The ThreatExchange APIs perform authentication via access tokens. After Facebook notifies you that your App can access ThreatExchange, use the access token tool to get an App Token. Please note, app tokens give access to sensitive details to your app and should be treated like a password.
With the access token, test your access to ThreatExchange by retrieving the list of members in the exchange:<access_token>
If this request does not return an error, you are now ready to begin exploring the ThreatExchange API!
With your newly activated access token, perform a search for malicious URLs added in the last week: week ago&access_token=<access_token>
Please note that not all fields are returned by default. Consult the reference documentation and specify the fields you are looking to read by appending the fields parameter. See the Graph API guide for more details.
Test publish a domain,
, ensuring only you are able to see the data: POST DATA type=DOMAIN privacy_type=HAS_WHITELIST status=UNKNOWN description=Test data publishing share_level=RED privacy_members=<your_app_id> access_token=555|1235
The return value will be a JSON map with a success or failure code and, if the call is successful, the unique ThreatExchange ID for the descriptor you published!
Publish a descriptor for your own domain,
, and share it with Facebook's app ID, 820763734618599
: POST DATA type=DOMAIN privacy_type=HAS_WHITELIST status=NON_MALICIOUS description=The domain owned by <your_app_id> share_level=WHITE privacy_members=820763734618599 access_token=555|1235
Search for all compromised credentials found on the Internet within the last day:
Find the unique ThreatExchange ID for a specific indicator, such as
Explore related indicators for a specific indicator with ThreatExchange ID 898557073557972
Explore all of the descriptors for a specific indicator with ThreatExchange ID 898557073557972
See more examples on our Github, or on the endpoint pages for threat indicators, threat descriptors.
The above snippets showed you some examples of the bare REST API. For an easier path to integration please see our Python wrapper.
Please also see our descriptor-focused reference designs in Ruby, Java, and bare-curl.