Guide to Instagram comments data

You can fetch comments on an Instagram post or replies to a specific Instagram comment by leveraging ID-based retrieval, using the get() method with the <MCL_ID>/comments path. This document describes the parameters and shows you how to perform basic queries by using this method.

All of the examples in this document assume you have created a Python or R Jupyter notebook and a client object. See Getting started to learn more.

See the Data dictionary for detailed information about the fields that are available on an Instagram comment node.





Comma-separated list of fields you want included in the result. See the Data dictionary for descriptions of all available fields.


String or Integer

Date in YYYY-MM-DD (date only) or UNIX timestamp (translates to a date and time to the second) format. Instagram comments created on or after this date or timestamp are returned (used with UNTIL to define a time range). SINCE and UNTIL are based on UTC time zone, regardless of the local time zone of the user who made the comment.

  • If both SINCE and UNTIL are included, the query includes the time range defined by those values.
  • If SINCE is included and UNTIL is omitted, the query includes the SINCE time through the present time.
  • If SINCE is omitted and UNTIL is included, the query goes from the beginning of Instagram time through the UNTIL time.
  • If SINCE and UNTIL are both omitted, the query goes from the beginning of Instagram time to the present time.
  • If SINCE and UNTIL are the same UNIX timestamp, the query includes the SINCE time through the SINCE time plus one hour.
  • If SINCE and UNTIL are the same Date (YYYY-MM-DD), the query includes the SINCE date through the SINCE date plus one day.


String or Integer

Date in YYYY-MM-DD (date only) or UNIX timestamp (translates to a date and time to the second) format. Instagram comments created on or after this date or timestamp are returned (used with SINCE to define a time range). SINCE and UNTIL are based on UTC time zone, regardless of the local time zone of the user who made the comment.

  • If both SINCE and UNTIL are included, the query includes the time range defined by those values.
  • If SINCE is included and UNTIL is omitted, the query includes the SINCE time through the present time.
  • If SINCE is omitted and UNTIL is included, the query goes from the beginning of Instagram time through the UNTIL time.
  • If SINCE and UNTIL are both omitted, the query goes from the beginning of Instagram time to the present time.
  • If SINCE and UNTIL are the same UNIX timestamp, the query includes the SINCE time through the SINCE time plus one hour.
  • If SINCE and UNTIL are the same Date (YYYY-MM-DD), the query includes the SINCE date through the SINCE date plus one day.



Sorting mode in which the comments are returned (only for synchronous endpoint). Available options:

  • newest_to_oldest: Comments are returned in reverse chronological order (newest first).
  • oldest_to_newest: Comments are returned in chronological order (oldest first).
  • none: No sorting is applied to the returned data.

Default value: newest_to_oldest



Boolean value that allows you to change the way of fetching the comments. Available options:

  • True: all of the comments of the entity are returned, both nested and unnested. Since they are going to be returned in a “flattened way,” no sorting is applied.
  • False: only top-level replies of the entity are returned. Sorting can be applied.

Default value: False

Sample queries

Fetch comments on an Instagram post

Fetching comments from specific Instagram posts requires that you first obtain the post ID by using the get() method, with the appropriate “path” and “params.” The search results will include the ID field by default (you don't have to specify it in your query). See the Guide to Instagram posts data to learn about this method.

The results will include top-level comments on a specific post but not the nested comments. To get the nested comments on a specific post, refer to fetch comments of an Instagram comment, or use the fetch_all parameter.

Meta Content Library IDs can be used in comment queries and displayed in the search results. Meta Content Library IDs are unique IDs linked to an entity in MCL. These IDs cannot be used to search on Meta’s technologies.

To fetch top-level replies on a specific Instagram post, generate a post ID using the get(path=’search/instagram_posts’, ...) method. Then, query get(path=’<post_id>/comments’) method to fetch top-level replies on this post.

The following example would return 10 results per page. You can use the query_next_page() and has_next() to get the next page of 10 results, until all the query results have been returned. In order to fetch all top-level replies of a post with a single call, you can follow the instructions on asynchronous fetching.

client <- import("metacontentlibraryapi")$MetaContentLibraryAPIClient


# Fetch first 10 comments
response <- client$get(path="943578593983539/comments")
jsonlite::fromJSON(response$text, flatten=TRUE)

# Fetch next page
if (client$has_next_page(response)) {
    response <- client$query_next_page(response)
    jsonlite::fromJSON(response$text, flatten=TRUE) # Display second page
from metacontentlibraryapi import MetaContentLibraryAPIClient as client


# Fetch first 10 comments
response = client.get(path="943578593983539/comments")

display(response.json()) # Display first page

# Fetch next page
if client.has_next_page(response):
    response = client.query_next_page(response)
    display(response.json()) # Display second page

Fetch replies on an Instagram comment

To fetch top-level replies on specific Instagram comments, take a comment ID that you obtained from a previous comment fetch call and pass it as a path param, with a /comment suffix.

This example returns 10 results per page. You can use the query_next_page() and has_next_page() to get the next page of 10 results.To fetch all the top-level replies on a comment with a single call, follow the instructions on asynchronous fetching.

client <- import("metacontentlibraryapi")$MetaContentLibraryAPIClient


# Fetch first 10 subcomments
response <- client$get(path="995467055185836/comments")

jsonlite::fromJSON(response$text, flatten=TRUE) # Display first page
from metacontentlibraryapi import MetaContentLibraryAPIClient as client


# Fetch first 10 subcomments
response = client.get(path="995467055185836/comments")

display(response.json()) # Display first page

Request specific fields

To have the API return specific fields from the Instagram comments, create a comment fetch call, passing the fields parameter as a comma-separated list of fields you want included. If omitted, default fields will be returned.

library (reticulate)
client <- import("metacontentlibraryapi")$MetaContentLibraryAPIClient


# Fetch first 10 comments with specific fields
response <- client$get(

jsonlite::fromJSON(response$text, flatten=TRUE)
from metacontentlibraryapi import MetaContentLibraryAPIClient as client


# Fetch first 10 comments with specific fields
response = client.get(
                params={'fields': 'text,creation_time'}


Request comments with “since” and/or “until” filters

To have the API return comments within a specific time and date range, create a comment fetch call and pass the since and until parameters you want included.

client <- import("metacontentlibraryapi")$MetaContentLibraryAPIClient


# Will fetch comments that were created after 2023-12-10
# but before 1702771200 (epoch timestamp of "2023-12-17 12:00:00 AM)
# Both formats (date and UNIX timestamp) are allowed
response <- client$get(
          params=list("since"="2023-12-10", "until"="1702771200")

jsonlite::fromJSON(response$text, flatten=TRUE)
from metacontentlibraryapi import MetaContentLibraryAPIClient as client


# Will fetch comments that were created after 2023-12-10
# but before 1702771200 (epoch timestamp of "2023-12-17 12:00:00 AM)
# Both formats (date and UNIX timestamp) are allowed
response = client.get(
        params={'since': '2023-12-10', 'until': '1702771200'}


Request comments with a “fetch_all” filter

To have the API return all comments, not just the top-level replies, you can use the fetch_all boolean param, by setting it to true. Since the data are returned flattened, no sorting is applied.

client <- import("metacontentlibraryapi")$MetaContentLibraryAPIClient


# Fetch ALL comments (paginated)
response <- client$get(
          path="995467055185836/comments", params=list("fetch_all"=TRUE)

jsonlite::fromJSON(response$text, flatten=TRUE)
from metacontentlibraryapi import MetaContentLibraryAPIClient as client


# Fetch ALL comments (paginated)
response = client.get(
path="995467055185836/comments", params={'fetch_all': 1}


Request comments with a “sort” filter

To have the API return comments in a specific order, you can use the sort param.

client <- import("metacontentlibraryapi")$MetaContentLibraryAPIClient


# Fetch first 10 comments, from oldest to newest (chronological order)
response <- client$get(
     path="943578593983539/comments", params=list("sort"="oldest_to_newest")

jsonlite::fromJSON(response$text, flatten=TRUE)
from metacontentlibraryapi import MetaContentLibraryAPIClient as client


# Fetch first 10 comments, from oldest to newest (chronological order)
response = client.get(
path="943578593983539/comments", params={'sort': 'oldest_to_newest'}
