This document shows you how to create links for your Messenger experience.
is a URL service provided by Meta that redirects people to a person, page, or conversation in Messenger. You can use them on your website, email newsletters, and more.
The format for an
link is as follows where PAGE-NAME
is the Facebook Page linked to your messaging app.
When a person click an
link, they will be redirected to either a new conversation with your business or an exist conversation if the person has messaged your business in the past. A default message will appear in the conversation stating: "You have entered this conversation by following a link. We've let PAGE-NAME know you're here."
You can add the text
parameter to include a customized message as well.
Businesses can share links that redirect to websites or other threads, some of which may include prefilled text.
When a person clicks the Get Started button to start a conversation with your business, a messaging_postbacks
webhook notification will be sent to your webhooks server. As part of this webhook notification the postback
object will contain a referral
object with the ref
When a person clicks an
link and a conversation already exists between your business and the person, the link will take them to the existing conversation. This action will reset the 24-hour standard messaging window, allowing your messaging app to reply to the person and a messaging_referrals
webhook notification will be sent to your webhooks server. As part of this webhook notification a ref
parameter from the
link will be included.
An link can contain a ref
parameter that, when a person clicks on the link, provides your business with more context about the conversation such as a link on your website versus a link in a store. These types of links can also direct the person to specific content or features available within your Messenger experience.
links with ref
parameters can be embedded into QR Codes. QR compatible codes can be scanned with a phone's native camera. When scanned they will open the Messenger app and the message conversation with your business.
QR Code ExampleThe example QR code has | ![]() |
When you receive a webhook notification it will contain information from a person who is starting a conversation with your business or from a person who has an existing conversation with your business.
When a person clicks the Get Started button to start a conversation with your business, we will deliver the ref
param as part of the messaging_postbacks
webhook notification.
"referral": {
"source": "SHORTLINK",
"type": "OPEN_THREAD",
If a conversation already exists between your business and the person who clicked the link, the link the messaging_referrals
webhook notification will be sent.
"referral": {
"source": "SHORTLINK",
"type": "OPEN_THREAD",
This guide assumes you have read the Messenger Platform Overview and implemented the needed components for sending and receiving messages and notifications.
You will need:
and messaging_referrals
webhooks fieldsThe
URL allows you to create a recurring notification opt in request with an
link. The format for an
link must include the topic for the recurring notification. You can set the cadence for the recurring notification otherwise it will default to daily.
links to work properly. The person who clicked on your link will be redirect to your base
Before you can use your
URL with a new topic, you must first register the new topic.
If you are using a topic you have used in a previous
URL and people have opted in to receive recurring notifications, you do not need to register the topic again.
You can register a new topic by following these steps:
Step 1. Send yourself a recurring notification opt in request with the topic to a person who has a role on your app. We recommend adding the payload to indicate this is to register your topic.
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "recipient":{ "id":"PSID" }, "message":{ "attachment":{ "type":"template", "payload":{ "template_type":"notification_messages", "title":"TITLE", "payload": "Registering a new topic: TOPIC-NAME", "notification_messages_frequency": MESSAGE-FREQUENCY, } } } }' ""
On success, your app receives the following JSON response:
{ "recipient": { "id":"PSID", "message_id":"MESSAGE-ID", }
Step 2. Make sure to click the opt in button in the conversation. We will send you an optin webhook notification. Your topic is now registered and ready for public use.
A person who clicks on an
link with a topic that has not been registered will be redirected to your base recurring notification URL,
When registering a topic, if you send yourself an optin request but do not click the opt in button, your topic will not be registered.
curl -X POST " ?recipient={ "notification_messages_token": "NOTIFICATION-MESSAGES-TOKEN" } &developer_action=ENABLE_FOLLOWUP_MESSAGE &access_token=PAGE-ACCESS-TOKEN"
On success, your app will receive the following JSON response:
{ "success": true }
Webhook NotificationWhen you receive a webhook notification it will contain information from a person who is starting a conversation with your business or from a person who has an existing conversation with your business.
{ "sender": { "id": "PSID", }, "recipient": { "id": "PAGE-ID", }, "timestamp": "TIMESTAMP", "optin": { "type": "notification_messages", "title": "TITLE-FOR-NOTIFICATION-MESSAGE", "ref": "REF-PARAMETER-INFORMATION", "payload": "", "source":"SHORTLINK" "notification_messages_token": "NOTIFICATION-MESSAGES-TOKEN", "notification_messages_topic": "RECURRING-NOTIFICATION-TOPIC", "notification_messages_frequency": "MESSAGE-FREQUENCY", "notification_messages_timezone": "TIMEZONE-ID", "token_expiry_timestamp": "TIMESTAMP", "user_token_status": "TOKEN-STATUS" } }
ReferenceParameter Name | Descripion |
daily , monthly , weekly } | The message frequency for the |
| Context about the conversation, such as a link on your website versus a link in a store, that is delivered in a |
| The customized message sent by you when a person clicks your |
| Required. The topic for the |
reference for more information about this webhook's fieldsmessaging_referrals
reference for more information about this webhook's fields