Insights API Breakdowns

You can group the Insights API results into different sets using breakdowns.

The Insights API can return several metrics that are estimated, in development, or both. Insights breakdown values are estimated. For more information, see Insights API, Estimated and Deprecated Metrics.


Unavailable fields

The following fields cannot be requested when specifying a breakdown:

  • app_store_clicks
  • newsfeed_avg_position
  • newsfeed_clicks
  • relevance_score
  • newsfeed_impressions

Restrictions for Off-Meta Action Metrics

The following breakdowns will no longer be available for off-Meta action metrics.

Type 1

  • region
  • dma
  • hourly_stats_aggregated_by_audience_time_zone
  • hourly_stats_aggregated_by_advertiser_time_zone

Type 2

  • action_device
  • action_destination
  • action_target_id
  • product_id
  • action_carousel_card_id/action_carousel_card_name
  • action_canvas_component_name

Rules related to queries containing above breakdowns:

  • Type 1 — The Insights API will not return unsupported offsite metrics (e.g., actions metric with Type 1 breakdowns).
  • Type 2 — Offsite web metrics will continue to be returned from the API, however will not contain the breakdown value. The mobile metrics will not be returned anymore when queried with these breakdowns.

Note: The breakdowns listed above will still be supported for on-Meta metrics such as impressions, link clicks, etc. The changes will also not impact historical data prior to April 27, 2021; breakdowns for historical data will continue to be available.

Action Metrics

Metrics will not be available under the following scenarios:

  • When there is an attempted aggregation across multiple attribution settings
  • When requested with impacted breakdowns (this restriction only applies for off-Meta & action types).

Note: Metrics will be available if querying with action_attribution_windows=1d_click,7d_click,1d_view (not including the default window).

Generic Breakdowns

The following breakdowns are available.



The device on which the conversion event you're tracking occurred. For example, \"Desktop\" if someone converted on a desktop computer.


Name of a component within a Canvas ad.


The ID of the specific carousel card that people engaged with when they saw your ad.


The specific carousel card that people engaged with when they saw your ad. The cards are identified by their headlines.


The destination where people go after clicking on your ad. This could be your Facebook Page, an external URL for your conversion pixel or an app configured with the software development kit (SDK).


The number of reactions on your ads or boosted posts. The reactions button on an ad allows people to share different reactions on its content: Like, Love, Haha, Wow, Sad or Angry.


The ID of destination where people go after clicking on your ad. This could be your Facebook Page, an external URL for your conversion pixel or an app configured with the software development kit (SDK).


The kind of actions taken on your ad, page, app or event after your ad was served to someone, even if they didn't click on it. Action types include page likes, app installs, conversions, event responses, and more.


The sound status (on/off) when someone plays your video ad.


Video metrics breakdown.


The ID of the ad format asset involved in impression, click, or action


The age range of the people you've reached.


The ID of the application associated with the ad account or campaign requested. The application information, including its ID, is viewable in the App Dashboard.

This breakdown is only supported by the total_postbacks field.


The ID of the body asset involved in impression, click, or action.


The ID of the call to action asset involved in impression, click, or action.


The country where the people you've reached are located. This is based on information, such as a person's hometown, their current city, and the geographical location where they tend to be when they visit Meta.


The ID of the description asset involved in impression, click, or action.


The type of device, mobile or desktop, used by people when they viewed or clicked on an ad, as shown in ads reporting.


The Designated Market Area (DMA) regions are the 210 geographic areas in the United States in which local television viewing is measured by The Nielsen Company.


The number of times an ad in your Reach and Frequency campaign was served to each Accounts Center account.


Gender of people you've reached. People who don't list their gender are shown as 'not specified'.


Hourly breakdown aggregated by the time ads were delivered in the advertiser's time zone. For example, if your ads are scheduled to run from 9 AM to 11 AM, but they reach audiences in multiple time zones, they may deliver from 9 AM to 1 PM in the advertiser's time zone. Stats will be aggregated into four groups 9 AM - 10 AM, 10 AM - 11 AM, 11 AM - 12 PM, and 12 PM - 1 PM.


Hourly breakdown aggregated by the time ads were delivered in the audiences' time zone. For example, if your ads are scheduled to run from 9:00 am to 11:00 am, but they reach audiences in multiple time zones, they may deliver from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm in the advertiser's time zone. Stats are aggregated into 2 groups: 9:00 am to 10:00 am and 10:00 am to 11:00 am.


The ID of the image asset involved in impression, click, or action.


The device where your last ad was served to someone on Meta. For example \"iPhone\" if someone viewed your ad on an iPhone.


A boolean flag that indicates whether the conversion_bits are modeled. A 0 indicates conversion_bits aren't modeled, and a 1 indicates that conversion_bits are modeled.

This breakdown is only supported by the total_postbacks_detailed field.


The ID of the URL asset involved in impression, click or action.


The ID of the place page involved in impression or click.

Account-level insights and page_place_id are not compatible with each other, so they **cannot be queried together.


Where your ad was shown within a platform, for example on Facebook desktop Feed, or Instagram Mobile Feed.


The ID of the product involved in impression, click, or action.


Which platform your ad was shown, for example on Facebook, Instagram, or Audience Network.


The regions where the people you've reached are located. This is based on information such as a person's hometown, their current city and the geographical location where they tend to be when they visit Facebook.


The raw campaign ID received as a part of Skan postback from iOS 15+.

Note: This breakdown is only supported by the total_postbacks_detailed field.


The assigned Conversion ID (also referred to as Priority ID) of the event and/or event bundle configured in the application’s SKAdNetwork configuration schema. The app events configuration can be viewed and adjusted in Meta Events Manager. You can learn more about configuring your app events for Apple's SKAdNetwork here.

Note: This breakdown is only supported by the total_postbacks field.


The ID of the title asset involved in impression, click or action.


User segment (ex: new, existing) of Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns (ASC). Existing user is specified by the custom audience in ASC settings.


The ID of the video asset involved in impression, click or action.


  • Filtering app_id and skan_conversion_id using the filtering field is currently not supported.
  • The dma breakdown is not available for the estimated_ad_recall_rate metric or video_thruplay_watched_actions metric.
  • The dma breakdown employs a sampling methodology to compute unique metrics like reach. In instances where there are a large number of DMA regions with comparatively low volumes, they might not be represented in the sample or could be scaled up to a power of 2. Therefore, it's advisable to query the corresponding impressions as well for enhanced accuracy.
  • frequency_value is used with reach only. For example, how frequently a unique user saw an ad.
  • By design, image_asset and video_asset breakdowns are not available at the ad account level for assets used in Dynamic Creative.
  • Ad actions video_p25_watched_actions, video_p50_watched_actions, video_p75_watched_actions, video_p95_watched_actions, and video_p100_watched_actions do not support region breakdown.
  • All Dynamic Creative asset breakdowns only support a limited set of metrics:
Dynamic Creative BreakdownsSupported metrics for Dynamic Creative Breakdowns
  • ad_format_asset
  • body_asset
  • call_to_action_asset
  • description_asset
  • image_asset
  • link_url_asset
  • title_asset
  • video_asset
  • impressions
  • clicks
  • spend
  • reach
  • actions
  • action_values

The following call groups the results by age and gender.

curl -G \
  -d "breakdowns=age,gender" \
  -d "fields=impressions" \
  -d "access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>" \

Hourly Breakdowns

Hourly stats are now an available breakdown using the following breakdowns:

  • hourly_stats_aggregated_by_advertiser_time_zone
  • hourly_stats_aggregated_by_audience_time_zone

See Combining Breakdowns for limits on number of breakdowns you may request with the hourly breakdown. Hourly breakdowns do not support unique fields, which are any fields prepended with unique_*, reach or frequency. reach and frequency fields will return 0 when hourly breakdowns are in use.

curl -G \
-d "fields=impressions" \
-d "breakdowns=hourly_stats_aggregated_by_audience_time_zone" \
-d "access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>" \

Action Breakdown

Group results in the actions field. You can use the following breakdowns for action_breakdowns:

The following are the possible breakdowns that can be supplied into the action_breakdowns field.

  • action_device
  • conversion_destination
  • matched_persona_id
  • matched_persona_name
  • signal_source_bucket
  • standard_event_content_type
  • action_canvas_component_name
  • action_carousel_card_id
  • action_carousel_card_name
  • action_destination
  • action_reaction
  • action_target_id
  • action_type
  • action_video_sound
  • action_video_type

If action_breakdowns parameter is not specified, action_type is implicitly added as the action_breakdowns.

Total Count in actions

The total count (sum) of all values returned in group results (actions).

This result may not equal total_actions since fields returned in actions are hierarchical and include detailed actions not counted.

total_actions - 33
    page_engagement - 10
        post_engagement - 10
            link_click - 2
            comment - 3
            post_reaction - 3
            like - 2
    mobile_app_install - 12
    app_custom_event - 11
        app_custom_event.fb_mobile_activate_app - 6
        app_custom_event.other - 5

In this example, post_engagement is a sum of link_click, comment, like, and post_reaction, where post_reaction is the count of all reactions, including likes. The total_actions field represents a sum of top-level actions for an object, such as page_engagement, mobile_app_install, and app_custom_event.

Combining Breakdowns

Due to storage constraints, only some permutations of breakdowns are available. Permutations marked with an asterisk (*) can be joined with action_type, action_target_id and action_destination which is the name for action_target_id.


action_converted_product_id - Under limited availability for Collaborative Ads.

action_type *

action_type, action_converted_product_id - Under limited availability for Collaborative Ads.

action_target_id *

action_device *

action_device, impression_device *

action_device, publisher_platform *

action_device, publisher_platform, impression_device *

action_device, publisher_platform, platform_position *

action_device, publisher_platform, platform_position, impression_device *


action_type, action_reaction

age *

gender *

age, gender *

app_id, skan_conversion_id

country *

region *

publisher_platform *

publisher_platform, impression_device *

publisher_platform, platform_position *

publisher_platform, platform_position, impression_device *

product_id *

hourly_stats_aggregated_by_advertiser_time_zone *

hourly_stats_aggregated_by_audience_time_zone *

action_carousel_card_id / action_carousel_card_name

action_carousel_card_id / action_carousel_card_name

action_carousel_card_id / action_carousel_card_name, impression_device

action_carousel_card_id / action_carousel_card_name, country

action_carousel_card_id / action_carousel_card_name, age

action_carousel_card_id / action_carousel_card_name, gender

action_carousel_card_id / action_carousel_card_name, age, gender


  • video_* fields cannot be requested with any hourly stats breakdowns.
  • video_avg_time_watched_actions field cannot be requested with the region breakdown.
  • action_type is implicitly added as the action_breakdowns when action_breakdowns parameter is not specified.