Modify the LOC Allocation for a Child Business Manager

Get the LOC Allocation from a Child Business Manager

After granting the Child Business Manager a LOC allocation from the parent Business Manager, use this endpoint to get information about the allocation:

curl -i -X GET \

Modify the LOC Allocation from a Child Business Manager

You can modify the allocation amount of the LOC allocation. For example, a Child Business Manager has USD 100 allocated, but is reaching its spend limit. If the parent Business Manager LOC has enough allocatable credit, then they can update the LOC allocation for that Child Business Manager to be USD 200.

Use the Allocation Config ID, specifying the updated "amount":

curl -i -X POST \
  -d “amount=<amount>” \
  -f “access_token=<access token>” \

Delete the LOC Allocation from a Child Business Manager

In addition to updating, you can delete an allocation configuration and create a new one. See Get the Funding Source ID (LOC).

curl -i -X DELETE \
  -f ‘access_token=<Access_token>’ \