
Ad Rules are standalone objects created and stored in the Ad Rules Library and minimally contain a name, an evaluation_spec and an execution_spec. This is the basic structure of a rule:

curl \
-F 'name=Rule 1' \
-F 'evaluation_spec={
   }' \
-F 'execution_spec={
   }' \
-F "access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>" \

Facebook evaluates Trigger-based rules when Insights metrics or Object metadata field changes. We evaluate Schedule-based rules on scheduled time intervals.


  • Trigger-based rules: Monitor the state of your ads in real-time. A Trigger Based Rule is evaluated as soon as its pertinent ad objects' metadata or insights data are changed.
  • Schedule-based rules: Monitor the state of your ads by checking them at a set interval to see if they meet the evaluation_spec criteria.


Evaluation Spec

The main purpose of the evaluation_spec of a rule is to determine the objects upon which the rule should execute its action. Learn more.

Execution Spec

The execution_spec of a rule determines the action that applies to all objects that pass evaluation. Learn more.


The status of a rule determines whether the rule should be running. There are two statuses: ENABLED and DISABLED. To temporarily turn off a rule, edit the rule and set its status to DISABLED. To reactivate a rule, edit the rule and set its status back to ENABLED. To permanently remove a rule, delete it.