contoh, USD). Masukkan entri ini pada "promo". Sebagai pemisah, gunakan '.' daripada ',' untuk menunjukkan poin desimal. Jangan menggunakan simbol, seperti “$” pada harga. Contoh: 1500.00.


Ketersediaan item saat ini: in stock, out of stock, available for order, discontinued. Masukkan entri ini pada "promo".


Kondisi item saat ini: new, refurbished, atau used. Masukkan entri ini pada "promo".

JSON-LD untuk — Tanda Wajib

Setiap kolom memiliki maksimal 500 karakter.

Diekstrak dari



Judul item.


Merek item.


Deskripsi item.


ID peritel untuk item.


URL lengkap untuk halaman produk.


Array objek jenis


Tautkan ke gambar yang digunakan pada halaman produk.

Diekstrak dari (sebagai bagian dari promo produk)



Harga item saat ini. Jangan menggunakan simbol, seperti “$” pada harga. Masukkan entri ini pada "promo".


Mata uang untuk harga, dalam format ISO (contoh, USD). Masukkan entri ini pada "promo".


Ketersediaan item saat ini: in stock, out of stock, available for order, discontinued. Masukkan entri ini pada "promo".


Kondisi item saat ini: new, refurbished, atau used. Masukkan entri ini pada "promo".

Ekspor Skema JSON

Kami telah menyediakan unduhan skema JSON dari semua kolom utama katalog dan kolom kategori di sini:

Harap diperhatikan bahwa skema JSON ini bukan format kabar yang dapat diunggah, melainkan disediakan sebagai referensi alternatif untuk kolom kabar, contoh, dan jenis data selain yang sudah ada dalam dokumentasi kami. Skema ini terutama ditujukan bagi para developer yang ingin menyelaraskan kategori internal dan pemetaan kolom dengan skema katalog meta secara terprogram. Harap patuhi format kabar di tempat lain dalam dokumentasi ini untuk kabar yang dapat diunggah.

Semua kolom berkode common akan menjadi kolom utama. Jika tidak, nama kategori akan menjadi kode induk. Format masing-masing kolom mengikuti contoh ini:

"item_group_id": {
          "description": "Use this field to create variants of the same item. Enter the same group ID for all variants within a group. Learn more about variants: https:\/\/\/business\/help\/2256580051262113 Character limit: 100.",
          "example": "K456653443",
          "type": "String",
          "required": false,
          "recommended": false

Perhatikan bahwa hanya kolom khusus kategori yang akan memiliki nilai "recommended": true (karena semua kolom selain kolom itu bersifat opsional), agar dapat memahami prioritas dengan baik.