Obtener insights de página

En esta guía se describe cómo obtener métricas de las páginas de Facebook. Obtén el número total de personas a quienes les gustó tu página o el número de personas que compartieron historias sobre tu página.

On March 14, 2024, a number of the Page Insights metrics were deprecated for all API versions. The API returns an invalid metric error when calling any of these metrics. Read our blog to learn more.


  • Facebook almacena durante dos años los datos de métricas relacionadas con las páginas públicas.
  • Los datos de métricas correspondientes a páginas sin publicar se almacenan solo durante cinco días.
  • Al visualizar métricas diarias con los parámetros since y until, el primer valor end_time será la fecha que se haya especificado en since más 1, a fin de incluir también los datos de la fecha since. Por ejemplo, si estableces el valor de since en el 1 de enero de 2018, el valor del parámetro end_time será el 2 de enero de 2018 a las 8:00 GMT.

Antes de empezar

Obtener una sola métrica

Envía una solicitud GET al extremo /{page-id}/insights/{metric-name}:

curl -i -X GET "https://graph.facebook.com/{page-id}/insights/page_impressions_unique

Cuando esta operación se completa correctamente, la aplicación recibe la respuesta siguiente:

  "data": [
      "name": "page_impressions_unique",
      "period": "day",
      "values": [
          "value": 66226,
          "end_time": "2020-03-10T07:00:00+0000"
          "value": 78037,
          "end_time": "2020-03-11T07:00:00+0000"
      "title": "Daily Total Reach",
      "description": "Daily: The number of people who had any content from your Page or about your Page enter their screen. This includes posts, check-ins, ads, social information from people who interact with your Page and more. (Unique Users)",
      "id": "{page-id}/insights/page_impressions_unique/day"
      "name": "page_impressions_unique",
      "period": "week",
      "values": [
          "value": 202229,
          "end_time": "2020-03-10T07:00:00+0000"
          "value": 206982,
          "end_time": "2020-03-11T07:00:00+0000"
      "title": "Weekly Total Reach",
      "description": "Weekly: The number of people who had any content from your Page or about your Page enter their screen. This includes posts, check-ins, ads, social information from people who interact with your Page and more. (Unique Users)",
      "id": "{page-id}/insights/page_impressions_unique/week"
      "name": "page_impressions_unique",
      "period": "days_28",
      "values": [
          "value": 427380,
          "end_time": "2020-03-10T07:00:00+0000"
          "value": 432909,
          "end_time": "2020-03-11T07:00:00+0000"
      "title": "28 Days Total Reach",
      "description": "28 Days: The number of people who had any content from your Page or about your Page enter their screen. This includes posts, check-ins, ads, social information from people who interact with your Page and more. (Unique Users)",
      "id": "{page-id}/insights/page_impressions_unique/days_28"
  "paging": {
    "previous": "https://graph.facebook.com/{page-id}/insights?access_token={page-access-token}&pretty=0&metric=page_impressions_unique&since=1583568000&until=1583737200",
    "next": "https://graph.facebook.com/{page-id}/insights?access_token={page-access-token}&pretty=0&metric=page_impressions_unique&since=1583910000&until=1584082800"

Obtener varias métricas

Envía una solicitud GET al extremo /{page-id}/insights con el campo metric:

curl -i -X GET "https://graph.facebook.com/{page-id}/insights

Cuando esta operación se completa correctamente, la aplicación recibe la respuesta siguiente:

  "data": [
      "name": "page_impressions_unique",
      "period": "day",
      "values": [
          "value": 60,
          "end_time": "2024-03-11T07:00:00+0000"
          "value": 50,
          "end_time": "2024-03-12T07:00:00+0000"
      "title": "Daily Total Reach",
      "description": "Daily: The number of people who had any content from your Page or about your Page enter their screen. This includes posts, check-ins, ads, social information from people who interact with your Page and more. (Unique Users)",
      "id": "PAGE_ID/insights/page_impressions_unique/day"
      "name": "page_impressions_paid",
      "period": "day",
      "values": [
          "value": 8,
          "end_time": "2024-03-11T07:00:00+0000"
          "value": 10,
          "end_time": "2024-03-12T07:00:00+0000"
      "title": "Daily Paid Impressions",
      "description": "Daily: The number of times any post or story content from your Page or about your Page entered a person's screen through paid distribution such as an ad. (Total Count)",
      "id": "PAGE_ID/insights/page_impressions_paid/day"
      "name": "page_impressions_unique",
      "period": "week",
      "values": [
          "value": 40,
          "end_time": "2024-03-11T07:00:00+0000"
          "value": 50,
          "end_time": "2024-03-12T07:00:00+0000"
      "title": "Weekly Total Reach",
      "description": "Weekly: The number of people who had any content from your Page or about your Page enter their screen. This includes posts, check-ins, ads, social information from people who interact with your Page and more. (Unique Users)",
      "id": "PAGE_ID/insights/page_impressions_unique/week"
      "name": "page_impressions_paid",
      "period": "week",
      "values": [
          "value": 50,
          "end_time": "2024-03-11T07:00:00+0000"
          "value": 106,
          "end_time": "2024-03-12T07:00:00+0000"
      "title": "Weekly Paid Impressions",
      "description": "Weekly: The number of times any post or story content from your Page or about your Page entered a person's screen through paid distribution such as an ad. (Total Count)",
      "id": "PAGE_ID/insights/page_impressions_paid/week"
      "name": "page_impressions_unique",
      "period": "days_28",
      "values": [
          "value": 110,
          "end_time": "2024-03-11T07:00:00+0000"
          "value": 10,
          "end_time": "2024-03-12T07:00:00+0000"
      "title": "28 Days Total Reach",
      "description": "28 Days: The number of people who had any content from your Page or about your Page enter their screen. This includes posts, check-ins, ads, social information from people who interact with your Page and more. (Unique Users)",
      "id": "PAGE_ID/insights/page_impressions_unique/days_28"
      "name": "page_impressions_paid",
      "period": "days_28",
      "values": [
          "value": 120,
          "end_time": "2024-03-11T07:00:00+0000"
          "value": 20,
          "end_time": "2024-03-12T07:00:00+0000"
      "title": "28 Days Paid Impressions",
      "description": "28 days: The number of times any post or story content from your Page or about your Page entered a person's screen through paid distribution such as an ad. (Total Count)",
      "id": "PAGE_ID/insights/page_impressions_paid/days_28"

Obtener las métricas de una publicación de la página

Envía una solicitud GET al extremo /{page-post-id}/insights con el campo metric:

curl -i -X GET "https://graph.facebook.com{page-post-id}/insights

Cuando esta operación se completa correctamente, la aplicación recibe la respuesta siguiente:

  "data": [
      "name": "post_reactions_like_total",
      "period": "lifetime",
      "values": [
          "value": 226
      "title": "Lifetime Total Like Reactions of a post.",
      "description": "Lifetime: Total like reactions of a post.",
      "id": "{page-post-id}/insights/post_reactions_like_total/lifetime"
      "name": "post_reactions_love_total",
      "period": "lifetime",
      "values": [
          "value": 17
      "title": "Lifetime Total Love Reactions of a post.",
      "description": "Lifetime: Total love reactions of a post.",
      "id": "{page-post-id}/insights/post_reactions_love_total/lifetime"
      "name": "post_reactions_wow_total",
      "period": "lifetime",
      "values": [
          "value": 1
      "title": "Lifetime Total wow Reactions of a post.",
      "description": "Lifetime: Total wow Reactions of a post.",
      "id": "{page-post-id}/insights/post_reactions_wow_total/lifetime"
  "paging": {
    "previous": "https://graph.facebook.com/{page-post-id}/insights?access_token={page-access-token}b&pretty=0&metric=post_reactions_like_total%2Cpost_reactions_love_total%2Cpost_reactions_wow_total&since=1583568000&until=1583737200",
    "next": "https://graph.facebook.com/{page-post-id}/insights?access_token={page-access-token}&pretty=0&metric=post_reactions_like_total%2Cpost_reactions_love_total%2Cpost_reactions_wow_total&since=1583910000&until=1584082800"

Obtener las impresiones de pausas publicitarias de vídeo

Requisitos adicionales

Envía una solicitud GET al extremo /{page-id} para obtener las impresiones diarias de las pausas publicitarias de vídeo de una página:

curl -i -X GET \

Cuando esta operación se completa correctamente, la aplicación recibe la respuesta siguiente:

  "data": [
      "name": "page_daily_video_ad_breaks_ad_impressions_by_crosspost_status",
      "period": "day",
      "values": [
          "value": {
          "crossposted": 27584,
          "owned": 692730
          "end_time": "2017-12-11T08:00:00+0000"
            "value": {
              "owned": 757456,
              "crossposted": 20593
            "end_time": "2017-12-12T08:00:00+0000"
            "value": {
              "owned": 690092,
              "crossposted": 15372
            "end_time": "2017-12-13T08:00:00+0000"
        "title": "Daily page level videos ad impression",
        "description": "Number of times an ad was shown during ad breaks in your Page's videos, by distribution type (page_owned and crossposted).",
        "id": "{page-id}/insights/page_daily_video_ad_break_ad_impressions_by_crosspost_status/day"

Obtener las impresiones diarias de las pausas publicitarias de vídeo de una publicación de la página

Envía una solicitud GET al extremo /{page-post-id}/insights con el campo metric:

curl -i -X GET "https://graph.facebook.com/{page-post-id}/insights

Cuando esta operación se completa correctamente, la aplicación recibe la respuesta siguiente:

  "data": [
      "name": "total_video_ad_break_ad_impressions",
      "period": "day",
      "values": [
          "value": 2612,
          "end_time": "2017-12-11T08:00:00+0000"
          "value": 1038,
          "end_time": "2017-12-12T08:00:00+0000"
          "value": 818,
          "end_time": "2017-12-13T08:00:00+0000"
          "value": 553,
          "end_time": "2017-12-14T08:00:00+0000"
      "title": "Daily Video Ad Break Ad Impressions",
      "description": "Number of times an ad was shown during your video ad breaks.",
      "id": "{video-id}/video_insights/total_video_ad_break_ad_impressions/day"

Obtener las impresiones totales de las pausas publicitarias de vídeo de una publicación de la página

curl -i -X GET "https://graph.facebook.com/{page-post-id}/insights

Cuando esta operación se completa correctamente, la aplicación recibe la respuesta siguiente:

  "data": [
      "name": "total_video_ad_break_ad_impressions",
      "period": "lifetime",
      "values": [
          "value": 55468
      "title": "Lifetime Video Ad Break Ad Impressions",
      "description": "Number of times an ad was shown during your video ad breaks.",
      "id": "{video-id}/video_insights/total_video_ad_break_ad_impressions/lifetime"

Códigos de error habituales

Código de errorMensaje de errorDescripción


Se devuelve un conjunto de datos vacío.

Necesitas el permiso read_insights para acceder a este extremo.


“(n.º 100) El valor debe ser una métrica de estadísticas válida”.

Puede existir un error ortográfico o un problema de sintaxis.

3001 con "error_subcode": 1504028

“No se especificó ninguna métrica que recuperar. Especifica una o varias métricas para recuperarlas y vuelve a intentarlo”.

Cuando se usa el parámetro metric, se debe incluir al menos una métrica en la consulta.