Advanced Scheduling

This doc provides examples for the schedule_type of CUSTOM in more detail.

As referenced from the main documentation:

If the schedule_type is CUSTOM, you must also specify the list of custom schedules, or times when the rule will run. In the schedule list, each individual specification can be composed of a combination of the following fields, with the only requirement that at least one of start_minute or days must exist in each entry.

Field Description


Time in minutes after 12:00AM. Must be a multiple of 30 minutes. If this is set and there is no end_minute, this will determine the exact time to run the rule. Else, it would determine with end_minute the range of time to run the rule. If this is not set, the rule will run SEMI_HOURLY for each day specified in days.


Time in minutes after 12:00AM. Must be a multiple of 30 minutes and after start_minute. If set, this will determine with start_minute the range of time to run the rule. If the end_minute is the same as the start_minute, it would also determine the exact time to run the rule.


List of days to run the rule. Each day must be a value from 0-6. 0 is Sunday, 1 is Monday, ..., 6 is Saturday. If this is not set, the rule will be run on all 7 days based on the start_minute and, if exists, the end_minute.

Here's an example of using Advanced Scheduling to schedule the rule to run every day at 10 AM. By omitting the days, we automatically infer that this schedule specification will apply to every day.

curl \
-F 'name=Test Advanced Scheduling Rule' \
-F 'schedule_spec={
     "schedule_type": "CUSTOM",
     "schedule": [
         "start_minute": 600,
   }' \
-F 'evaluation_spec={
   }' \
-F 'execution_spec={
   }' \
-F "access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>" \<VERSION>/<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>/adrules_library


Here's an example of a rule that runs every 30 minutes only on weekends. By omitting start_minute, we infer the rule to run as SEMI_HOURLY for the specified days.

curl \
-F 'name=Test Advanced Scheduling Rule' \
-F 'schedule_spec={
     "schedule_type": "CUSTOM",
     "schedule": [
         "days": [0, 6]
   }' \
-F 'evaluation_spec={
   }' \
-F 'execution_spec={
   }' \
-F "access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>" \<VERSION>/<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>/adrules_library

Here's an example of a rule that only runs on Wednesdays at 2 AM. By omitting end_minute, we infer that the rule only runs at one specific time instead of a range of times.

curl \
-F 'name=Test Advanced Scheduling Rule' \
-F 'schedule_spec={
     "schedule_type": "CUSTOM",
     "schedule": [
         "start_minute": 120,
         "days": [3]
   }' \
-F 'evaluation_spec={
   }' \
-F 'execution_spec={
   }' \
-F "access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>" \<VERSION>/<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>/adrules_library

Each individual schedule is calculated independently as an OR with the other schedules. Here's an example of a rule that runs all day on the weekdays, but only from 12-1PM on the weekends. By having an end_minute here, we now look at the range of time from the start_minute to end_minute.

curl \
-F 'name=Test Advanced Scheduling Rule' \
-F 'schedule_spec={
     "schedule_type": "CUSTOM",
     "schedule": [
         "days": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
         "start_minute": 720,
         "end_minute": 780,
         "days": [0, 6]
   }' \
-F 'evaluation_spec={
   }' \
-F 'execution_spec={
   }' \
-F "access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>" \<VERSION>/<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>/adrules_library

Note that not specifying days in the second schedule specification will also work equivalently, since the first specification includes 12-1PM on weekdays.