Flexible Targeting

Combine or exclude different targeting options to reach a specific set of users in the flexible_spec with AND and OR statements. Facebook evaluates targeting in flexible_spec via AND with all segments outside the spec such as age, gender, geo locations. We also evaluate each top level array element in flexible_spec with AND; we evaluate second-level array elements with OR.

Targeting segments, such as behaviors specified inside flexible_spec, are not available for use outside of flexible_spec.

Available Fields

Specify flexible_spec and exclusions as follows:

Field Description


type: JSON Object

Array of arrays. Each contains a targeting segment in appropriate format, such as interests, behaviors, and demographics. The top level array has a limit of 25 and secondary level array has a limit of 1,000.


type: JSON Object

Contains a targeting segment in its appropriate format, such as interests, behaviors, and demographics ("education", "life events", "work").

Use these fields in flexible targeting:

  • connections
  • friends_of_connections
  • custom_audiences
  • interests
  • behaviors
  • college_years
  • education_majors
  • education_schools
  • education_statuses
  • family_statuses
  • home_value
  • interested_in
  • income
  • industries
  • life_events
  • user_adclusters
  • work_positions
  • work_employers


Flexible Targeting

To target people who live in the U.S, aged between 18-43, who have not recently moved and are travelers or like soccer or movies and are newlyweds or like music:

use FacebookAds\Object\AdSet;
use FacebookAds\Object\Fields\AdSetFields;
use FacebookAds\Object\Values\AdSetBillingEventValues;
use FacebookAds\Object\Values\AdSetOptimizationGoalValues;
use FacebookAds\Object\Fields\TargetingFields;
use FacebookAds\Object\Targeting;

$adset = new AdSet(null, 'act_<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>');
  AdSetFields::NAME => 'My AdSet',
  AdSetFields::OPTIMIZATION_GOAL => AdSetOptimizationGoalValues::REACH,
  AdSetFields::BILLING_EVENT => AdSetBillingEventValues::IMPRESSIONS,
  AdSetFields::BID_AMOUNT => 150,
  AdSetFields::DAILY_BUDGET => 2000,
  AdSetFields::TARGETING => (new Targeting())->setData(array(
    TargetingFields::GEO_LOCATIONS => array(
      'countries' => array(
    TargetingFields::AGE_MIN => 18,
    TargetingFields::AGE_MAX => 43,
    TargetingFields::FLEXIBLE_SPEC => array(
        TargetingFields::BEHAVIORS => array(
            'id' => 6002714895372,
            'name' => 'All travelers',
        TargetingFields::INTERESTS => array(
            'id' => 6003107902433,
            'name' => 'Association football (Soccer)',
            'id' => 6003139266461,
            'name' => 'Movies',
        TargetingFields::INTERESTS => array(
            'id' => 6003020834693,
            'name' => 'Music',
        TargetingFields::LIFE_EVENTS => array(
            'id' => 6002714398172,
            'name' => 'Newlywed (1 year)',
    TargetingFields::EXCLUSIONS => array(
      TargetingFields::RELATIONSHIP_STATUSES => array(1, 3),
      TargetingFields::LIFE_EVENTS => array(
          'id' => 6003054185372,
          'name' => 'Recently moved',
from facebookads.adobjects.adset import AdSet

adset = AdSet(parent_id='act_<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>')
    AdSet.Field.name: 'My AdSet',
    AdSet.Field.optimization_goal: AdSet.OptimizationGoal.reach,
    AdSet.Field.billing_event: AdSet.BillingEvent.impressions,
    AdSet.Field.bid_amount: 150,
    AdSet.Field.daily_budget: 2000,
    AdSet.Field.campaign_id: <CAMPAIGN_ID>,
    AdSet.Field.targeting: {
        'geo_locations': {
            'countries': ['US'],
        'age_min': 18,
        'age_max': 43,
        'flexible_spec': [
                'behaviors': [
                        'id': 6002714895372,
                        'name': 'All travelers',
                'interests': [
                        'id': 6003107902433,
                        'name': 'Association football (Soccer)',
                        'id': 6003139266461,
                        'name': 'Movies',
                'interests': [
                        'id': 6003020834693,
                        'name': 'Music',
                'life_events': [
                        'id': 6002714398172,
                        'name': 'Newlywed (1 year)',
        'exclusions': {
            'relationship_statuses': [1, 3],
            'life_events': [
                    'id': 6003054185372,
                    'name': 'Recently moved',
    'status': AdSet.Status.active,
AdSet adSet = new AdAccount(act_<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>, context).createAdSet()
  .setName("My AdSet")
    new Targeting()
        new FlexibleTargeting()
            new IDName()
              .setFieldName("Recently moved")
          .setFieldRelationshipStatuses(Arrays.asList(1L, 3L))
        new FlexibleTargeting()
            new IDName()
              .setFieldName("All travelers")
            new IDName()
              .setFieldName("Association football (Soccer)")
            new IDName()
        new FlexibleTargeting()
            new IDName()
            new IDName()
              .setFieldName("Newlywed (1 year)")
        new TargetingGeoLocation()
String ad_set_id = adSet.getId();
curl \
  -F 'name=My AdSet' \
  -F 'optimization_goal=REACH' \
  -F 'billing_event=IMPRESSIONS' \
  -F 'bid_amount=150' \
  -F 'daily_budget=2000' \
  -F 'campaign_id=<CAMPAIGN_ID>' \
  -F 'targeting={ 
    "age_max": 43, 
    "age_min": 18, 
    "exclusions": { 
      "relationship_statuses": [1,3], 
      "life_events": [{"id":6003054185372,"name":"Recently moved"}] 
    "flexible_spec": [ 
        "behaviors": [{"id":6002714895372,"name":"All travelers"}], 
        "interests": [ 
          {"id":6003107902433,"name":"Association football (Soccer)"}, 
        "interests": [{"id":6003020834693,"name":"Music"}], 
        "life_events": [{"id":6002714398172,"name":"Newlywed (1 year)"}] 
    "geo_locations": {"countries":["US"]} 
  }' \
  -F 'status=ACTIVE' \
  -F 'access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>' \

With this flexible spec, the resulting audience is:

(segment 1 or segment2 or segment3) and (segment 4 or segment 5) and segment 6

    'segment_type':[segment1, segment2], 
    'segment_type':[segment4, segment5]

Flexible Targeting With Exclusions

For example, create an audience who lives in the U.S, aged 20-24, who have not recently moved and are travelers or like soccer or movies and are newlyweds or like music:

  'countries': ['US'], 
'flexible_spec': [ 
    'behaviors':[{'id':6002714895372,'name':'All travelers'},], 
      {'id':6003107902433,'name':'Association football (Soccer)'}, 
      {'id':6003139266461, 'name': 'Movies'},],  
    'life_events':[{'id': 6002714398172, 'name': 'Newlywed (1 year)'}],
'exclusions': { 
  'life_events':[{'id':6003054185372,'name':'Recently moved'},], 

The targeting spec for this ad set:

  "targeting": { 
    "age_min": 20, 
    "age_max": 24,
    "exclusions": {
      "life_events": [
          "id": "6003054185372", 
          "name": "Recently moved"
    "flexible_spec": [
        "interests": [
            "id": "6003107902433", 
            "name": "Association football (Soccer)"
            "id": "6003139266461", 
            "name": "Movies"
        "behaviors": [
            "id": "6002714895372", 
            "name": "All travelers"
        "interests": [
            "id": "6003020834693", 
            "name": "Music"
        "life_events": [
            "id": "6002714398172", 
            "name": "Newlywed (1 year)"
    "geo_locations": {
      "countries": [
  "id": "6015417075447"