Graph API Version

Ad Account Cpa Guidance

Bespoke insights helps you reduce the CPA (Cost Per Action) of your actively running campaigns by providing best practices via our first party tools.

It shows you how to improve the cost for the goals you have set in your campaigns and improve the efficiency of your campaigns by adopting certain best practices that are predicted to improve the cost of conversions, reach, etc.

Top guidances: Advantage+ Shopping Campaign (ASC): Advantage+ shopping campaigns is part of Meta's Advantage+ products, which leverage machine learning to help you reach valuable audiences with less set up time and greater efficiency. Advantage+ shopping campaigns is designed to be the most efficient solution for performance-focused advertisers looking to drive online sales.

Reels Placement Optimization: When you opt-in Reels placement for your ads, it allows our delivery system to try to make the most of your budget and try to increase your ad’s exposure. Including more placements often helps you find a wider audience because our audience targeting works the same across all available placements. The more places your ad is displayed, the more chances your target audience has to see it.

Reels Performant Creative: For advertisers who are opted in to Reels, performant creatives have shown better performance on Reels placements. It improves performance by adopting video on, audio on, and 9x16 format solutions with Reels.

You need the following to access the API:

  • A Meta developer app that has been approved in app review
  • The Ad Account must belong to a Meta Business Program in order for the guidance to exist on it
  • The app must have ads_read access
  • The app must have been onboarded to capability ‘Bespoke Partner Guidance Read’


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You can't perform this operation on this endpoint.


You can't perform this operation on this endpoint.


You can't perform this operation on this endpoint.