This document describes the App Dashboard interface and its settings. If you have just created a new app, you do not need to read all of this documentation and configure dashboard settings now; you can start building and testing right away and return to these documents to learn about relevant dashboard settings as needed.
The App Dashboard allows you to configure settings that may be required by the use cases, APIs, and SDKs that your app will be using. It also provides tools to aid with app development, such as API usage meters, the ability to create test users and test pages, and the ability to assign roles to other people who may be helping you with development. The dashboard is also used to begin the App Review, Business Verification process, if required.
To access the App Dashboard, go to
My Apps
and click on the name of the app you'd like to configure. This will load the app in the dashboard and you can then adjust its settings.
My Apps serves as the App Dashboard's entry point. It displays basic information about each of your apps: their IDs, your role on each of them, and the number of unread developer notifications they have received. It also allows you to remove yourself from apps that you have been invited to by other developers, remove your own apps, archive your own apps, and begin the Data Use Checkup process, if required.
You can access the Apps page at
or by clicking the My Apps link in the header that appears on all Meta for Developers Documentation pages.
The Dashboard is where you can find the steps for building your app, submitting for review and publishing your app.
The toolbar that appears at the top of the dashboard after you have selected an app displays the App ID and allows you to switch among your apps.
App IDs are generated upon app creation. They are unique to each app and cannot be changed. App IDs are typically not needed unless you are programmatically adjusting your app's settings, or querying endpoints that require your app ID (there are only a handful of these).
Allows you to switch among your apps, create new apps, and create test apps.
Allows you to add more use cases to your app, configure your app's settings, assign app roles, and test your app.
Use Cases allows you to add and customize the use cases you need for your app.
The Settings for your app is split into two separate sections: Basic and Advanced.
The Basic settings allows you to provide more granular information about your app, such as its category, platform, and icon. It also contains settings commonly needed to complete App Review, such as URLs to your privacy policy and terms of service.
The Advanced settings allows you to configure uncommon settings, such as security settings, age- and geo-targeting restrictions, and allows you to upgrade your app to newer versions of the the Graph API and Marketing API.
The App Roles for your app can be used to send app role invitations to other people who may be helping you develop your app. This can also be used by Administrators to remove a person from a role.
App roles control who has access to your app's settings, and who can use your app (grant it permission to access their data) while it's in Development mode.
Testing allows you to test the use cases you have added to your app to make sure they work and that permissions with testing requirements are ready for App Review.
Allows you to verify your business, connect your app to a verified Meta Business Account, answer questions about data handling, and submit your app for review.
Allows you to start the verification process required for your app.
Answer questions about your data handling practices to obtain access to permissions and get ready for App Review.
App Review allows you to create and submit App Review submissions.
App Review is part of the release process — if your app will be used by people who do not have a role on your app, you will have to submit your app for review.
Allows you to publish your app to allow people who do not have a role on your app to access it.
Displays a list of requirements that must be met before your app can go live.
The bell icon in the lower left of the dashboard is where you can access developer notifications that we may have sent you, such as App Review submission status updates and alerts about upcoming API changes.
You can control which developer notifications you want to receive by using the Developer Settings.
The Dashboard is where you can find API usage meters as well as important notifications about required actions or upcoming changes that may impact your app.
The toolbar that appears at the top of the dashboard after you have selected an app displays the App ID and allows you to switch among your apps.
App IDs are generated upon app creation. They are unique to each app and cannot be changed. App IDs are typically not needed unless you are programmatically adjusting your app's settings, or querying endpoints that require your app ID (there are only a handful of these).
Allows you to switch among your apps, create new apps, and create test apps.
The app toggle displays your app's current app mode status and allows you to switch between modes.
All newly created apps start out in Development mode and should not be switched to Live mode until you have completed app development and are ready to publish your app.
If you chose Business as your app type, you will not see a mode indicator because Business apps rely on access levels instead of modes.
This displays your app type. App types determine which products, permissions, and features are available to your app.
Important messages about your app will be displayed here. These typically have to do with actions related to maintaining data access. You'll also receive a developer notification about these requirements.
The Settings for your app is split into two separate sections: Basic and Advanced.
The Basic settings allows you to provide more granular information about your app, such as its category, platform, and icon. It also contains settings commonly needed to complete App Review, such as URLs to your privacy policy and terms of service.
The Advanced settings allows you to configure uncommon settings, such as security settings, age- and geo-targeting restrictions, and allows you to upgrade your app to newer versions of the the Graph API and Marketing API.
The App Roles for your app can be used to send app role invitations to other people who may be helping you develop your app. This can also be used by Administrators to remove a person from a role.
App roles control who has access to your app's settings, and who can use your app (grant it permission to access their data) while it's in Development mode.
Alerts is where you can access developer notifications that we may have sent you, such as App Review submission status updates and alerts about upcoming API changes.
You can control which developer notifications you want to receive by using the Developer Settings.
App Review allows you to create and submit App Review submissions.
App Review is part of the release process — if your app will be used by people who do not have a role on your app, you will have to submit your app for review.
Learn more about the App Review process.
If you created an app using an app type, then you may need to add a product to add functionality. If you have selected a use case, there's no need to separately add a product.
Adding a product to your app enables relevant functionality and API access. It also adds a new product-specific panel to the dashboard, and in most cases, provides an interface for you to configure additional product-specific settings.
The developer documentation for the products listed on will indicate whether or not you need to add a corresponding product to your app using the App Dashboard.
Some products require you to certify that you will use them in compliance with our Plaftorm Terms and Developer Polices.
You can complete initial certification by checking the checkbox in the Confirm Acceptance modal when adding these products to your app. You will also be required to annually recertify as part of the Data Use Checkup process.
The Activity Log is a historical record of changes made to your app through the App Dashboard. This panel will not appear until there has been activity on your app.
Displays your app's Graph API application rate usage.
Displays the number of your app users who have reached their Graph API user rate limit.
Displays basic statistics about your app's Graph API requests.
Displays basic statistics about your app's Marketing API requests.
Displays your app's Graph API Page rate usage. Learn more about Page rate limits.
Displays basic statistics about your app's Facebook Login activity.
To learn more about concepts mentioned in this document follow the links list below.
App DevelopmentApp Dashboard | Maintaining Access |