คำแปลเป็น ภาษาไทย ยังไม่เสร็จสมบูรณ์
ภาษาอังกฤษที่อัพเดต: 9 ส.ค.
ภาษาไทย ที่อัพเดต: 18 ก.ค.


Businesses can claim pages that belong to them. This enables administrators to easily assign people to pages they should have access to.

Claim Pages

Businesses can claim ownership of a page that belongs to them, which allows them to manage all aspects of the page, including removing any agencies or other businesses that have been granted access. Alternatively, businesses can also request agency access to a page, which will enable them to run ads on the page through ad accounts they have access to.

Claim Pages as Owner

To claim a page for your business as the OWNER, you need the page ID and business ID. Then, send a POST request:

The requester needs to have:

  • admin permission on the page
  • permission on the owning business or owner of the owning business will need to approve the request

To make this request you must use the access token of an Admin user or Admin system user of your business. If the user who makes the call is a Page Admin, or MANAGER, of the page for more than 7 days, the business immediately owns the Page. Facebook returns access_status in the response set to CONFIRMED. If someone becomes the Page Admin, or MANAGER, of the page in less than or equal to 7 days, we do not automatically approve the API request.

If the user who makes an OWNER claim call does not have the proper permissions on the Page, the call fails. Unlike claiming an ad account, no request is sent to the Page admins to be approved.

curl \
  -F "page_id=<PAGE_ID>" \
  -F "access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>" \

Claim Pages as Agency

To claim a page for your business as an AGENCY, you need the page ID. Then, send a POST request:

If the requester has admin permission on the page, this request will be automatically approved. If not, then the Page Admin will need to approve the request.

The Agency cannot re-share the Page to another Business.

The Agency can start running ads on the Page (through Ad Accounts they have access) right away.

curl \
  -F "page_id=<PAGE_ID>" \
  -F "permitted_tasks=['ADVERTISE', 'ANALYZE']" \
  -F "access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>" \

If you use AGENCY:

  • You must provide permitted_tasks
  • A business must own the page
  • The access token must have the pages_manage_metadata and pages_show_list permissions

If you make an AGENCY claim, but do not have proper Page permissions, the response is PENDING. The Admin for that Page can log in and grant the access, deny it, or report the claim as a spam. If a business has too many Page access requests reported as spam, we lock the Business Manager.

To see all client pages you requested access to but are pending approval, make this GET call. You need the access token for the Admin system user:

curl -G \
-d "access_token=<ADMIN_SYSTEM_USER_ACCESS_TOKEN>" \

View Business-Owned Pages or Pages that Belong to Clients of the Business

To see all pages that your business owns, use this GET call:

curl -G \
  -d "access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN" \

To see all pages your business is an agency of, use this GET call:

curl -G \
  -d "access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN" \

This returns a list of pages that belong to clients of a Business Manager.

Bulk Add Pages

You can add single pages to a Business Manager using the Business Manager UI. To bulk add pages to a Business Manager, make the following POST calls:

curl \
-F 'access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
-F 'batch=[
]' \


  • <ACCESS_TOKEN> is an access token with the business_management permission.
  • <BUSINESS_ID> is the ID of the Business Manager to which the pages should be claimed.
  • <PAGE_ID_n> are the Page IDs to be claimed.

Remove Pages

To remove a Page from the Business, make this DELETE call:

curl \
  -F "page_id=<PAGE_ID>" \
  -F "access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>" \

Add People to Pages

After your business has a Page, you can assign people tasks for it. Tasks include:

Name API Constant Description



Can manage admin roles, send messages and post as the Page, create ads and view reports.



Can edit the Page, send messages and post as the Page, create ads, and view reports.



Can respond to and delete comments on the Page, send messages as the Page, create ads, and view reports.



Can create ads for the Page and view insights.



Can view reports.

You need:

  • page_id — ID of the Page
  • user_id — User ID to add
  • Tasks to assign

Make this POST call to add someone with the tasks ['MANAGE', 'CREATE_CONTENT', 'MODERATE', 'ADVERTISE', 'ANALYZE']:

The business id must be the id of the business that owns the page

curl \
  -F "business=BUSINESS_ID" \
  -F "access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN" \

Change Pages Access

To change an existing user's tasks, use the same POST call you do when you add a new user with tasks:

curl \
  -F "tasks=['ADVERTISE', 'ANALYZE']" \
  -F "business=BUSINESS_ID" \
  -F "access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN" \

View Page Permissions

To see pages with user permissions, make this GET call:

curl -G \
  -d "access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN" \

To see specific permissions on a Page, make this GET call:

curl -G 
  -d "access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN"  

Remove Page Access

Before you can remove a page from Business Manager, you must also remove the admins of that page from your business.

To remove someone's access from an Page you own, you need

  • page_id — ID of the Page
  • user_id — ID of the user to remove

The DELETE call is:

curl \
-F "access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN" \