
Insights for Credits

2011年8月11日發佈者:Alamgir Mand

Today we are launching Insights for Credits to help you view a snapshot of the Credits transactions in your app. This feature offers a visual overview of user spend, chargebacks, and refunds in your app without you having to deal with hundreds of lines of transactions from the daily Credits report. Our goal is to help you more efficiently analyze your business.

Insights for Credits uses the same data that is currently sent to you in the form of daily Credits activity reports. Spend, chargebacks, and refunds are shown as timeline graphs. You can also modify the time ranges and compare activity in different periods. All of this information can be exported as an Excel (XLS) or comma separated (CSV) file for portability and further analysis.

With this first version of Insights for Credits, we want to provide you with the tools to not only better understand your app, but also to monetize more efficiently. The feature is available later today to apps that have implemented Credits. Please note that only Administrators of the app will be able to access Insights for Credits. Insights Users will not be able to see these stats. To get started, navigate to your App Insights and select the Credits tab.

Please let us know if you have any questions or feedback in the comments below.
