集合曾到訪商店、曾致電顧客服務或曾採取離線動作的用戶,並利用 Facebook 廣告將他們指定為目標。
舉例來說,將目標鎖定為於過去 90 天內消費超過 1,000 美元的用戶:
curl \ -F 'name=90d High Value' \ -F 'rule={"inclusions":{"operator":"or","rules":[{"retention_seconds":7776000,"event_sources":[{"id":"<OFFLINE_EVENT_SET_ID>","type":"offline_events"}],"filter":{"operator":"and","filters":[{"operator":"=","field":"event","value":"Purchase"}]},"aggregation":{"type":"sum","field":"value","operator":">","value":"1000"}}]}}' \ -F 'access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>' \ https://graph.facebook.com/<VERSION>/act_<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>/customaudiences"
系統會根據您上載至離線事件組合中的轉換事件,來建立出來自離線轉換的自訂廣告受眾。請參閱離線轉換 API 文件。
由 2018 年 9 月起,我們不再支援網站及應用程式的自訂廣告受眾、互動自訂廣告受眾及離線轉換數據廣告受眾的 subtype
。唯一的例外是,我們仍會支援影片互動自訂廣告受眾的 subtype
curl \ -F 'name=My New Offline Event Set' \ -F 'rule={"inclusions":{"operator":"or","rules":[{"retention_seconds":2592000,"event_sources":[{"id":"<OFFLINE_EVENT_SET_ID>","type":"offline_events"}],"filter":{"operator":"and","filters":[{"operator":"=","field":"event","value":"purchase"},{"operator":">","field":"value","value":"50+Sheet1!A2+Sheet1!A2+Sheet1!A2+"}]}}]}}' -F 'access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>' \ https://graph.facebook.com/<VERSION>/act_<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>/customaudiences
名稱 | 說明 |
類型:字串 | 此為必要項目。 叢集名稱。 |
類型:字串 | 此為必要項目。 套用於引薦來源網址的廣告受眾規則。 |
類型:字串 | 此為選填項目。 自訂廣告受眾的描述。 |
用於判斷某個帳戶管理中心的帳戶應否加入此廣告受眾的規則。這類規則適用於透過離線轉換 API 傳送或使用離線事件管理工具手動上載的離線事件。這些規則適用於特定事件或 custom_data
//Match all referring `favorite_food` containing the string `'pizza'` in the last 30 days: { "inclusions": { "operator": "or", "rules": [ { "event_sources": [ { "type": "offline_events", "id": "<OFFLINE_EVENT_SET_ID>", } ], "retention_seconds": 2592000, "filter": { "operator": "and", "filters": [ { "field": "custom_data.favorite_food", "operator": "i_contains", "value": "pizza" } ] }, } ] } }
配對過去 30 天內費用大於或等於 100 美元的購買事件。考慮為以下事件使用此規則:
{ "inclusions": { "operator": "or", "rules": [ { "event_sources": [ { "type": "offline_events", "id": "<OFFLINE_EVENT_SET_ID>" } ], "retention_seconds": 2592000, "filter": { "operator": "and", "filters": [ { "field": "event", "operator": "eq", "value": "Purchase" }, { "operator": "or", "filters": [ { "field": "value", "operator": ">=", "value": "100" } ] } ] } } ] } }
配對過去 30 天內商品顏色為 blue
(由 custom_data
{ "inclusions": { "operator": "or", "rules": [ { "event_sources": [ { "type": "offline_events", "id": "<OFFLINE_EVENT_SET_ID>" } ], "retention_seconds": 2592000, "filter": { "operator": "and", "filters": [ { "field": "event", "operator": "eq", "value": "Purchase" }, { "operator": "or", "filters": [ { "field": "custom_data.color", "operator": "eq", "value": "blue" } ] } ] } } ] } }