
マーケティングAPIの現行バージョンは v20.0です。





たとえば、マーケティングAPI v17.0が2023年5月23日にリリースされ、マーケティングAPI v16.0が2024年2月6日に期限切れとなりました。このように、新しいバージョンに移行するまで90日以上の猶予期間が設けられました。





curl -G \
-d "access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>" \











アプリダッシュボード[設定] > [マイグレーション]で、利用可能なマイグレーションのアクティブ化と非アクティブ化ができます。利用可能なマイグレーションはアプリと時期によって異なるため、マイグレーションのリストは以下の画像と異なる場合があります。また、マイグレーションUse Graph API v2.0 by defaultが表示される場合、それはグラフAPIのみを対象とし、マーケティングAPIを対象としていません。


アプリダッシュボードでまたはマーケティングAPIを使用してマイグレーションをアクティブ化するのではなく、マイグレーションを設定する特別なフラグをマーケティングAPI呼び出しに追加することもできます。このフラグはmigrations_overrideという名前で、どのマイグレーションをオンまたはオフにするかを定義するJSON blobを指定する必要があります。たとえば、raw呼び出しを実行する場合、次のように指定できます。

  migrations_override={"migration1":true, "migration2":false}






  • POST /act_{ad-account-id}/reachfrequencypredictions
  • GET /act_{ad-account-id}/reachestimate
  • GET /act_{ad-account-id}/delivery_estimate
  • POST /act_{ad-account-id}/adsets
  • POST /{adset-id}
  • POST /act_{ad-account-id}/saved_audiences
  • POST /{saved-audience-id}
  • POST /act_{ad-account-id}/credit_cards

v17.0が2024年5月14日に廃止された後、アプリがv17.0でPOST /{adset-id}を呼び出した場合、次の利用可能なバージョン(v18.0)に影響されるこのエンドポイントには自動アップグレードは適用されないため、このAPIリクエストは失敗します。

廃止後にアプリがv17.0でGET /{ad-account-id}/insightsを呼び出した場合、プラットフォームは次の利用可能なバージョン(v18.0)に呼び出しをアップグレードします。

注: アプリがすでにv17.0より高いバージョンで呼び出しを行っている場合、バージョン廃止日に変更されることは何もありません。




We refer to this as an unversioned call. Unversioned calls are invalid and will fail when made against Marketing API endpoints.

You can call the version of the Marketing API that was the latest available when the app was created, as long as it has not been deprecated. It can also make calls to any newer, undeprecated versions launched after the app is created.

Starting May 14, 2024, if a deprecated version is provided, the platform may upgrade selected endpoints to the next available version instead of failing the request. To learn more about the behavior, refer to Marketing API Auto-version upgrade.

For example:

  • If your app was created before the launch of v17.0, while v16.0 was available, then it will be able to make calls to v16.0 until the expiration date of that version. After v16.0 has been deprecated, calls to v16.0 will fail.
  • If your app was created after v17.0 was released, it will be able to make calls to v17.0 until the expiration date of that version, and any subsequent versions (v18.0, etc) until their expiration dates. After v17.0 has been deprecated, calls to v17.0 will fail.
  • Your app will not be able to make calls to v16.0, since 1) that was before your app was created and 2) that version is deprecated and calls to v16.0 may fail or be upgraded to the next available version.

If an app was not used - to make any Marketing API calls or requests - after being created, it will not have the ability to use those versions if any newer version is launched. Here's another example to explain this:

  • If your app was created while v16.0 was the latest version available, but not used until after v17.0 had launched, it will only be to use v17.0, and not v16.0.
  • If your app was created while v16.0 was the latest version available, and then used before v17.0 had launched, it will still be able to use v16.0 even after the launch of v17.0.

There are a few differences between how Marketing API and the rest of Graph API. For the details on Platform API versioning, see Graph API, Versioning.

  1. Marketing API is versioned on a 90-day deprecation schedule, whereas Platform API has core and extended APIs with a 2 year guarantee for core APIs.
  2. Marketing API does not support unversioned calls. If you do not specify a working version in your call, it fails.


With migrations, you set migration on or off in App Dashboard, as described in the Migrations section. With versioning, we are making Marketing API functionality more transparent by moving the setting into the endpoint:


You can know what behavior to expect out without having to manually visit your app's migration panel.


The upgrade will apply on any deprecated version to the next available version. This means hypothetically if your app is making calls to v15.0 after v16.0 is deprecated, the call will also be upgraded to v17.0 if the endpoint is not listed as affected endpoint on both v16.0 and v17.0.

No. We highly encourage developers to perform version upgrades before a version gets deprecated for the following reasons

  • You may still need to manually upgrade endpoints being impacted by next version.
  • You might want to upgrade to newer versions to benefit from new features instead of the lowest available version.

You can disable the version auto-upgrade via the Marketing API Version setting under Marketing API App Product Page > Settings.

If an API call targets a version that has been deprecated and has been automatically upgraded, an API response header is included for any call that has been auto-upgraded.

Example notification header

X-Ad-Api-Version-Warning: 'X-Ad-Api-Version-Warning: 'The call has been auto-upgraded to vXXX as vXXX has been deprecated''