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Two-Step Verification


Use two-step verification to add an extra layer of security to the WhatsApp Business API Client. When you have two-step verification enabled, any attempt to register your phone number on WhatsApp must be accompanied by the six-digit PIN that you create using this feature. Two-step verification can be enabled and disabled using the /v1/settings/account/two-step endpoint.

Before You Start

You must use the admin account to access the two-step verification settings.


To enable two-step verification, use the /v1/settings/account/two-step endpoint with the pin parameter.


POST /v1/settings/account/two-step
    "pin": "your-6-digit-pin"

A successful request returns the HTTP Status Code 200 OK and either null or {}. If you encounter any errors, see Error and Status Messages.


To disable two-step verification, make a DELETE call to the /v1/settings/account/two-step endpoint.


DELETE /v1/settings/account/two-step

A successful request returns the HTTP Status Code 200 OK and either null or {}. If you encounter any errors, see Error and Status Messages.

Resetting your PIN

If you forget or misplace your PIN, you can disable two-step verification, and then enable it again with a new PIN.

Using the Two-Step Verification PIN in Registration

If you are trying to re-register while the account has two-step verification enabled, include the pin parameter in the registration request. For more details on registration with two-step verification enabled, see the Registration documentation.

Changing Your Two-Step Verification PIN

To change your business phone number's two-step verification PIN:

  1. Load the WhatsApp Business Account (WABA) associated with the phone number in WhatsApp Manager. See WhatsApp Manager if you have multiple portfolios and WABAs.
  2. Mousever the menu on the left and navigate to Account tools > Phone numbers.
  3. Use the dropdown menu on the top-right to select the WABA associated with the phone number, if necessary.
  4. Click the phone number's settings (gear) icon.
  5. Click Two-step verification.
  6. Click Change PIN and complete the flow.

You must supply your current PIN in order to change it. Note that you can also set a new PIN using our APIs:

Disabling Two-Step Verification

To disable two-step verification, follow the steps for changing your PIN, but click the Turn off two-step verification button as the final step instead. An email with a link will be sent to the email address associated with your business portfolio. Use the link to disable two-step verification. Once disabled, you can re-enable it by setting a new PIN.