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Add a User to the Child Business Manager (Optional)

By default, only the system user is added to the Child Business Manager. You can add a person to the Child Business Manager if there is a business case for it. Adding a developer to a Child Business Manager is quite useful for debugging purposes. The script below shows you how you can add yourself to the Child Business Manager and log in to the Business Manager UI to access the new Child Business Manager created.

Note: Users may only be added with EMPLOYEE permissions. The Child BM Admin System User is the only Admin supported.

Note: Depending on if appsecret_proof is enabled on your app's settings, appsecret_proof might be needed as a parameter to each call you make. Refer to Securing Graph API Requests doc for how to set this option and how to generate appsecret_proof.

Fetch the access token of the Child Business Manager Admin System User, using the PARENT_BM_ADMIN_SYSTEM_USER_ACCESS_TOKEN.

curl \
-F "id=<CHILD_BM_ID>" \
-F "app_id=<APP_ID>" \
-F "scope=ads_management,business_management" \
-F "appsecret_proof=<APP_SECRET_PROOF>" \ // Optional, depending on your app's security settings

Add a user to the Child Business Manager, using the CHILD_BM_ADMIN_SYSTEM_USER_ACCESS_TOKEN.

curl \
  -F "email=<EMAIL_ADDRESS_OF_USER>" \
  -F "role=EMPLOYEE" \
  -F "tasks=['ADVERTISE', 'ANALYZE']" \
  -F "appsecret_proof=<APP_SECRET_PROOF>" \   // Optional, depending on your app's security settings