The following content is from the Meta App Development documentation. Please refer to the Meta App Development documentation if you are unfamiliar with integrating Meta products into your app.

Create a Meta App for Instagram Platform

This guide shows you how to create and customize a Meta app for your Instagram app in the App Dashboard.

Before you Start

This guide assumes that you have read and implemented the requirements for creating an app with Meta.

Add to an existing app

If you are adding Instagram to an existing app, please start with Step 6.

Paso 1: Empezar el proceso de creación de la aplicación

Existen varias maneras de crear una aplicación.

  • Si acabas de llegar del proceso de registro, haz clic en el botón Crear primera aplicación.
  • Si estás en el panel de aplicaciones , haz clic en Crear aplicación en la esquina superior derecha.
  • Si estás en el panel de una aplicación existente y quieres crear una nueva aplicación, selecciona el menú desplegable en la esquina superior izquierda y haz clic en el botón Crear nueva aplicación.

Step 2: Connect a business

You're required to connect your app to a business that has completed Business Verification before you can publish your app. However, you can connect a business now or at any time during the development process by clicking App settings > Basic in the left-side menu.

  1. Select an option and click Next.

Learn more about Business Verification.

Step 3: Select your use case

To create an app that can access the Instagram product follow these steps:

  1. Select the Other use case.
  2. Click the Next.

Step 4: Select your app type

Your app must be a business type app to be able to add the Instagram product.

  1. Select Business.
  2. Click Next.

Step 5: Add app details

Add some details about your app.

  1. Add an app name that will appear in the app dashboard.
  2. Add contact email that Meta will use to contact you about your app.
  3. Click Next.

You will be redirected to the app dashboard for your new app with products you can add to your app.

Step 6. Add the Instagram product to your app

Add the Instagram product to your app by following these steps:

  1. Scroll until you see the Instagram product. This allows Allow creators and businesses to manage messages and comments, publish content, track insights, hashtags and mentions.

  2. Click Set up.

Instagram is added to the left-side menu under Products and you will see API Setup with Instagram login and API Setup with Facebook login.

API Setup with Instagram login

Select API Setup with Instagram login if you are building an app to publish to Instagram, manage comments on Instagram media, and send and receive messages from people interested in your Instagram social media using the Instagram API.

Continue to Step 7. Generate access tokens to complete this set up.

API Setup with Facebook login

Select API Setup with Facebook login if you are building an app for a business that uses an Instagram Professional account that is linked to a Facebook Page. This setup will use the Instagram Graph API to publish content to Instagram and manage comments on Instagram media, for product tagging, Partnership Ads, and get metrics.

Continue to the Instagram Graph API Developer Documentation to complete the set up.

API Setup with Instagram login

Step 7. Generate access tokens

Assign an Instagram account to get access tokens for testing Instagram API calls and webhooks subscriptions.

  1. Add an Instagram account. This account must be public. Multiple accounts can be added for multiple testers.
  2. You will be prompted to login to your Instagram account.

You can add or remove accounts at any time by clicking App Roles > Roles or Instagram > API Setup with Instagram login in the left-side menu.

Step 8. Configure webhooks

Meta Webhooks allow you to receive real-time HTTP notifications of changes to specific objects in the Meta social graph. To use webhooks, please provide a callback URL for your app.

  1. Click Configure.
  2. Add your Callback URL.
  3. Add your Verify token.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Click Manage to unsubscribe or change testing and subscription versions.

By default you are subscribed to all available webhooks for the Instagram product:

  • comments
  • live_comments
  • message_reactions
  • messages
  • messaging_optins
  • messaging_postbacks
  • messaging_referral
  • messaging_seen

Learn more about webhooks.

Step 9. Set up business login

Provide a secure way for your app users to give your app permissions to access data with business login.

  1. Click Business login settings
  2. Add your OAuth Redirect URIs
  3. Add your Deauthorize callback URL
  4. Add your Data deletion request URL
  5. Click Save
  6. Copy and paste the Embed URL in an anchor tag or button on your app or website to launch business login.

Learn more about business login.

Step 10. Complete App Review

Instagram requires successful completion of the App Review process before your app can access live data. Submit your App Review request when you're ready.

If you are ready now complete the following steps:

  1. Click the chevron to right of Complete App Review.
  2. Click Go to App Review.

    A pop-up appears with a list of the Requirements for App Review:

    • Confirm that your app can be loaded and tested externally.
    • Provide clear use case details and describe step-by-step how a person uses your app.
    • Tell us how your case of Instagram permissions follows established usage guidelines. You will need to upload screen recordings that demonstrate how your app will use each permission.
  3. Click Continue.

    A pop-up appears that shows the required and recommended permissions that have been added by default for the Instagram product. If your app will not need a recommended permission, uncheck it.


    • instagram_business_basic
    • instagram_business_manage_messages
    • instagram_business_content_publish
    • instagram_business_manage_comments


    If you have requested the instagram_business_manage_messages permission, the Human Agent feature is added automatically.

    Note: If you are adding Instagram to an existing app that has been approved for Advanced Access you may be automatically granted Advanced Access to Instagram business permissions.

    You can add and remove permissions and features at any time during the development process.

  4. Click Continue and you will be redirected to the App Review > Requests menu item in the left-side menu.

If you want to add more products or are not yet ready to submit for App Review, you can return to the app dashboard to submit at a later date.

Next Steps

When you need to request Advanced Access, visit the Instagram Platform App Review guide to learn how to submit your app for Meta App Review.