If you notice that server events are missing, or the volume of server events is lower than browser events, use this documentation to troubleshoot the issue. For information about troubleshooting tools, see Conversions API Gateway - Troubleshooting Tools.
Use the following troubleshooting steps to help identify the issue:
The Conversions API Gateway will receive events from the connected domains you configure during the integration setup. If the volume of server events appears lower compared to the browser events, it may be because the Pixel is firing on domains not yet connected to Meta.
The Conversions API Gateway is hosted on AWS, which assigns it an IP address upon creation. You have to map a subdomain of your domain to this IP address so that the Conversions API Gateway endpoint can be reachable from the browser through a first-party request call.
to verify if the Conversions API Gateway domain is resolved to the right IP address and is fully propagated. If your domain is not resolving to any IP address, refer to the resolution section for the next steps.If the Conversions API Gateway never had a certificate issued from Let’s Encrypt, even a long while after the DNS is configured correctly, it means your domain is so popular that Let’s Encrypt refused to issue one.
This issue happens if you closed port 80 after the Conversions API Gateway was successfully installed, or you are running in old versions.
This issue happens if you closed port 80 after the Conversions API Gateway was successfully installed, or you are running in old versions.
It may appear that the Conversions API Gateway of versions prior to v1.0.8 stopped sending events to Meta. We suggest you upgrade it to at least v1.0.8 to maximize the benefit of the setup. It will resume the events flow and ensure automatic updates in the future.
https://<Conversions API Gateway Endpoint>/hub
To upgrade the Conversions API Gateway, do the following:
If you encounter any issues installing the Conversions API Gateway for single-account EKS version or multi-account version, you can refer to the logs to troubleshoot the problem.
The EKS installation log is available in AWS Cloudwatch under the group name “ConversionsAPIGateway/cloud-init-output.log”. You can check if there are any error messages. Common errors include exceeding AWS resource limitation and lack of AWS permissions.
If the DNS record the Conversions API Gateway asks to set up has a proper TLS certificate or does not have a CAA record, you can ignore this section.
If you have a CAA record for the domain, please make sure to provide amazonaws.com as the value for the CAA record if you have installed the AWS EKS version of Conversions API Gateway (for Single Account) or Conversions API Gateway for Multi Accounts version 1.10.* or later which uses AWS Certificate Manager for domain creation. An example of the CAA record would be:
0 issue "amazonaws.com"
If you have installed Conversions API Gateway for Multiple Accounts version 1.9.* or earlier, please make sure to provide letsencrypt.org as the value for the CAA record. An example would be:
0 issue "letsencrypt.org"