Flow Templates

The following Flow templates have been developed to help you provide users with delightful experiences, quickly and efficiently. When utilising template Flow JSON, you are responsible for customising the experience to suit your use case, audience, and market. You are also responsible for ensuring that the Flow adheres to any applicable laws and regulations.

Flow Templates

Customer Satisfaction Survey

An example of a customer satisfaction survey form with multiple options.

Lead Re-engagement

An example of a sales lead engagement form that captures basic name and contact information.

Customer Engagement

An example of a form that captures multiple possibilities for future customer engagement based on user input.

Support Request

An example of a form that provides a customer the ability to submit a support request regarding a previous product order.

Communication Preferences

An example of a form that allows a customer to change their communication preferences.

Register for an Event

An example of a form that allows a customer to register for an event.

Flow Templates with Endpoint

Sign In

An example of a form that allows a customer to sign in to an existing account.


An example of a form that allows a customer to register for a new account.

Book an Appointment

An example of a form that allows a customer to book an appointment.

Get a Quote

An example of a form that allows a customer to get a quote for a job or insurance.