ThreatExchange re-sharing controls

All submissions to the ThreatExchange API allow for defining how the data can be re-shared by its recipients. The level of re-sharing is applied via the share_level attribute.

The desired re-share setting on an object can be specified at the time of a create or edit submission to the API. While re-sharing settings can be changed retroactively, those changes will not be pushed as updates to members that have already accessed the data.

Re-sharing options via share_level

The re-sharing definitions adopted by ThreatExchange are derived from those definied in the US-CERT's Traffic Light Protocol. They have been adapted to accomodate the realities of re-sharing within large corporations with complex subsidiary relationships.

The exact definitions of the permitted values in the share_level attribute are defined in the ShareLevelType.

Setting re-sharing: examples

The following is an examples are submissions of a new malicious domain to ThreatExchange. In each example, we define which re-sharing level is permitted.

Specifying re-sharing using the UI

Allowing re-sharing to anyone, including public channels, using the API


Limiting re-sharing to established, non-public channels, using the API


Limiting re-sharing to select members and their related entities with a need to know, using the API
