Starting September 30, 2024, this feature will no longer be available. You can continue using features like links that redirect people to a person, page, or conversation in Messenger.
The "Message Us" plugin can be used to immediately start a conversation and send the person to Messenger. On the desktop web, the user is sent to and on mobile they are sent to the Messenger native app.
To use the message us plugin, you must include the Facebook for Javascript SDK in the page where the plugin will be rendered.
For instructions on including the SDK, see the Facebook for Javascript SDK Quick Start.
<div class="fb-messengermessageus" messenger_app_id="{APP_ID}" page_id="{PAGE_ID}" color="{blue | white}" ref="{PASS_THROUGH_PARAM}" size="{standard | large | xlarge}"> </div>
Note that ref param will work similar to our ref param
For a complete description of available attributes, see the message us plugin reference.
This plugin does not trigger a callback to your webhook. However, you will receive a message callback when the user sends a message to the page.