This document contains the minimum expectations for what your privacy policy should include. Please note that this is not intended to be, and is not, an exhaustive list of all possible considerations that are involved in creating a privacy policy. Your privacy policy should comprehensively and fully disclose all of your privacy practices and also comply with any applicable laws and regulations, so you may need to include additional or unique information to comply with certain laws and regulations.
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Privacy disclosures help users understand what data you collect, why you collect it, and what you do with that data. Disclosures generally should be comprehensive, accurate, and easy for users to understand.
In general, you should disclose the information that you collect from the user or about the user, either directly or via third parties. This includes any information collected automatically, such as browser information, server information, or usage information; in addition to information that you get from the user, either directly or via a permissions API.
Your privacy policy should disclose how you use the information you collect and a clear purpose for why you are processing user data. For example, you may use the information to provide certain services to users, to recognize them the next time they use your app, or to send them promotional emails.
Your privacy policy should describe a clear way for users to request the deletion of their data. This may be an email or a contact form, which should be up to date and valid.
In addition to some content requirements, our policies also require that links to your privacy policy be made available as follows:
4.a "If you use Platform to Process Platform Data, you will provide and comply with a publicly available and easily accessible privacy policy."
The purpose of this policy is to provide your users and the public with a privacy policy on your website. Make sure that your privacy policy isn’t hidden or difficult to find, and that it isn’t geo-blocked to prevent users from certain locations from viewing it.
4.f "You will maintain publicly available links to your privacy policies in the privacy policy field in the settings of your App Dashboard, as well as in any App Store that allows you to do so, if applicable, and ensure the links remain current and up to date."
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the privacy policy listed in your App Dashboard settings and in the App Store are up to date and reflect your current privacy policy. Apps with inaccurate or missing privacy policy links are subject to enforcement action.
For more information, see:
To update the privacy policy URL, go to the App Dashboard and update the URL in Settings.
Check that the link to your privacy policy on the App Store and Google Play are valid.