本指南介绍如何实现潜客广告专用 Meta Webhooks,以便使用 Webhooks 与客户关系管理集成。
应用用户会使用 Facebook 登录登录您的应用,并为您的应用授予所需的权限,以便应用访问该用户订阅了 Meta 潜在客户专用 Webhooks 的 Facebook 公共主页。Facebook 登录将返回具有所需权限范围的公共主页访问口令,该口令允许应用用户查看从 Meta 发送到您服务器的潜在客户相关通知。
Webhooks for Leads can send you real-time notifications of changes to your Page's Lead ads. For example, you can receive real-time updates whenever users click on a lead ad.
First, set up a Page Webhook:
Follow our Getting Started guide to create your endpoint and configure the Webhooks product. During configuration, make sure to choose the Page object and subscribe to the leadgen field.
Webhook notifications will only be sent if your Page has installed your Webhooks configured-app, and if the Page has not disabled the App platform in its App Settings. To get your Page to install the app, have your app send a POST
request to the Page's subscribed_apps edge using the Page's acccess token.
Formatted for clarity
curl -i -X POST "https://graph.facebook.com/{page-id}/subscribed_apps ?subscribed_fields=leadgen &access_token={page-access-token}"
{ "success": "true" }
To see which app's your Page has installed, send a GET
request instead:
Formatted for clarity
curl -i -X GET "https://graph.facebook.com/{page-id}/subscribed_apps ?access_token={page-access-token}
{ "data": [ { "category": "Business", "link": "https://my-clever-domain-name.com/app", "name": "My Sample App", "id": "{page-id}" } ] }
If your Page has not installed any apps, the API will return an empty data set.
If you don't want to install your app programmatically, you can easily do it with the Graph API Explorer instead:
permission. This will exchange your app token for a User access token with the pages_manage_metadata
permission granted.GET
dropdown menu and selecting POST
query with the Page's id followed by /subscribed_apps?subscribed_fields=leadgen
, then submit the query. Your app can subscribe to a Page's Leads and get notified anytime a change occurs. For example, here's a notification sent when a User clicked on a lead ad.
{ "object": "page", "entry": [ { "id": 153125381133, "time": 1438292065, "changes": [ { "field": "leadgen", "value": { "leadgen_id": 123123123123, "page_id": 123123123, "form_id": 12312312312, "adgroup_id": 12312312312, "ad_id": 12312312312, "created_time": 1440120384 } }, { "field": "leadgen", "value": { "leadgen_id": 123123123124, "page_id": 123123123, "form_id": 12312312312, "adgroup_id": 12312312312, "ad_id": 12312312312, "created_time": 1440120384 } } ] } ] }
from the notification to retrieve data associated with the leads.