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Monitoring App Quality with Insights

15 de maio de 2012PorDave Miller

We’re introducing two new features in Insights: App Ratings and Negative Feedback. They both help you monitor positive and negative user signals.

As announced last week, inclusion and success in the App Center based on how people rate your app and how they engage with it. App Ratings and Negative Feedback can inform not only how you design your app experience to increase engagement and satisfaction, but also how your app grows through the App Center.

App Ratings

After people login to apps, we will randomly ask them to rate the app using a five-star scale. These ratings show up in App Center and on your app detail page.

The app ratings dashboard shows you how people rate your app in aggregate across certain demographics. The overview at the top of the page presents your average app rating and your rating by star. You can view metrics for a day, week, month or custom date range.

Below the overview, a series of bar charts show your ratings across several demographics broken down by age and gender, country, and locale (which takes language into consideration). You can view each chart in absolute numbers or relative percentages.

Negative Feedback

Along with presenting positive ratings from users, the new features also help you monitor the negative signals for both stream publish and Open Graph stories. They show you how many times people have hidden stories from your app, reported stories as spam or blocked the app itself.

These reports take into the account the same type of automated systems we use internally to catch spam and malicious behavior on Platform. You will now be able to see the absolute number of negative signals or the ratio of negative feedback to the total number of impressions. The spam impression overview chart displays your reports against a green background when you’re doing well, and a yellow one if reports reach a level of concern. You can view metrics for a day, week, month or custom date range.

You can view reports for all story types or analyze content published using stream publish or Open Graph on breakout dashboards. These dashboards show more detail about each type of feedback. When analyzing stream publish feedback, you can see how users and non-users engaged with the content.

When analyzing Open Graph content, you can filter the chart to show user feedback on a specific action type, object type or all content.

In addition to these new tools, we encourage you to proactively review stories from your app to make sure they are engaging and include relevant content.

We want to continue to foster a healthy ecosystem where people have positive experiences on Facebook, and developers build, grow and maintain high-quality apps.

To start reviewing app ratings and negative feedback, access Insights for your app here or the Dev App. To learn more about Insights, please see the documentation.