Cross-channel conversion optimization enables you to optimize conversions for both website and app within a single campaign. Selecting a website and app as the places you want conversions to happen captures more data, which may help lower cost per action (CPA) and lead to an increase in conversions.
The instagram_actor_id
field for the act_<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>/adcreatives
has been deprecated for v22.0 and will be deprecated for all versions January 20, 2026. Please migrate your API calls to use the instagram_user_id
Learn more in the
v22.0 API Changelog
our News for Developers blog post.
Here are the top value drivers that resonate with advertisers:
Cross-channel conversion optimization enhances conversions from both your website and app (iOS+ Android) in a single campaign. If an impression leads to a website conversion or an in-app conversion, or both, the product counts all the conversions as optimized events.
Cross-channel conversion optimization only supports the CONVERSIONS
Cross-channel conversion optimization supports the following events:
With or without campaign budget optimization (CBO), cross-channel conversion optimization only supports these bid strategies:
Cross-channel conversion optimization is available for all Instagram and Facebook placements, including Automatic Placements. Exceptions: Audience Network, Messenger, Facebook Instant Article, and Placement Asset Customization.
support are currently being considered.
Optimize the delivery of your ads based on an offsite conversions goal, such as
, if you configure your pixel to send offsite conversions.
To use cross-channel conversion optimization, set the following fields to their respective values:
.We’ve introduced a new field, omnichannel_object
, in the Ad Set.
For omnichannel object validation:
fields in the app and pixel must be of the same event.Field | Type | Description |
| App-promoted objects associated with this omnichannel object.
For app-promoted object validation:
| Pixel-promoted objects associated with this omnichannel object.
{ daily_budget: 20000, optimization_goal: CONVERSIONS, promoted_object: { omnichannel_object: { app: [ { application_id: , custom_event_type: PURCHASE, object_store_urls: [ "" "", ], }, ], pixel: [ { pixel_id, custom_event_type: PURCHASE }, ], } } }
You can select the desired destination where advertisers want users to land when they click their ad — from a desktop or app. Advertisers are required to insert the corresponding links — website, iOS app deep link, or Android app deep link given the chosen destination option. Learn more about product deep links.
Field | Type | Description |
| Creative spec | Required for create. The ID or creative spec of the ad creative is to be used by this ad. Learn more about ad creatives.
or creative spec as follows: { "creative": { "name": "", "applink_treatment": "" "object_story_spec": , "omnichannel_link_spec": } } |
| List of tracking spec | Required tracking spec for conversion tracking. For ad validation, see the required specs below and respective example. |
For ad validation:
and application_id
must be consistent with those in promoted_object
must include these specs:Tracking Spec | Code Sample |
Pixel | { "action.type": ["offsite_conversion"], "fb_pixel": [pixel_id] } |
App install | { "action.type": ["mobile_app_install"], "application": [application_id] } |
App event | { "action.type": ["app_custom_event"], "application": [application_id] } |
{ "name": "sample ad" "adset_id": "6170648652866", "creative": { "creative_id": creative_id, } "status": "PAUSED", "tracking_specs": [ { "action.type": ["offsite_conversion"], "fb_pixel": [pixel_id] } { "action.type": ["mobile_app_install"], "application": [application_id] } { "action.type": ["app_custom_event"], "application": [application_id] } ] }
For Advantage+ catalog ads, template_url_spec
can be used to specify deep links in the creative. In this field, you may use dynamic fields such as product URL or ID.
follows this specification.
{ "creative":{ "applink_treatment":"deeplink_with_web_fallback", "template_url_spec":{ "android":{ "url":"example://product/{{product.retailer_id | urlencode}}" }, "config":{ "app_id":"<APPLICATION_ID>" }, "ios":{ "url":"example://product/{{ | urlencode}}" }, "web":{ "url":"{{ | urlencode}}" } } }, }
For manual upload ads, omnichannel_link_spec
is used instead of template_url_spec
. It includes the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
| Web configuration | Pixel-promoted objects associated with this omnichannel object.
| App destination configuration | App-promoted objects associated with this omnichannel object.
Field | Type | Description |
| JSON | Landing configuration for Android app. For web validation,
| JSON | Landing configuration for iOS app. For web validation,
| JSON | Landing configuration for iPad-only app. For web validation,
| JSON | Landing configuration for iPhone-only app. For web validation,
{ "applink_treatment": "deeplink_with_web_fallback", "omnichannel_link_spec": { "web": { "url": web_url }, "app": { "application_id": application_id, "platform_specs": { "android": { "url": android_deeplink }, "ios": { "url": ios_deeplink } } } }, "object_story_spec": { "instagram_user_id": "<IG_USER_ID>", "page_id": "", "link_data": { "call_to_action": { "type": "LEARN_MORE", }, "link": web_url, "message": "Purchase now!", "name": "Sample creative" } }, "object_type": "SHARE" }