Meta Business Extension FAQs

Answers to frequently asked questions about the Meta Business Extension (MBE) integration.


Commerce/Shops onboarding flows are currently only available to select partners in a closed beta. If you are interested in receiving access in the future, please contact your Facebook representative and review this document for reference.


Ensure that the merchant has MBE currently installed and has selected all applicable business assets during onboarding.


Please make sure the 'Enable Catalog' checkbox is enabled under the Meta Business Extension Developer Panel > Setup tab in the App Dashboard.


Businesses/sellers can configure business features in the Management View, but will not be able to update Meta Business Extension connected Facebook assets such as Business Manager, Ad Account, Page, Pixel, Catalog, and so on. Alternatively, businesses/sellers can edit settings in the Meta Business Extension setup flow to connect with different assets.


Depending on your business need, you may choose to set up one or more of the following flows by configuring the appropriate value under Setup > Channel:

  • Default flow (no param required for channel) - Allows sellers to set up Metal Pixel, Facebook Page, Ad Account and Catalog for dynamic ads.
  • COMMERCE — Flow that allows the sellers to create a commerce account with Facebook Shop and Instagram Shopping Channel with onsite. checkout. Also proves an option to choose offsite shops within the flow.
  • COMMERCE_OFFSITE - Flow allowing sellers to create a Commerce Account with Offsite Facebook Shop and Offsite Instagram Shopping.
  • FEED - Flow allowing retailers to sync their catalog updates. Recommended only for partners that have feed/catalog capabilities, and do not have website hosting.
  • MARKETPLACE - Flow specific to marketplaces integrating with Meta Business Extension. Recommended for partners who only need the Page and Business Manager steps in the Meta Business Extension setup flow and then leverage Meta Business Extension Management View to set up Collaborative Ads.
  • SIGNALS - Flow allows users to fire Meta Pixel and Conversions API events. This flow does not support Facebook Catalog as an asset. Recommended only for partners that have website hosting capabilities, and do not have catalog capabilities.

Below are some common scenarios you may encounter when selecting Facebook Pages during Meta Business Extension Business Login. Note that the tooltips in the Meta Business Extension flow will explain the exact reason why you are not able to select an asset -- the reason can differ from one scenario to another.

A Facebook Page will be available for selection:

  • If the selected Facebook Page is not owned by any Business Manager, the Facebook Page will be claimed by the selected Business Manager
  • If the selected Facebook Page is owned by another Business Manager and is not a primary page of that BM, the Facebook Page will be transferred to the selected Business Manager

A Facebook Page will not be available for selection:

  • If a Facebook Page is owned by and is also a primary page of another Business Manager
  • If a Facebook Page is owned by a BM which has been disabled, for example, for policy violations

Partners can request the Page Public Metadata Access feature for their app, so that the app can query Page public fields. Learn more about this feature in this document and also here.


If the instagram_profiles field is not included, this means Instagram-related permission (for example, instagram_basic) is not included in the access token and/or the business has not connected any Instagram business profile with Meta Business Extension. For more on Meta Business Extension Installation API, see this document.


This means some permission is missing in the app. Note that the main permission needed for Business Manager related actions is business_management.


We support most of the currencies on this list except JMD, BGN, BYN, UAH, KIP, LKR, KYD.

Warning: Meta Business Extension install will fail if non-supported currencies are provided in the extras setup settings. We recommend developers check that all their businesses are using supported currencies before allowing them to launch Meta Business Extension.


Make sure you have admin access in the Meta Business Manager associated with the current Meta Business Extension connection, in addition to admin access to your Facebook business Page or Instagram Professional account. Follow these instructions on how to add an admin to your Meta Business Manager.



No, system user access tokens can't be generated for test users.


Merchants can remove assets in the management view of MBE after installation.


Ensure that your app has been approved for "advanced access" for any permission you're using in the scopes of your business login URL, and that the permissions are “active” for your app.


There are two types of test accounts available via the developer panel.

  1. Testers: Tester role can be assigned to a user-generated Facebook profile. Reference

  2. Test User: Test users are simulated Facebook user accounts. They cannot interact with real Facebook users. Reference

Review each to decide which is better for your testing use case.



For troubleshooting, it's best to uninstall (with a DELETE request) and then re-install MBE for a particular merchant.


A good first step is uninstalling and then re-installing MBE. If they're still experiencing issues, they can reach out in the "Contact Us" link of MBE onboarding or the "Help Center" form on the MBE management view UI.



Your app must be whitelisted to have approval to use the Meta Business Extension. If you aren't approved for MBE, you'll encounter errors while trying to set up your MBE assets. Contact your partner manager to confirm that your app has been whitelisted for MBE.


This is a closed beta. Please reach out to your Meta partner manager for more information.



The Facebook Business Extension (FBE) v2 uses Catalog to intake a business's inventory. It is used to power various features, such as Dynamic Ads, Shops, and Page services card. It is an optional part of the integration, but is required for those features.

See FBE Catalog API documentation for implementation details and supported fields.


Your app will need to get approved Catalog permission (catalog_management) via App Review before going live.

Add catalog_management permission to the scope parameter in your Business Login implementation, it will allow your app to create, read, update and delete business-owned catalogs.

Submit an App Review request as soon as you have a working demo you can use to screencast how:

  • Catalog permission is requested on the onboarding flow
  • The inventory is pushed to the connected Catalog
  • The Catalog-powered features are enabled after the Catalog was synced

Our App Review team will use the instructions and screencast you provide to test and verify your app's Facebook integration for Catalog. If you got a rejection, please make sure to read through the provided feedback to understand the reason. You should resubmit for review with updated information that provides more details for the reviewer.

Please visit our App Review Rejection Results Guide for tips on how to have a successful App Review and how to notify your Meta partner manager about your rejections for further assistance


Asset selection is interlinked and has multiple reasons to fail eligibility. Some of the reasons could be:

  • Your selected page is already linked with a different catalog
  • Your catalog is associated with a different commerce account
  • If your catalog is used with the test app and you cannot use the same catalog for production


In FBE 2.0, a Facebook Page or Instagram business profile can be connected to more than one partner platform (based on App ID). However, the same profile can only be connected once for a given partner platform.


No. For Messenger chat, partner platforms can enable it by setting the messenger_chat of business_config in Business Login. For Page Shop, businesses/sellers have to enable it in the Management View after migration.


There is a guide to migrate from MBE 2.0 to 3.0 in our documentation, but you can reach out to your Meta partner manager or engineering contact with specific questions.



No. These two plugins are now deprecated from FBE management view. Messenger Chat is the only plugin supported as of 2021.


HTTPS is required for Messenger allowlisted domains. Partners should validate the domains field URLs with protocol ID, that is, https://

Learn more about how to configure the FBEMessengerChatConfigData object.


Partners may be in a better position to ensure the Messenger domain is valid and remove the hassle for businesses/sellers to set up the domains. Partners can set in the business_config of FBE Business Login and set messenger_chat.enabled=false

Businesses/sellers can later enable Messenger plugin in Management View or partners can provide a way for the businesses/sellers to do it on their platforms via Feature Configuration API.


Integration Review

Integration Review is the process where Facebook verifies your FBE integration. Once your app's Integration Review is successful, your app will be available to public users (that is, business users and sellers).

You can request integration review in the Integration Review tab in your app's FBE Developer Panel after all requirements are implemented. To help expedite the review process, you should also share with our reviewers or your FB representative an end-to-end working demo video of all the FBE features you have implemented.

Only administrators and developers of your app will be able to initiate the FBE flow until your app has successfully completed review.


Please reach out to your Meta partner manager, or submit a new integration review.


SDK / API / Webhooks / Mobile

Yes, FBE is supported on m-browsers and can also be launched using Webviews through your native Android / iOS application. Learn more about launching FBE in mobile.


Access tokens are required to make Graph API calls. The different types of access tokens are explained here.

You may call Facebook Login to get the access_token before launching Management View, and then use that access_token to call the Feature Configuration API.

Sample code:

  function launchFBEManagementView(access_token) {
      display: 'popup',
      method: 'facebook_business_extension',
      external_business_id: <EXTERNAL_BUSINESS_ID>,
    }, function(response){
      // call Feature Configuration API with access_token here

    FB.getLoginStatus(function(response) {
    if (response.status === 'connected') {
      // returns a User Access Token with scopes requested
      access_token = response.authResponse.accessToken;

      // launch Management View
    } else {
      FB.login(function (response) {
        if (response.authResponse) {
          // returns a User Access Token with scopes requested
          access_token = response.authResponse.accessToken;

          // launch Management View
        } else {
          console.log('User cancelled login or did not fully authorize.');
      }, {});


To use Instagram Shopping for offsite or onsite flows, an Instagram business account is required. A personal Instagram account is not eligible. If your Instagram business account does not have an established presence or is not selling eligible goods, your account may not be eligible and you can request for re-verification in six (6) months. Please see the eligibility requirements.


A commerce account can have either offsite shops or onsite shops. You can also convert onsite shops to offsite shops and vice versa. If your business needs both offsite and onsite shops, you will require two onboarding flows with different assets.


Asset selection is interlinked and has multiple reasons to fail eligibility. Some of the reasons include:

  • User is not an admin of the business that owns the Page
  • Page is associated with a different Business Manager

Contact Us

Use the Direct Support tool in Business Manager to get assistance directly from our team:

  • Commerce partners: use the topic Marketing Partner: Technical Support or contact your Meta Partner directly.

If you don’t see your desired topic in the Direct Support dropdown menu, please contact your Meta Partner via email for access.

Direct Support has a strong integration with Business Manager. So make sure to add all your team members who will be using the Direct Support tool to submit questions and bugs as users of your company Business Manager. Learn how to do this by following the instructions here.


Throughout the FBE onboarding UI there is a “Having an Issue? Contact Us” link at the bottom of the page. Merchants should use this link to get FBE support.
