온프레미스 API에 대한 지원을 중단합니다. 자세한 내용과 차세대 클라우드 API로 마이그레이션하는 방법을 알아보려면 온프레미스 API 지원 중단 문서를 참조하세요.
Unlike typical REST APIs, the WhatsApp (WA) Business API requires the WhatsApp Business API Client to be installed and managed by your business. This way the WhatsApp Business API client can communicate with WA servers in an end-to-end-encrypted manner and provide the API endpoints that your business systems integrate with. The WhatsApp Business API Client consists of a set of Docker containers, as well as database and media volumes as shown in the following image.
A WhatsApp Business API Client consists of the following components shown in the preceding image.
After the successful installation of the WhatsApp Business API Client, your business can start integrating with the WhatsApp Business API like common REST APIs via HTTPS, and receiving incoming messages using Webhooks.
It's important in your production environment that the database runs on a separate host from the CoreApp and WebApp nodes, which ideally are also on separate hosts for high-availability reasons. For more information, see Availability and Scaling.
When you are developing your system, you can run your database, CoreApp and WebApp nodes on the same physical server for testing purposes.