Reference - Catalog

Supported Feed Formats

Inventory should be uploaded to Facebook using a catalog. For each catalog, a product feed should be provided in one of the supported formats: CSV, TSV, RSS XML, ATOM XML, or Google Sheets (see Help Center article for further guidance).



Comma-separated value. Works with most spreadsheet programs. The first row specifies the column header. Subsequent rows supply the corresponding values for each route.

Fields containing whitespace or commas should be enclosed in "double quotes". A double quote inside a double-quoted field must be escaped with two consecutive double quotes.

Example: "Join our ""Royal"" membership program".

Nested or multi-value fields, such as image, can be represented using JSON-encoded values or by a set of "flattened" plain-text columns labeled using JSON-path syntax.

Example: image[0].url, image[0].tag[0], image[0].tag[1])

Both conventions can be used interchangeably in the same file.

See examples for CSV feed for Advantage+ catalog ads and CSV feed for commerce.

Download (Right-click > Save Link As)

You can reference our CSV (.csv) example files as you're creating your feed, but we recommend using Commerce Manager as your primary source.


Tab-separated value. Works with most spreadsheet programs. See guidelines for CSV.

Download (Right-click > Save Link As)


Rich-Site Summary, Extensible Markup Language. A root XML node encloses a set of nodes, each of which represents a route. The file must begin with the declaration tag. The format is typically generated by automated feed provider systems or web servers. A set of item XML nodes represents a product list and must begin with the <?xml declaration tag.

Typically generated by automated feed provider systems or web servers.

Download (Right-click > Save Link As)

If you receive an error, it means that a line in your XML data feed file is too long and exceeds our size limit of 5,242,880 bytes or characters. Please reformat your XML into multiple lines with 1 field per line and upload your file again. For more information, see Troubleshoot Data Feed Errors.

Atom XML

The Atom Syndication Format is an XML language used for web feeds, while the Atom Publishing Protocol (AtomPub or APP) is a simple HTTP-based protocol for creating and updating web resources. The format is typically generated by automated feed provider systems or web servers. A set of item XML nodes represents a product list and must begin with the <?xml declaration tag. Typically generated by automated feed provider systems or web servers. See example XML Feed (Atom) for commerce.

Download (Right-click > Save Link As)

Google Sheets

Commerce Manager also now supports Google Sheets for scheduled feeds:

  1. Create your data feed as a spreadsheet in Google Sheets and get the shareable link.
  2. When you add products in Commerce Manager, select the Google Sheets option. Copy and paste in your shareable link and finish your upload.
  3. Continue managing your inventory in the Google spreadsheet in future and we'll fetch from it at scheduled times.

Learn More

Example Feeds

Example CSV Feed — Advantage+ Catalog Ads

id,title,description,availability,condition,price,link,image_link,brand,additional_image_link,age_group,color,gender,item_group_id,google_product_category,pattern,product_type,sale_price,sale_price_effective_date,size,FB_product_1234,Facebook T-Shirt (Unisex),A vibrant crewneck for all shapes and sizes. Made from 100% cotton.,in stock,new,9.99 USD,,,Facebook,,adult,blue,unisex,FB1234_shirts,Apparel & Accessories > Clothing > Shirts,stripes1,Apparel & Accessories > Clothing > Shirts,4.99 USD,2017-12-01T0:00-23:59/2017-12-31T0:00-23:59,small,2.99 USD,2018-11-01T12:00-0300/2018-12-01T00:00-0300

Example CSV Feed — Commerce

FB_product_1234,Facebook T-Shirt (Unisex),A vibrant crewneck for all shapes and sizes. Made from 100% cotton.,"<p>A vibrant crewneck for all shapes and sizes. Made from 100% cotton.</p> <p> Made of 52% combed and ringspun cotton, 48% polyester.</p>",in stock,new,9.99 USD,,,Facebook,,adult,blue,unisex,FB1234_shirts,Apparel & Accessories > Clothing > Shirts & Tops,Apparel & Accessories > Clothing > Shirts,4.99 USD,2017-12-01T0:00-23:59/2017-12-31T0:00-23:59,small,2.99 USD,2018-11-01T12:00-0300/2018-12-01T00:00-0300,published,200
FB_product_1235,Facebook T-Shirt (Unisex),A vibrant crewneck for all shapes and sizes. Made from 100% cotton.,"<p>A vibrant crewneck for all shapes and sizes. Made from 100% cotton.</p> <p> Made of 52% combed and ringspun cotton, 48% polyester.</p>",in stock,new,9.99 USD,,,Facebook,,adult,blue,unisex,FB1234_shirts,Apparel & Accessories > Clothing > Shirts & Tops,Apparel & Accessories > Clothing > Shirts,4.99 USD,2017-12-01T0:00-23:59/2017-12-31T0:00-23:59,medium,2.99 USD,2018-11-01T12:00-0300/2018-12-01T00:00-0300,published,200
FB_product_1236,Facebook T-Shirt (Unisex),A vibrant crewneck for all shapes and sizes. Made from 100% cotton.,"<p>A vibrant crewneck for all shapes and sizes. Made from 100% cotton.</p> <p> Made of 52% combed and ringspun cotton, 48% polyester.</p>",in stock,new,9.99 USD,,,Facebook,,adult,blue,unisex,FB1234_shirts,Apparel & Accessories > Clothing > Shirts & Tops,Apparel & Accessories > Clothing > Shirts,4.99 USD,2017-12-01T0:00-23:59/2017-12-31T0:00-23:59,large,2.99 USD,2018-11-01T12:00-0300/2018-12-01T00:00-0300,published,200
FB_product_1237,Facebook T-Shirt (Unisex),A vibrant crewneck for all shapes and sizes. Made from 100% cotton.,"<p>A vibrant crewneck for all shapes and sizes. Made from 100% cotton.</p> <p> Made of 52% combed and ringspun cotton, 48% polyester.</p>",in stock,new,9.99 USD,,,Facebook,,adult,black,unisex,FB1234_shirts,Apparel & Accessories > Clothing > Shirts & Tops,Apparel & Accessories > Clothing > Shirts,4.99 USD,2017-12-01T0:00-23:59/2017-12-31T0:00-23:59,small,2.99 USD,2018-11-01T12:00-0300/2018-12-01T00:00-0300,published,200
FB_product_1238,Facebook T-Shirt (Unisex),A vibrant crewneck for all shapes and sizes. Made from 100% cotton.,"<p>A vibrant crewneck for all shapes and sizes. Made from 100% cotton.</p> <p> Made of 52% combed and ringspun cotton, 48% polyester.</p>",in stock,new,9.99 USD,,,Facebook,,adult,black,unisex,FB1234_shirts,Apparel & Accessories > Clothing > Shirts & Tops,Apparel & Accessories > Clothing > Shirts,4.99 USD,2017-12-01T0:00-23:59/2017-12-31T0:00-23:59,medium,2.99 USD,2018-11-01T12:00-0300/2018-12-01T00:00-0300,published,200
FB_product_1239,Facebook T-Shirt (Unisex),A vibrant crewneck for all shapes and sizes. Made from 100% cotton.,"<p>A vibrant crewneck for all shapes and sizes. Made from 100% cotton.</p> <p> Made of 52% combed and ringspun cotton, 48% polyester.</p>",in stock,new,9.99 USD,,,Facebook,,adult,black,unisex,FB1234_shirts,Apparel & Accessories > Clothing > Shirts & Tops,Apparel & Accessories > Clothing > Shirts,4.99 USD,2017-12-01T0:00-23:59/2017-12-31T0:00-23:59,large,2.99 USD,2018-11-01T12:00-0300/2018-12-01T00:00-0300,published,200

Example XML Feed (Atom) — Commerce

The prefix "g" is required for attributes in Google Merchant Center namespace : xmlns:g="". For other attributes not mentioned here, use it without prefix, such as video, additional_image_link, etc.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:g="" xmlns:atom="">
    <title>My Deal Shop Products</title>
    <description>Product Feed for Facebook</description> 
    <atom:link href="" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />
            <g:google_product_category>Toys &amp; Games > Toys > Executive Toys > Magnet Toys</g:google_product_category>            
            <g:description>This product is the product you need to do the thing</g:description>
            <g:availability>in stock</g:availability>
            <g:price>19.99 USD</g:price>
            <g:sale_price>9.99 USD</g:sale_price>

            <g:google_product_category>Toys &amp; Games > Toys > Executive Toys > Magnet Toys</g:google_product_category>            
            <g:description>This product is the product you need to do the thing</g:description>
            <g:availability>in stock</g:availability>
            <g:price>19.99 USD</g:price>
            <g:sale_price>9.99 USD</g:sale_price>


Feed Format — Schedule Data Feed Fetches

For scheduling data feed fetches, see suggested formats below.

Feed Format Use Case Sample Feed


Update price and availability for a subset of items.

Download (Right-Click and Save Link As)


Reset sale_price and update custom_label_0 for a subset of items

Download (Right-Click and Save Link As)

Supported Catalog Fields

Catalog fields are instrumental to the quality of the experience for customers buying products on your Shop on Facebook or Instagram.

Catalog fields are used to populate the Product Details page for each item. This includes important information, such as the product description, images, size/color variants, price, and availability. Missing or bad data can negatively affect the user experience, impact conversion to purchases, or could be misleading and erode trust.

Supported Fields for Products

The following table defines the fields used to create a catalog, including the requirement level (required vs. optional). For best practice column-naming conventions, use U.S. English for all fields.

Required Fields (for Ads and Commerce)

Each field in your data feed represents information about your products. All field names and certain supported values must be in US English. The following fields are required for each product in your catalog. Note: If any required fields are missing or formatted incorrectly, products may not upload to your catalog.

Attribute and Type Description


Type: string

Max character limit: 100

A unique content ID for the item. Use the item's SKU if possible. Each content ID must appear only once in your catalog. If there are multiple instances of the same ID, we ignore all instances.

Note: For dynamic ads, this ID must exactly match the content ID for the same item in your Meta Pixel.

Example: 12345

This field is required for supplementary feeds. Each item’s content ID must exactly match in the supplementary feed and the main feed it’s linked to. This indicates it’s the same item in both feeds.


Type: string

Character limit: 200, but we recommend a maximum of 65 to avoid longer titles being cut off.

A specific, relevant title for the item. See product title specifications.

Example: Blue Cotton T-Shirt

This field is supported by supplementary feeds.


type: string

Max character limit: 9999

A relevant description of the item. Include specific and unique product features, such as material or color. Use plain text (not HTML) and don't enter text in all capital letters or include any links. The description should be different than the title. See product description specifications.

Example: A comfortable royal blue women's T-shirt in organic cotton. Cap sleeves and relaxed fit. Perfect for warm summer days.

This field is supported by supplementary feeds.


Type: string

The current availability of the item. Must be written in U.S. English. Supported values:

  • in stock

  • out of stock

Items that are out of stock display as "sold out" in your shop. They don't display at all in your ads.

Example: in stock


Type: string

The condition of the item. Supported values: new, refurbished, used.

Example: new


type: string

The price of the item. Format the price as a number, followed by a space and then the 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code (ISO 4217 standards). Always use a period (.) as the decimal point, not a comma (,). Don't include currency symbols such as $, € or £.

To add product information and prices that will display for other countries or languages, upload a country feed or language feed to your catalog.

Example: 9.99 USD, 7.99 EUR


Type: string

The URL to the specific product page for the item on your business's website where people can learn more about or buy that exact item. Links must begin with http:// or https://, be valid and be hosted on your business’s website domain. Don't provide a link to a Facebook domain (such as your business's Facebook Page) or somewhere else.



Type: string

The URL for the main image of your item. Images must be in JPEG or PNG format, at least 500 x 500 pixels and up to 8 MB. See product image specifications.


Note: If you change the image later, the new image must use a different URL or the change won't be recognized.

This field is supported by supplementary feeds.


Type: string

Max characters: 100

The brand name of the item.

Example: Jasper's Market

Additional Required Fields for Checkout on Facebook and Instagram (US Only)

Checkout on Facebook and Instagram (US only) allows customers to complete purchases directly on Facebook and Instagram. To sell items with this checkout method, provide the following additional fields for each product in your catalog. If items are missing these fields, people won't be able to buy them or they may not show in your shop at all.

Attribute and Type Description


Type: integer

The quantity of this item that you have available to sell on Facebook and Instagram. Enter a whole number. To prevent overselling, the item's quantity will be automatically reduced each time a purchase order is confirmed through checkout.

Note: To display as in stock for checkout, an item's quantity_to_sell_on_facebook must be 1 or higher and its availability must also be set to in stock.

Example: 150

This field was previously called inventory. While we still support the old field name, we recommend that you use the new name.


Type: string

Required for items in specific product categories including clothing and shoes.

Max character limit: 200

The size of the item. Enter the size as a word, abbreviation or number, such as "Small", "XL", "12" or "One Size".

Example: Medium

This field is supported by supplementary feeds.

Optional Fields

You can also include many optional fields to share more product information with customers or control how items are displayed.

Attribute and Type Description


Type: string

If the item is on sale, enter its discounted price. Use the same formatting as the price field.

Example: 7.99 USD


Type: two ISO-8601 timestamp

The date, time and time zone when your sale starts and ends. If you don't add this field, any items with a sale_price remain on sale until you remove their sale price. Use this format:


  • Enter the sale start date as YYYY-MM-DD followed by a "T".
  • Enter the start time in 24-hour format (00:00 to 23:59) followed by the UTC time zone (-12:00 to +14:00).
  • Enter a "/". Then, repeat the same format for the date and time when your sale ends.

Example (using PST time zone -08:00):



Type: string

Max character limit: 100

Allows you to set up variants of the same product, such as different sizes, colors or patterns. Enter the same group ID in this field for all variants of the same product to indicate they're part of a group. Learn more about product variants.

Example: Shirt_1


Type: string

Controls whether the item is active or archived in your catalog. Only active items can be seen by people in your ads, shops or any other channels. Supported values: active, archived. Items are active by default. Learn more about archiving items.

Example: active

Note: Some partner platforms such as Shopify may sync items to your catalog with a status called staging, which behaves the same as archived.

This field was previously called visibility. While we still support the old field name, we recommend that you use the new name.


Type: string

Maximum character limit: 2000

URLs for up to 20 additional images of your item, separated by a comma (,), semicolon (;), space ( ) or vertical bar (|). Follow the same image specifications as image_link.

Since this field takes a string, the entire list of URLs must be formatted with double quotes. For example: ","

To display additional images in your ads, see Dynamic Ads, Ad Template

This field is supported by supplementary feeds.


Type: string

Provide the most specific Google product category possible from this list: Excel (.xls) or Plain text (.txt). Enter either the category name (not case sensitive) or its ID number.

Example: Apparel & Accessories > Clothing > Shirts & Tops or 212

Learn more about product categories (Business Help Center article).

Note: The category lists above are in US English. You can download other languages from Google Merchant Help Center.

This field is supported by supplementary feeds.


Type: string

Provide the most specific Facebook product category possible from this list: Spreadsheet (.csv) or Plain text (.txt). Enter either the category name (not case sensitive) or its ID number.

Example: Clothing & Accessories > Clothing > Women's Clothing > Tops & T-Shirts or 430

Learn more about product categories (Business Help Center article).

Note: The category lists above are in US English. You can download other languages here.

This field is supported by supplementary feeds.

Category-specific fields

When you provide a Google or Facebook product category (google_product_category or fb_product_category), we recommend that you add more fields that are specific to that category. This gives people more information to make a purchase decision. For example, for beauty products, you could provide ingredients. View the list of category-specific fields.

This field is supported by supplementary feeds.


Type: string

Max character limit: 200

The main color of the item. Describe the color in words, not a hex code.

Example: Royal Blue

This field is supported by supplementary feeds.


Type: string

The gender your item is targeted towards. Supported values: female, male, unisex.

Example: unisex

This field is supported by supplementary feeds.


Type: string

Max character limit: 200

The size of the item. Enter the size as a word, abbreviation or number, such as "Small", "XL", "12" or "One Size".

Example: Medium

This field is supported by supplementary feeds.


Type: string

The age group the item is targeted towards. Accepted values: adult, all ages, teen, kids, toddler, infant, newborn.

Example: adult

This field is supported by supplementary feeds.


Type: string

Character limit: 200
The material the item is made from, such as cotton, polyester, denim or leather.

Example: Organic Cotton

This field is supported by supplementary feeds.


Type: string

Max character limit: 100

The pattern or graphic print on the item.

Example: Flannel, Gingham, Polka dots, stripes

This field is supported by supplementary feeds.


Type: string

This allows you to use a shipping-related overlay in your ads.

Shipping details for the item, formatted as: Country:Region:Service:Price

  • Enter the country as a 2-letter ISO 3166 country code.
  • Enter the region, state or province. If shipping information is the same for an entire country, you can leave out the region but keep the :: as shown in the Philippines (PH) example below.
  • Enter a description of the shipping service such as Ground or Air.
  • Enter the price as a number followed by a space and then the 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code. Note: To use the "Free Shipping" overlay for ads, enter the price as 0.0.
  • If you offer different shipping details by region or country, separate them with a comma (,) as shown in the example.

Example: US:NY:Ground:9.99 USD, PH::Air:300 PHP


Type: string

Shipping weight of the item in lb, oz, g, or kg.

Example: 10 kg


Type: string

Add internal labels to help filter items when you create product sets. For example, you could add a “summer” label to all items that are part of a summer promotion and then filter those items into a set. Labels are only visible to you

Enclose each label in single quotes (') and separate multiple labels with commas (,). Don’t include white spaces at the beginning or end of a label. Character limit: Up to 5,000 labels per product and 110 characters per label.

Example (TSV, XLSX, Google Sheets): ['summer','trending']

Example (CSV): “['summer','trending']”

Note: If you’re currently using custom labels (custom_label_0 to custom_label_4) for filtering product sets, switching to internal labels (internal_label) instead is recommended. Unlike custom labels, you can add or update internal labels as often as needed without sending items through policy review each time, which can impact ad delivery.

This field was previously called product_tags. While we still support the old field name, we recommend that you use the new name.


Type: string

Max character limit: 100

Up to five custom fields for any additional information you want to filter items by when you create sets. For example, you could use a custom field to indicate all items that are part of a summer sale, and then filter those items into a set. This field supports any text value, including numbers.

Example: Summer Sale

This field is supported by supplementary feeds.


Type: int

Up to five custom fields for any additional number-related information you want to filter items by when you create sets. This field allows you to filter by number ranges (is greater than and is less than) when you create a set. For example, you could use this field to indicate the year an item was produced, and then filter a certain year range into a set.

This field supports whole numbers between 0 and 4294967295. It doesn't support negative numbers, decimal numbers or commas, such as -2, 5.5 or 10,000.

Example: 2022


Type: string

Max characters: 9999

The rich text (HTML) description for item. Note: If this field is provided, we use it instead of description; however, the description field is still required because it's a fallback.

Supported tags include:

  • <form>, <fieldset>, <div>, <span>, <section>
  • All Header tags: <header>, <h1> thru <h6>
  • Table tags: <table>, <tbody>, <tfoot>, <thead>, <td>, <th>, <tr>
  • List tags: <ul>, <li>, <ol>, <dl>, <dd>, <dt>
  • Other formatting tags: <b>, <u>, <i>, <em>, <strong>, <title>, <small>, <br>, <p>, <div>, <sub>, <sup>, <pre>, <q>, <s>

Note: Any attributes of the html tags such as <style> will be stripped off from the field.


<p>Unisex cotton T-shirt with 3/4 length sleeves in royal blue. Great for everyday casual wear. Features graphic print of logo in white on upper left sleeve.</p>
<li>100% Cotton</li>
<li>Relaxed Fit</li>

This field is supported by supplementary feeds.


Type: string

Max character limit: 750

Category the item belongs to, according to your business's product categorization system, if you have one. You can also enter a Google product category. For commerce, represents the product category in your internal system. Learn more about product categories for commerce.

Example: Home & Garden > Kitchen & Dining > Appliances > Refrigerators




video[3].url ... up to


Type: string

Up to 20 fields each containing a link to a video of your item. Must be a direct link to download the video file, not a link to a video player such as YouTube.

The maximum video file size is 200 MB. Supported formats include: .3g2, .3gp, .3gpp, .asf, .avi, .dat, .divx, .dv, .f4v, .flv, .gif, .m2ts, .m4v, .mkv, .mod, .mov, .mp4, .mpe, .mpeg, .mpeg4, .mpg, .mts, .nsv, .ogm, .ogv, .qt, .tod, .ts, .vob and .wmv


This field is supported by supplementary feeds.


Type: string

Additional attributes that are not core attributes (size, color, gender, pattern, and so on). Do not use a core attribute as an additional attribute. Learn more about Product Variants.

Example: Scent:Fruity, Flavor:Strawberry

This field is supported by supplementary feeds.


Type: string

Provide this information for any products customarily sold by a unit of measurement (for example "$10 / pound"). To specify this information, provide the following:

Amount value: this is a float
Currency: any supported currency
Unit type: any of the following measurements:

Centiliters: cl
Centimeters: cm
Count: ct
Cubic Meters: cbm
Feet: ft
Fluid Ounces: fl oz
Gallons: gal
Grams: g
Inches: in
Kilograms: kg
Liters: l
Meters: m
Milligrams: mg
Milliliters: ml
Ounces: oz
Pints: pt
Pounds: lb
Quarts: qt
Square Feet: sqft
Square meters: sqm
Yards: yd

This information is uploaded via feed uploads in the unit_price field in a JSON format as follows:

{value: 10.0, currency: "USD", unit: "lb"}

It can also be uploaded via XML as follows:


Example: Download a sample CSV file with an example of adding unit_price to products.


Type: string

The item’s Global Trade Item Number (GTIN). Providing a GTIN is recommended to help classify the item. The GTIN may appear on the barcode, packaging or book cover. Not all items have a GTIN. Only provide one if you’re sure it’s correct. Don’t include dashes or spaces.

GTIN types:

  • UPC (North America / GTIN-12): 12-digit number.
  • EAN (Europe / GTIN-13): 13-digit number.
  • JAN (Japan / GTIN-13): 8 or 13-digit number.
  • ISBN (for books / ISBN-13): 13-digit number. Convert any 10-digit ISBN-10 numbers to ISBN-13.
  • ITF-14 (for multipacks / GTIN-14): 14-digit number.

Example: 4011200296908

This field is supported by supplementary feeds.


Type: string

Max characters: 100.

The item’s manufacturer part number (MPN), a unique alphanumeric code assigned by the manufacturer in some industries to identify a specific item or part. It may appear on the packaging, label or etched directly onto the item. Providing a MPN is recommended to help classify the item if there is no GTIN. Not all items have a MPN. Only provide one if you’re sure it’s correct.

Example: JAS12345PER


Type: date

Product expiration. If the product is expired, it won't be shown on Facebook. This date should follow the ISO‑8601 (YYYY‑MM‑DD) format.


Type: string

Specify a return window for this item, which overrides your shop's default return window. Using this field in your data feed is an alternative to setting up a custom return window manually in Commerce Manager. Learn more about return windows.

Indicate whether the item is final sale (true or false) and the number of days of the the return window (for final sale, enter 0 days).

Example of an item with a 30 day return window: {is_final_sale: "false", return_policy_days: "30"}

Example of a final sale item:

{is_final_sale: "true", return_policy_days: "0"}


Type: string

Link to mobile-optimized page for item on the merchant's website.


Type: string

Provide deep links in feed following the App Links specification. Deep link information in feed takes precedence over any information we collect with App Links metadata with our web crawler.

If you already have deep link information from App Links, you don't need to specify this data. Information from App Links is used to display the correct deep link. To display deep links in your ads, see Dynamic Ads, Ad Template.

Supported applinks: applink.ios_url, applink.ios_app_store_id, applink.ios_app_name, applink.android_url, applink.android_package, applink.android_app_name, applink.windows_phone_url, applink.windows_phone_app_id, applink.windows_phone_app_name, applink.ipad_url, applink.ipad_app_store_id, applink.ipad_app_name.

For Android, we require applink.android_package and url is optional. For other applinks, a valid url is required.

Learn more about product deep links.


Used to control the channel visibility of each specific product in your catalog. With this feature, you can enable or disable your products from being displayed in Shops, Marketplace Shops, Instagram Product Tagging, Dynamic Ads, and Mini Shops.

Learn more about disabled_capabilities.

Additional Required Fields for Selling in India

Attribute and Type Description

Type: ISOCountryCode (2 letter country code)

The item's country of origin. Enter the two-letter ISO country code

Example value: US

This field is supported by supplementary feeds.

Type: string

If the country of origin is not India, provide the legal entity name of the item's importer

Example value: Jasper's Market Inc.

This field is supported by supplementary feeds.

Type: JSON structure

If the country of origin is not India, provide the operational address of the importer. This field uses a JSON structure, which contains the following fields:

street1 - string, required. The first line of the street address
street2 - string, optional. The second line of the street address.
city - string, required. The city name.
region - string, optional. The region, state or province. (In the US this is to be used for US State)
postal_code - string, optional (in the US this is to be used for Zip Code)
country - required. Enter the ISO Country code (2-letter country code)

The overall address will be displayed to users in the following format: street1, street2 (if present), city, region (if present) postal_code (if present), country (full name, localized for the user).

This example value: `

{ street1: "1 Hacker Way", street2: "Building 18", city: "Menlo Park", region: "CA", postal_code: "94025", country: "US" }

will be rendered as "1 Hacker Way, Building 18, Menlo Park, CA 94025 United States of America"

This field is supported by supplementary feeds.

Type: string

Required for Shops only.

Information about the product's manufacturer, such as the manufacturer name and address.

Example: The Manufacturer Co. - 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025 USA

This field is supported by supplementary feeds.

Type: string

Required for selling on WhatsApp only.

If the item is a non-physical good sold in India, such as a service, use this field to indicate that the item is exempt from providing the country of origin (origin_country), importer name (importer_name) and importer address (importer_address).

Supported values (case sensitive):

COUNTRY_ORIGIN_EXEMPT: The item is exempt.

DEFAULT: The item is not exempt. This is the default value if you leave the field blank.

Supported Fields — Localized Catalogs


  • You must include an id field in your secondary data feed file. To run Advantage+ catalog ads, the ID for each item must match its ID in your original catalog data feed and its content ID from your pixel.
  • You must include an override field. In this field, enter the ISO codes for the languages or countries that you want to provide localized information for. In this field, enter the ISO codes for the languages or countries that you want to provide localized information for. The value in the override column should be either a supported ISO language code or a supported ISO country code. Learn more about supported language codes and country codes.
  • price, sale_price, unit_price, base_price, status (visibility), and availability must only be provided in a country feed. These fields cannot be provided in a language feed. This helps ensure customers see the correct localized product data.

Learn more about the id and override fields in Create a data feed with localized inventory information, steps 2 and 3.


  • title
  • description
  • availability
  • link
  • brand
  • price
  • sale_price
  • sale_price_effective_date
  • color
  • size
  • material
  • pattern
  • custom_label_0
  • custom_label_1
  • custom_label_2
  • custom_label_3
  • custom_label_4
  • short_description
  • additional_variant_attribute
  • applink.ios_url, applink.ios_app_store_id, applink.ios_app_name, applink.android_url, applink.android_package, applink.android_app_name, applink.windows_phone_url, applink.windows_phone_app_id, applink.windows_phone_app_name, applink.ipad_url, applink.ipad_app_store_id, applink.ipad_app_name

To localize any applink fields, you must provide all of them. Learn more about product deep links.

  • image[0].url, image[0].tag[0]

To localize an image, you must use the image[0].url, image[0].tag[0] nested image fields. The image_link field isn't supported for localization.

For reference, see the main list of fields for products.


  • name
  • description
  • base_price
  • sale_price
  • brand
  • url
  • neighborhood
  • longitude
  • latitude
  • image[0].url, image[0].tag[0] internal_label
  • applink.ios_url, applink.ios_app_store_id, applink.ios_app_name, applink.android_url, applink.android_package, applink.android_app_name, applink.windows_phone_url, applink.windows_phone_app_id, applink.windows_phone_app_name, applink.ipad_url, applink.ipad_app_store_id, applink.ipad_app_name

To localize any applink fields, you must provide all of them. Learn more about product deep links.

For reference, see the main list of fields for hotels.


  • description
  • url
  • origin_city
  • destination_city
  • price
  • one_way_price
  • image[0].url, image[0].tag[0]
  • custom_label_0
  • custom_label_1
  • custom_label_2
  • custom_label_3
  • custom_label_4
  • custom_number_0
  • custom_number_1
  • custom_number_2
  • custom_number_3
  • custom_number_4
  • internal_label
  • applink.ios_url, applink.ios_app_store_id, applink.ios_app_name, applink.android_url, applink.android_package, applink.android_app_name, applink.windows_phone_url, applink.windows_phone_app_id, applink.windows_phone_app_name, applink.ipad_url, applink.ipad_app_store_id, applink.ipad_app_name

To localize any applink fields, you must provide all of them. Learn more about product deep links.

For reference, see the main list of fields for flights.


  • name
  • description
  • url
  • price
  • neighborhood
  • longitude
  • latitude
  • image[0].url, image[0].tag[0]
  • custom_label_0
  • custom_label_1
  • custom_label_2
  • custom_label_3
  • custom_label_4
  • custom_number_0
  • custom_number_1
  • custom_number_2
  • custom_number_3
  • custom_number_4
  • internal_label
  • applink.ios_url, applink.ios_app_store_id, applink.ios_app_name, applink.android_url, applink.android_package, applink.android_app_name, applink.windows_phone_url, applink.windows_phone_app_id, applink.windows_phone_app_name, applink.ipad_url, applink.ipad_app_store_id, applink.ipad_app_name

To localize any applink fields, you must provide all of them. Learn more about product deep links.

For reference, see the main list of fields for destinations.

Home Listings

  • name
  • description
  • price
  • url
  • image[0].url, image[0].tag[0]

For reference, see the main list of fields for home listings.


  • title
  • description
  • price
  • sale_price
  • url
  • image[0].url, image[0].tag[0]

For reference, see the main list of fields for vehicles.

OpenGraph Tags

Each field has a maximum of 500 characters.

The primary image link is required. Any additional image links are optional.



Title of the item. Supports pixel-based catalogs.



Description of the item. Supports pixel-based catalogs.



Complete URL for the product page. Supports pixel-based catalogs.


Required for primary link. Optional for additional image links.

Link to the image used on the product page. The primary image link is required. Any additional image links are optional. Supports pixel-based catalogs.


Required if using multilanguage catalogs.

Specifies which website version the product is from; for example, en_GB for the UK website. Supports pixel-based catalogs.



Current price of the item. For the separator, use '.' rather than ',' to indicate a decimal point. Don't include symbols, such as “$” in the price. Supports pixel-based catalogs.

Example: 1500.00



Currency for the price in ISO format. Supports pixel-based catalogs.

Example: USD



Brand name of the item. Supports pixel-based catalogs.



Current availability of the item: in stock, out of stock, available for order, discontinued. Supports pixel-based catalogs.



Unique catalog ID for item. Can be a variant for a product. This maps to retailer_id after the product is imported. The id field must match the content ID for your pixel. Supports pixel-based catalogs.



Max character limit: 250. Supports pixel-based catalogs.

For Advantage+ catalog ads, represents predefined values (string or category ID) from Google's product taxonomy.

For commerce, represents the category of your product according to the Google's product taxonomy. Learn more about product categories for commerce.

Learn more about Google Product Category for Catalog Items, Ads Help Center.



Current condition of the item: new, refurbished, used. Supports pixel-based catalogs.



Max character limit: 100

Additional information about the item you want to include. Supports pixel-based catalogs.



Determines gender for sizing: Female, Male, Unisex. Supports pixel-based catalogs.



For Advantage+ catalog ads - Items that are variants of a product. Provide the same item_group_id for all items that are variants. For example, a red Polo Shirt is a variant of Polo Shirt. Facebook maps this to the retailer_product_group_id once we get your feed. With Advantage+ catalog ads, Facebook picks only one item out of the group based on the signal we receive from the pixel or app event.

For commerce - Provide the same product_group_id for all items that are variants. For example, Red Polo Shirt is a variant of Polo Shirt. Facebook maps this to retailer_product_group_id once we get your feed. Learn more about Product Variants. Supports pixel-based catalogs.

Example: FB1234_shirts



Product's Global Trade Item Number (GTINs). Exclude dashes and spaces. Submit only valid GTINs as defined by the GTIN validation guide. Supported values are UPC (North America, 12 digits), EAN (Europe, 13 digits), JAN (Japan, 8 or 13 digits), ISBN (books, 13 digits). Supports pixel-based catalogs.

Example: 4011200296908



International Standard Book Number. ISBNs consist of 13 digits. Supports pixel-based catalogs.



Unique manufacturer part number for item. For commerce, Daily Deals inventory must also include brand if mpn is provided.Supports pixel-based catalogs.

Example: 100020003



Material the item is made from. Supported values: cotton, denim, leather. Supports pixel-based catalogs.

Example: cotton


Required if using multilanguage catalogs.

Specifies which website version the product is from; for example, en_GB for the UK website. Supports pixel-based catalogs.



Current price of the item. For the separator, use '.' rather than ',' to indicate a decimal point. Don't include symbols, such as “$” in the price. Supports pixel-based catalogs.

Example: 1500.00



Currency for the price in ISO format. Supports pixel-based catalogs.

Example: USD



Retailer's ID for the item. Supports pixel-based catalogs.



Discounted price if the item is on sale. Use "." as the decimal for the sale price. The sale price is required if you plan to use an overlay for discounted prices. Supports pixel-based catalogs.

Note: In general, for pixel-based catalogs, we recommend just capturing any changes in price using the main og:price:amount tag. If you do use the sale price tag, make sure to also use product:sale_price_dates:start and product:sale_price_dates:end tags to indicate when your sale starts and ends. If there is no end date, the sale price may display indefinitely.

Example: 9.99



Currency of the discounted price if the item is on sale in3-digit ISO currency code. Supports pixel-based catalogs.

Example: USD



Start date and time for your sale in your timezone, written as YYYY-MM-DDT0:00-23:59/YYYY-MM-DDT0:00-23:59, separated by a slash. Write the start and end dates as YYYY-MM-DD. Write the time in a 24-hour format (0:00 to 23:59). Add a "T" after each date and then include the time, where the end time represents the time zone. In the example, 03:00 denotes the time zone. Supports pixel-based catalogs.

Example: 2017-11-01T12:00-03:00/2017-12-01T00:00-03:00



End date and time for your sale in your timezone, written as YYYY-MM-DDT0:00-23:59/YYYY-MM-DDT0:00-23:59, separated by a slash. Write the start and end dates as YYYY-MM-DD. Write the time in a 24-hour format (0:00 to 23:59). Add a "T" after each date and then include the time, where the end time represents the time zone. In the example, 03:00 denotes the time zone. Supports pixel-based catalogs.

Example: 2017-11-01T12:00-03:00/2017-12-01T00:00-03:00 – Required Tags

Each field has a maximum of 500 characters.



Title of the item.


Brand of the item.


Description of the item.


Retailer's ID for the item.


Complete URL for the product page.


Link to the image used on the product page.


Current price of the item. Don't include symbols, such as “$” in the price. Include this entry under “offers”. Format the price as a number, followed by the 3-digit ISO currency code (ISO 4217 standards), with a space between cost and currency. Use a period (".") as the decimal point.

We recommend that you include only one (1) currency in your catalog so customers don't see mixed currencies for products in your ads or commerce channels. To add product information and prices that will display for other countries or languages, upload a country feed or language feed to your catalog instead.


Currency for the price, in ISO format (for example, USD). Include this entry under “offers”. For the separator, use '.' rather than ',' to indicate a decimal point. Don't include symbols, such as “$” in the price. Example: 1500.00.


Current availability of the item: in stock, out of stock, available for order, discontinued. Include this entry under “offers”.


Current condition of the item: new, refurbished, or used. Include this entry under “offers”.

JSON-LD for — Required Tags

Each field has a maximum of 500 characters.

Extracted from



Title of the item.


Brand of the item.


Description of the item.


Retailer's ID for the item.


Complete URL for the product page.


Array of objects of type


Link to the image used on the product page.

Extracted from (as a part of product offers)



Current price of the item. Don't include symbols, such as “$” in the price. Include this entry under “offers”.


Currency for the price, in ISO format (for example, USD). Include this entry under “offers”.


Current availability of the item: in stock, out of stock, available for order, discontinued. Include this entry under “offers”.


Current condition of the item: new, refurbished, or used. Include this entry under “offers”.

JSON Schema Export

We have provided a JSON schema download of all catalog main fields and category fields here:

Please note that this JSON schema is not an uploadable feed format, but rather provided as an alternative reference for feed fields, examples, and data types other than what already exists in our documentation. The schema is primarily meant for developers who are seeking to programmatically align internal category and field mapping with Meta’s catalog schema. Please defer to the feed formatting elsewhere in this documentation for uploadable feeds.

All fields under the common key will be main fields. Otherwise, the category name will be the parent key. Each field’s format follows this example:

"item_group_id": {
          "description": "Use this field to create variants of the same item. Enter the same group ID for all variants within a group. Learn more about variants: https:\/\/\/business\/help\/2256580051262113 Character limit: 100.",
          "example": "K456653443",
          "type": "String",
          "required": false,
          "recommended": false

Note that only category-specific fields will have a "recommended": true value (as they are all optional otherwise), in order to best understand prioritization.