Value-based lookalikes are an enhancement of Lookalike Audiences. With it you can include an arbitrary, numeric value for each user set when you create a seed custom audience from CRM data. Facebook uses this to determine which users in an audience are worth the most to you, in a quantifiable way.
To use this product, you must agree with the value-based lookalike terms of services for every ad account using this feature. See Terms of Service.
This is a specialized multi-key custom audience, you create with the parameter is_value_based
curl -X POST \
-F 'name="Value-Based Custom Audience"' \
-F 'subtype="CUSTOM"' \
-F 'is_value_based=1' \
-F 'customer_file_source="PARTNER_PROVIDED_ONLY"' \
-F 'access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
You need to populate the new audience with supported identifiers and with the schema key LOOKALIKE_VALUE
. You can represent lookalike values by either an integer or float-point arbitrary non-negative number.
curl -X POST \
-F 'payload={
"schema": [
"data": [
}' \
-F 'access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
After the custom audience contains at least 100 people, you can use it as a seed audience for a new lookalike of type custom_ratio
curl -X POST \
-F 'name="Value-Based lookalike"' \
-F 'subtype="LOOKALIKE"' \
-F 'origin_audience_id="<CUSTOM_AUDIENCE_ID>"' \
-F 'lookalike_spec={
"type": "custom_ratio",
"ratio": 0.01,
"country": "US"
}' \
-F 'access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
You can read, update and delete a value-based lookalike as you do normal Lookalike Audiences. See also Custom Audiences, Reference and Custom Audience Users, Reference.
You can target ads with a value-based lookalikes as you do for any other custom audience. See Ad Set, Reference.