페이지 인사이트 가져오기

이 가이드에서는 Facebook 페이지에 대한 지표를 가져오는 방법을 설명합니다. 페이지 좋아요를 클릭한 사용자 총수나 페이지에 대한 소식을 공유한 사용자 수를 가져올 수 있습니다.

On March 14, 2024, a number of the Page Insights metrics were deprecated for all API versions. The API returns an invalid metric error when calling any of these metrics. Read our blog to learn more.

제한 사항

  • Facebook은 전체 공개 페이지의 지표 데이터를 2년간 보관합니다.
  • 비공개 페이지의 지표 데이터는 5일만 보관합니다.
  • sinceuntil을 사용하여 일일 지표를 조회하는 경우 첫 번째 end_time 값은 since에서 지정한 날짜에 1을 더하여 since 날짜 데이터를 포함하도록 합니다. 예를 들어 since를 2018년 1월 1일로 설정하면 end_time이 2018년 1월 2일 8시(GMT)가 됩니다.

시작하기 전에

단일 지표 가져오기

/{page-id}/insights/{metric-name} 엔드포인트에 GET 요청을 보냅니다.

curl -i -X GET "https://graph.facebook.com/{page-id}/insights/page_impressions_unique

성공할 경우 앱은 다음과 같은 응답을 받습니다.

  "data": [
      "name": "page_impressions_unique",
      "period": "day",
      "values": [
          "value": 66226,
          "end_time": "2020-03-10T07:00:00+0000"
          "value": 78037,
          "end_time": "2020-03-11T07:00:00+0000"
      "title": "Daily Total Reach",
      "description": "Daily: The number of people who had any content from your Page or about your Page enter their screen. This includes posts, check-ins, ads, social information from people who interact with your Page and more. (Unique Users)",
      "id": "{page-id}/insights/page_impressions_unique/day"
      "name": "page_impressions_unique",
      "period": "week",
      "values": [
          "value": 202229,
          "end_time": "2020-03-10T07:00:00+0000"
          "value": 206982,
          "end_time": "2020-03-11T07:00:00+0000"
      "title": "Weekly Total Reach",
      "description": "Weekly: The number of people who had any content from your Page or about your Page enter their screen. This includes posts, check-ins, ads, social information from people who interact with your Page and more. (Unique Users)",
      "id": "{page-id}/insights/page_impressions_unique/week"
      "name": "page_impressions_unique",
      "period": "days_28",
      "values": [
          "value": 427380,
          "end_time": "2020-03-10T07:00:00+0000"
          "value": 432909,
          "end_time": "2020-03-11T07:00:00+0000"
      "title": "28 Days Total Reach",
      "description": "28 Days: The number of people who had any content from your Page or about your Page enter their screen. This includes posts, check-ins, ads, social information from people who interact with your Page and more. (Unique Users)",
      "id": "{page-id}/insights/page_impressions_unique/days_28"
  "paging": {
    "previous": "https://graph.facebook.com/{page-id}/insights?access_token={page-access-token}&pretty=0&metric=page_impressions_unique&since=1583568000&until=1583737200",
    "next": "https://graph.facebook.com/{page-id}/insights?access_token={page-access-token}&pretty=0&metric=page_impressions_unique&since=1583910000&until=1584082800"

여러 개의 지표 가져오기

metric 필드가 포함된 /{page-id}/insights 엔드포인트에 GET 요청을 보냅니다.

curl -i -X GET "https://graph.facebook.com/{page-id}/insights

성공할 경우 앱은 다음과 같은 응답을 받습니다.

  "data": [
      "name": "page_impressions_unique",
      "period": "day",
      "values": [
          "value": 60,
          "end_time": "2024-03-11T07:00:00+0000"
          "value": 50,
          "end_time": "2024-03-12T07:00:00+0000"
      "title": "Daily Total Reach",
      "description": "Daily: The number of people who had any content from your Page or about your Page enter their screen. This includes posts, check-ins, ads, social information from people who interact with your Page and more. (Unique Users)",
      "id": "PAGE_ID/insights/page_impressions_unique/day"
      "name": "page_impressions_paid",
      "period": "day",
      "values": [
          "value": 8,
          "end_time": "2024-03-11T07:00:00+0000"
          "value": 10,
          "end_time": "2024-03-12T07:00:00+0000"
      "title": "Daily Paid Impressions",
      "description": "Daily: The number of times any post or story content from your Page or about your Page entered a person's screen through paid distribution such as an ad. (Total Count)",
      "id": "PAGE_ID/insights/page_impressions_paid/day"
      "name": "page_impressions_unique",
      "period": "week",
      "values": [
          "value": 40,
          "end_time": "2024-03-11T07:00:00+0000"
          "value": 50,
          "end_time": "2024-03-12T07:00:00+0000"
      "title": "Weekly Total Reach",
      "description": "Weekly: The number of people who had any content from your Page or about your Page enter their screen. This includes posts, check-ins, ads, social information from people who interact with your Page and more. (Unique Users)",
      "id": "PAGE_ID/insights/page_impressions_unique/week"
      "name": "page_impressions_paid",
      "period": "week",
      "values": [
          "value": 50,
          "end_time": "2024-03-11T07:00:00+0000"
          "value": 106,
          "end_time": "2024-03-12T07:00:00+0000"
      "title": "Weekly Paid Impressions",
      "description": "Weekly: The number of times any post or story content from your Page or about your Page entered a person's screen through paid distribution such as an ad. (Total Count)",
      "id": "PAGE_ID/insights/page_impressions_paid/week"
      "name": "page_impressions_unique",
      "period": "days_28",
      "values": [
          "value": 110,
          "end_time": "2024-03-11T07:00:00+0000"
          "value": 10,
          "end_time": "2024-03-12T07:00:00+0000"
      "title": "28 Days Total Reach",
      "description": "28 Days: The number of people who had any content from your Page or about your Page enter their screen. This includes posts, check-ins, ads, social information from people who interact with your Page and more. (Unique Users)",
      "id": "PAGE_ID/insights/page_impressions_unique/days_28"
      "name": "page_impressions_paid",
      "period": "days_28",
      "values": [
          "value": 120,
          "end_time": "2024-03-11T07:00:00+0000"
          "value": 20,
          "end_time": "2024-03-12T07:00:00+0000"
      "title": "28 Days Paid Impressions",
      "description": "28 days: The number of times any post or story content from your Page or about your Page entered a person's screen through paid distribution such as an ad. (Total Count)",
      "id": "PAGE_ID/insights/page_impressions_paid/days_28"

페이지 게시물의 지표 가져오기

metric 필드가 포함된 /{page-post-id}/insights 엔드포인트에 GET 요청을 보냅니다.

curl -i -X GET "https://graph.facebook.com{page-post-id}/insights

성공할 경우 앱은 다음과 같은 응답을 받습니다.

  "data": [
      "name": "post_reactions_like_total",
      "period": "lifetime",
      "values": [
          "value": 226
      "title": "Lifetime Total Like Reactions of a post.",
      "description": "Lifetime: Total like reactions of a post.",
      "id": "{page-post-id}/insights/post_reactions_like_total/lifetime"
      "name": "post_reactions_love_total",
      "period": "lifetime",
      "values": [
          "value": 17
      "title": "Lifetime Total Love Reactions of a post.",
      "description": "Lifetime: Total love reactions of a post.",
      "id": "{page-post-id}/insights/post_reactions_love_total/lifetime"
      "name": "post_reactions_wow_total",
      "period": "lifetime",
      "values": [
          "value": 1
      "title": "Lifetime Total wow Reactions of a post.",
      "description": "Lifetime: Total wow Reactions of a post.",
      "id": "{page-post-id}/insights/post_reactions_wow_total/lifetime"
  "paging": {
    "previous": "https://graph.facebook.com/{page-post-id}/insights?access_token={page-access-token}b&pretty=0&metric=post_reactions_like_total%2Cpost_reactions_love_total%2Cpost_reactions_wow_total&since=1583568000&until=1583737200",
    "next": "https://graph.facebook.com/{page-post-id}/insights?access_token={page-access-token}&pretty=0&metric=post_reactions_like_total%2Cpost_reactions_love_total%2Cpost_reactions_wow_total&since=1583910000&until=1584082800"

동영상 인스트림 광고 노출 가져오기

추가 요구 사항

GET 요청을 /{page-id} 엔드포인트에 보내 페이지의 일일 동영상 인스트림 광고 노출을 가져옵니다.

curl -i -X GET \

성공할 경우 앱은 다음과 같은 응답을 받습니다.

  "data": [
      "name": "page_daily_video_ad_breaks_ad_impressions_by_crosspost_status",
      "period": "day",
      "values": [
          "value": {
          "crossposted": 27584,
          "owned": 692730
          "end_time": "2017-12-11T08:00:00+0000"
            "value": {
              "owned": 757456,
              "crossposted": 20593
            "end_time": "2017-12-12T08:00:00+0000"
            "value": {
              "owned": 690092,
              "crossposted": 15372
            "end_time": "2017-12-13T08:00:00+0000"
        "title": "Daily page level videos ad impression",
        "description": "Number of times an ad was shown during ad breaks in your Page's videos, by distribution type (page_owned and crossposted).",
        "id": "{page-id}/insights/page_daily_video_ad_break_ad_impressions_by_crosspost_status/day"

페이지 게시물의 일일 동영상 인스트림 광고 노출 가져오기

metric 필드가 포함된 /{page-post-id}/insights 엔드포인트에 GET 요청을 보냅니다.

curl -i -X GET "https://graph.facebook.com/{page-post-id}/insights

성공할 경우 앱은 다음과 같은 응답을 받습니다.

  "data": [
      "name": "total_video_ad_break_ad_impressions",
      "period": "day",
      "values": [
          "value": 2612,
          "end_time": "2017-12-11T08:00:00+0000"
          "value": 1038,
          "end_time": "2017-12-12T08:00:00+0000"
          "value": 818,
          "end_time": "2017-12-13T08:00:00+0000"
          "value": 553,
          "end_time": "2017-12-14T08:00:00+0000"
      "title": "Daily Video Ad Break Ad Impressions",
      "description": "Number of times an ad was shown during your video ad breaks.",
      "id": "{video-id}/video_insights/total_video_ad_break_ad_impressions/day"

페이지 게시물의 총 동영상 인스트림 광고 노출 가져오기

curl -i -X GET "https://graph.facebook.com/{page-post-id}/insights

성공할 경우 앱은 다음과 같은 응답을 받습니다.

  "data": [
      "name": "total_video_ad_break_ad_impressions",
      "period": "lifetime",
      "values": [
          "value": 55468
      "title": "Lifetime Video Ad Break Ad Impressions",
      "description": "Number of times an ad was shown during your video ad breaks.",
      "id": "{video-id}/video_insights/total_video_ad_break_ad_impressions/lifetime"

일반적인 오류 코드

오류 코드오류 메시지설명


빈 데이터 세트가 반환됩니다.

이 엔드포인트에 액세스하려면 read_insights 권한이 필요합니다.


"(#100) 이 값은 유효한 인사이트 지표가 되어야 합니다."

철자 또는 구문 오류일 수 있습니다.

"error_subcode": 1504028이 포함된 3001

"가져올 지표가 지정되지 않았습니다. 가져올 지표를 하나 이상 지정하고 다시 시도하세요."

metric 매개변수를 사용하는 경우 쿼리에 하나 이상의 지표가 포함되어야 합니다.