Error Codes

The Facebook Graph API will output error codes attached to API responses. Catch these error codes and take action accordingly.

CodeError MessageActionCategory


Cannot Ship Order: Orders in state 'cancelled' cannot be shipped.

Self explanatory

Order Management


Cannot Refund Order: Orders in state 'cancelled' cannot be refunded.

Do not attempt to refund orders that are already cancelled

Order Management


Order already shipped: Payment has already been captured for this order and it can no longer be canceled or marked as shipped

Catch error, stop shipping

Order Management


Order Already Shipped: This order can't be canceled since it's already marked as shipped. To refund this order, go to Past Orders.

Order has shipped so it cannot be cancelled. Refund it instead.

Order Management


Order not charged: This order has not been charged. There is nothing to refund.

Double check why you're trying to refund this order; Payment was not captured on it. Catch error, do not continue

Order Management


Order Already Canceled: This order has already been canceled.

Catch error, stop trying to cancel

Order Management


Refund Unavailable: This order can't be refunded until the customer's payment method has been charged. Please wait a few minutes and try again.

Contact support

Order Management


Invalid 'retailer_id' for Item in Refund Request: We're unable to find the corresponding product in the refund request. Please make sure that the 'retailer_id' field has a valid value.

Make sure you're passing in a retailer_id if it's an item-based request

Order Management


Refund Item Tax Higher Than Charged Amount: The tax amount '$X' you are trying to refund for the item is higher than what the buyer was initially charged of that has not yet been refunded, '$Y' .

Double check dollar values on refund

Order Management


Concurrent Order Modification: Multiple requests are attempting to modify this order at the same time. Only one request can modify an order at a time.

Serialize your API calls and reduce the rate of your requests

Order Management


Missing or invalid shipment origin postal code: Missing or invalid shipment origin postal code.

Self explanatory

Order Management


Provided Tax Amount is Too High: The amount of tax provided is higher than the tax amount authed of '$X' set at order creation, and cannot be charged while fulfilling the order.

Self explanatory

Order Management


Cannot Refund Order: The total requested refund cannot be $0.

Self explanatory

Order Management


Cannot Refund Order: The requested refund for <PRODUCT_NAME> '$X USD' is greater than the current charged amount of '$Y USD'.

Self explanatory; Double check dollar values

Order Management


Pending Action.

Retry this request. This error comes when we try to perform updates on order while its being updated by other parallel request.

Order Management


Order cannot be acknowledged.

Order cannot be acknowledged, order has already been either cancelled, shipped or refunded. Do not attempt to acknowledge orders that are not in CREATED state.

Order Management


Duplicate fulfillment details provided: Order already has a fulfillment with these fulfillment tracking details.

You cannot use the same tracking number multiple times for multiple shipments. Each shipment requires a unique tracking number.

Order Management


Cannot Update Disabled CMS

Failed to update CMS because it has been disabled



Instagram User Already Onboarded To Another Commerce Account

Instagram user {username} is already onboarded to another Commerce Account. Please select a different Instagram user or deactivate the shop first.
