A subjective opinion about a ThreatIndicator that was submitted by a ThreatExchangeMember.
Parameter | Description | Type |
| Unique identifier of the threat descriptor. Automatically assigned at create time, and non-editable. |
| The datetime this descriptor was first uploaded. Automatically computed; not directly editable. |
| A rating, from 0-100, on how confident the publisher is of the threat indicator's status. 0 is meant to be least confident, with 100 being most confident. |
| A short summary of the indicator and threat. |
| Datetime the indicator is no longer considered a threat, as subjectively determined by the owner of the descriptor. |
| The datetime when this opinion first became valid, as subjectively determined by the owner of the descriptor. |
| The datetime when this opinion stopped being valid, as subjectively determined by the owner of the descriptor. |
| The ThreatIndicator described by the descriptor: for example, a URL or a hash string. Non-editable after the descriptor is created. | |
| Datetime the threat descriptor was last updated. Automatically computed; not directly editable. |
| A list of reactions that you have added to this descriptor. | |
| The ThreatExchangeMember that submitted the descriptor. Non-editable. | |
| The degree of accuracy of the descriptor. | |
| The level of privacy applied to the descriptor. Also known as "visibility". | |
| A raw, unsanitized string of the indicator being described. |
| A list of reactions to reacting application. | |
| Describes how the indicator was vetted. | |
| Dangerousness of threat associated with the indicator. | |
| A designation of how the indicator may be shared, based on the US-CERT's Traffic Light Protocol. | |
| A publicly accessible URL containing further context or details about the descriptor. |
| If the indicator is known to be malicious or not. | |
| The type of indicator. |
Parameter | Description | Type |
| The tags applied to this descriptor. |
For additional documentation on ThreatTags, see ThreatTag Object
Example query for a specific descriptor: 777900478994849
Data returned:
{ "id": "777900478994849", "indicator": { "indicator": "http://test1435342443.evilevillabs.com/test.php", "type": "URI", "id": "841478115929947" }, "owner": { "id": "682796275165036", "name": "Facebook Site Integrity ThreatExchange" }, "type": "URI", "raw_indicator": "http://test1435342443.evilevillabs.com/test.php", "description": "Test Description", "tags": { "data": [ { "id": "908180082612873", "text": "evilevil" }, { "id": "884078131700721", "text": "testing" } ] }, "status": "UNKNOWN" }