
Updates to Permission Reviews and Facebook Login

2018年7月27日作成者:Konstantinos Papamiltiadis

Today, we're announcing a couple updates to permission reviews for both Messenger Platform API and Pages API as well as Facebook Login.

Permission Reviews

We are now requiring certain permissions associated with the Messenger Platform API and Pages API to be requested during the app review process. The Messenger Platform's User Profile API is aligning with the recent updates to Facebook Login so only id, name, first_name, last_name and profile_pic will be accessible by default. You can learn more about the Messenger Platform API change here. Additionally, pages_manage_cta from the Pages API will need to go through an app review. Our developer documentation outlines this change.

Facebook Login

Today, we're also announcing that we're taking new indicators into account when determining whether someone has accessed a developer's app in the past 3 months. We announced that we were removing a developer’s ability to request data people shared with them if it appeared they had not used the app in the last 3 months. When we rolled that out, we took a very conservative approach in how we defined app usage and since then, we've been working to identify additional indicators that signal how people access and use developers apps. We are now looking at specific aspects of app activity — not just when someone logs in to an app with Facebook Login — to determine app engagement. For example, if someone shares something from the app, Facebook Login treats that as an indication that they still use the app and resets the 3 month timeframe.