This guide explains how to create and publish ads that Click to WhatsApp using the Marketing API.
Ads that click to WhatsApp send people that click on your ads directly into conversations with your business in WhatsApp. Use these ads to reach people at scale and deliver standout, individualized service.
Ads that click to WhatsApp support ads with an image, a video, a carousel, or a slideshow. You can also include call prompts in your ad.
If you’re interested in creating ads that send people to Messenger or Instagram chats, see Ads that Click to Messenger or Ads that Click to Instagram for guidance. You can also create ads that pick the destination the user is most likely to respond from, see Ads that Click to Multidestination for more information.
This document outlines the steps you need to follow to set up your integration for click to WhatsApp ads.
You will need to:
This guide assumes you have:
To make successful calls to all endpoints in this guide, you will need:
Start by creating your ad campaign. To do this, make a POST
request to the /act_<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>/campaigns
endpoint where <AD_ACCOUNT_ID>
is the ID for your Meta ad account. Your request must include:
Name | Description |
string | Required. |
enum | Required. |
list<Object> | Required. |
enum | Optional. |
curl -X POST \
-F 'name=Click to WhatsApp Campaign' \
-F 'status=ACTIVE' \
-F 'special_ad_categories=[]' \
-F 'access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
curl -X POST \
-F 'name=Click to WhatsApp Calling Campaign' \
-F 'status=PAUSED' \
-F 'special_ad_categories=[]' \
-F 'access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
On success, your app receives a JSON response with the ID of your newly created campaign.
{ "id": "<AD_CAMPAIGN_ID>" }
You can update a campaign by making a POST
request to /<AD_CAMPAIGN_ID>
To verify that you have successfully created a click to WhatsApp campaign, you can make a GET
request to /<AD_CAMPAIGN_ID>
. See the Ad Campaign reference for the complete list of available parameters.
curl -X GET -G \
-d 'fields=name,status,objective' \
-d 'access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
{ "name": "Click to WhatsApp Campaign", "status": "PAUSED", "objective": "OUTCOME_ENGAGEMENT", "id": "<AD_CAMPAIGN_ID>" }
Once you have an ad campaign, create your ad set. To create an ad set, make a POST
request to the /act_<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>/adsets
endpoint where <AD_ACCOUNT_ID>
is the ID for your Meta ad account. Your request must include:
Name | Description |
unsigned int32 | Required if bid_strategy is set to |
enum | Optional. |
enum | Required. |
numeric string or integer | Required. |
int64 | Required if |
string | Required. |
datetime | Required when |
int64 | Required if |
string | Required. |
enum | Required.
| Required. Required:
See Ad Set, Promoted Object for more details. |
datetime | Optional. |
enum | Optional. |
Targeting object | Required. |
datetime | Optional. |
datetime | Required when |
Visit the Ad Account Ad Set reference for the complete list of available parameters.
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"name": "<AD_SET_NAME>",
"optimization_goal": "IMPRESSIONS",
"promoted_object": {
"page_id": "<PAGE_ID>"
"status": "PAUSED",
"start_time": "<START_TIME>",
"targeting": {
"geo_locations": { "countries":["US","CA"] },
"device_platforms": ["mobile", "desktop"]
}' \
{ "id": "<AD_SET_ID>" }
You can update an ad set by making a POST
request to /<AD_SET_ID>
To verify that you have successfully created a click to WhatsApp ad set, you can make a GET
request to /<AD_SET_ID>
. See the Ad Set reference for the complete list of available parameters.
curl -X GET -G \
-d 'fields=name,destination_type,optimization_goal,bid_strategy,status' \
-d 'access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
{ "name": "Click to WhatsApp Campaign", "status": "PAUSED", "objective": "OUTCOME_ENGAGEMENT", "id": "<AD_SET_ID>" }
The ad creative allows you to add assets to your ads. To create an ad creative, make a POST
request to the /act_<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>/adcreatives
endpoint where <AD_ACCOUNT_ID>
is the ID for your Meta ad account. Your request must include:
Name | Description |
string | Required. |
| Required. Required:
| Optional. |
Visit th Ad Creative reference for the complete list of available parameters.
The default message that a customer sees is "Hello! Can I get more info on this?". You can create more tailored user experiences for your ads that click to WhatsApp by customizing your ads' greeting message in the page_welcome_message
field under object_story_spec
Note: If you are using the WhatsApp message to trigger any bot flows, please make sure to work with your BSP and agencies to update it so as to ensure flows aren't disrupted.
Adding autofill message with a greeting message
"page_welcome_message": { "type": "VISUAL_EDITOR", "version": 2, "landing_screen_type": "welcome_message", "media_type": "text", "text_format": { "customer_action_type": "autofill_message", "message": { "autofill_message": { "content": "<AUTOFILL_MESSAGE>" }, "text": "<GREETING_MESSAGE>" } } }
"page_welcome_message": { "type": "VISUAL_EDITOR", "version": 2, "landing_screen_type": "welcome_message", "media_type": "text", "text_format": { "customer_action_type": "ice_breakers", "message": { "text": "<GREETING_MESSAGE>", "ice_breakers": [ { "title": "<ICEBREAKER>" }, { "title": "<ICEBREAKER>" }, { "title": "<ICEBREAKER>" } ] } } } }
curl \
-F 'object_story_spec={
"page_id": "<PAGE_ID>"
"link_data": {
"call_to_action": {
"value": {
"app_destination": "WHATSAPP"
"link": "",
"name": <AD_HEADLINE>",
"type": "VISUAL_EDITOR",
"version": 2,
"landing_screen_type": "ctwa_call_prompt",
"media_type": "text",
"text_format": {
"message": {
"text": "<MESSAGE>"",
"call_prompt_data": {
"call_prompt_message": "<CALL_PROMPT_MESSAGE>"
"user_edit": false
{ "id": "<AD_CREATIVE_ID>" }
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"name": "Sample ad creative",
"object_story_spec": {
"page_id": "<PAGE_ID>",
"link_data": {
"name": "<AD_HEADLINE>",
"message": "<AD_PRIMARY_TEXT>",
"description": "<AD_DESCRIPTION>",
"image_hash": "<IMAGE_HASH>",
"link": "",
"page_welcome_message": "<PAGE_WELCOME_MESSAGE>",
"call_to_action": {
"value": {
"app_destination": "WHATSAPP"
"degrees_of_freedom_spec": {
"creative_features_spec": {
"standard_enhancements": {
"enroll_status": "OPT_IN"
}' \
On success, your app receives a JSON response with the ID of your newly created ad creative.
{ "id": "<AD_CREATIVE_ID>" }
You can also use your existing Instagram content for your ad creatives.
curl -X POST \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{ "source_instagram_media_id": "<INSTAGRAM_MEDIA_ID>", "instagram_user_id": "<INSTAGRAM_USER_ID>", "object_id": "<PAGE_ID>", "call_to_action": { "type": "WHATSAPP_MESSAGE", "value": { "link": "", "app_destination": "WHATSAPP" } } }, "degrees_of_freedom_spec": { "creative_features_spec": { "standard_enhancements": { "enroll_status": "OPT_IN" } } } }' \ />/act_<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>/adcreatives
You can update an ad creative by making a POST
request to /<AD_CREATIVE_ID>
To verify that you have successfully created a click to WhatsApp ad creative, you can make a GET
request to /<AD_CREATIVE_ID>
. See Ad Creative for the complete list of available parameters.
curl -X GET -G \
-d 'fields=name,object_story_spec{link_data{call_to_action,page_welcome_message}}' \
-d 'access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
{ "name": "Sample ad creative", "object_story_spec" { "page_welcome_message": { "type": "VISUAL_EDITOR", "version": 2, "landing_screen_type": "welcome_message", "media_type": "text", "text_format": { "customer_action_type": "autofill_message", "message": { "autofill_message": { "content": "Sample autofill message" }, "text": "Sample greeting message" } } } }, "id": "<AD_CREATIVE_ID>" }
Ads allow you to associate ad creative information with your ad sets. To create an ad, make a POST
request to the /act_<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>/ads
endpoint where <AD_ACCOUNT_ID>
is the ID for your Meta ad account. Your request must include:
Name | Description |
string | Required. |
numeric string or integer | Required. |
| Required. |
enum | Required. |
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"name": "Sample ad",
"adset_id": "<AD_SET_ID>",
"creative": {
"creative_id": "<AD_CREATIVE_ID>"
"status": "PAUSED"
}' \
{ "id": "<AD_ID>" }
You can update an ad by making a POST
request to /<AD_ID>
To verify that you have successfully created a click to WhatsApp ad, you can make a GET
request to /<AD_ID>
. See the ad reference for the complete list of available parameters.
curl -X GET -G \
-d 'fields=status,adset_id,campaign_id \
-d 'access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
{ "status": "PAUSED", "adset_id": "<AD_SET_ID>", "campaign_id": "<AD_CAMPAIGN_ID>", "id": "<AD_ID>" }
Verify your ad exists in Ads Manager. When you are ready to publish your changes, select your campaign, the ad set for the campaign, and the ad, and click the Publish button.
You can also publish your ad using the API. Simply send a POST
request to /<AD_ID>
with the status
parameter set to ACTIVE
where <AD_ID>
is the ad you want to publish.
Your ad will be reviewed by Meta, and the status will be PENDING_REVIEW
. Once approved, the status will automatically update to ACTIVE
, and your ad will be delivered.